A foreword
Some time ago,
Leo (T.C.K.) contacted a level designer whose name I am not in the liberty to tell you. This level designer worked on a cancelled Unreal Engine game,
X-COM Alliance. At first he was reluctant to supply us the materials from that game, but after several messages of mine relayed by Leo (I did not have direct contact with this gentleman at that moment) and Leo's own art of persuasion, the LD changed his mind and supplied us the entire materials. The X-COM fans will probably rejoice as Alliance needs no introduction to them, but the impact this has on Unreal community could not be foreseen in any way.
The thing is, Alliance was conceptualized somewhere around 1995 and was in development since. Much to my shock, this development, as we were told by the LD in question, was done simultaneously with Unreal. Yes, they had access to Unreal pre-release materials, however due to them being cautious, they removed all assets they didn't need...
Or so they thought.
In some of the utilities' archives we found models from the earliest of Unreal development! Much to our surprise, the elusive lady from Unreal 95, the dragon, the gargoyle and many more creatures have surfaced. Albeit most are lacking their skins, based on the screenshots and materials from the recently leaked Unreal 97 Monster Preview these skins can be remade. Thing is: models don't have to be! There is a minotaur, a skaarj Eel referenced in the Unreal design document (UnBible)... There's so much more....
As you can see from the screenshot above, there were several creatures that we didn't know of... until now. There is a golem -- we know that for sure. There is an alpha-era Male (!!). There is a two-armed (still) wizard/monk character that predates the December 1995 tech demo by a couple months. A texture from the tech demo is included on the picture above, but already in December this wizard featured 4 arms, as seen on the fresco. So, somewhere during these couple months, the concept of Nali was born.
But we have more fantasy creatures. A pegasus for example...