Interesting. So you were supposed to enter Ruins / Temple of Vandora from the water. 2 paths leading uphill to the exit makes more sense than running in a circle. Was that tree originally in the map or did you add it?
The 0.84 Unreal map is not the map shown in 96 trailer(which was an actual map). Those versions are originally from standalone unrealed installers and such dont really contain any actual maps aside unreal.unr usually which is a test map most often and only in case of 0.84 it reminds actual map but the map was created by tim sweeney and is called "Timstrosity" The reason why there were some actual maps recovered is tht they downloaded their zip files as example maps so the unreal engine licenses have some actual examples of maps. But it's not much, not even quarter of what was made for each version and most of them have no map examples at all.
And it's not all 97 betas(but most major builds anyway, but exclusidng early 97 stuff before the switch to java like unrealscript) and the maps are only few, as I showed before, but the late 96 versions were recovered recently but are NOT the same version which was the 96 leak, which I hope might be released soon. That version is earlier and probably has the bug eyed bigman skin still and acording to what i heard had few actual maps, and many song files.
- Leo
Actually, there was lots of optimization/stuff going on and remembere that fog also doesn't slow down in software mode but does in hardware accel becuse it tries to smoothen it. The outdoor maps are very low poly still, but were done using the blob method, which turned out to be good both performance and looks wise. It used very low res textures though. The indoors are more problematic in general actually and also you need to keep in mind that many maps improved or otherwise as the developement went, some were scrapped altogether/replaced with something else. There wasn't recovered 100 percent of the maps sadly or all the latest versions. And it depended on the mapper and choices too. Matthew Kagle(which is the map with the fly you're referring to) was really trying to keep in with the low poly limits strictly to make sure it runs, but sometimes he didn't optimize it well so it had to be cut off in detail. But the map you're reerring to I thi k you took out of context, it was another of those "different realI know wrong thread, but I must say the following:
If the Playstation 1 was supposed to handle the graphics in the first maps, then I can't understand why there are so many maps with narrow corridors and horrible gameplay. I remember a map with some kind of generator and a jump puzzle, where a fly showed you the way. No way to make that map decent except building it from scratch.
That's from the "Batset" map from october 96, a very unfinished kind of a hub level for the crypt pyramids I guess.So in other words are these screenshots:
that this kazuya kid posted on FB, from non-playable maps? Or have you posted these maps earlier, Leo?
I'm sorry about the triple post here but I want to make a point of keeping the topics/replies a bit separate here.It's also nice to see an earlier version of Azteca. It was one of the few maps which I consider finished in the 1998 Beta. So judging from this conversion, I'd say Epic never had a chance to finish Unreal in 1997.
What about the first 2 or 3 maps of Unreal PSX remake (before you enter the Vortex Riker)? Are those original? I find this hard to believe, because they have a higher quality standard than the rest I've seen so far (especially the indoor maps).
I don't have any other August maps than those. No, it wasn't moved to Nexus, it's completely different area. Actually this end part of Moros is still the same room like the invisible bridge room, as hard as it might be hard to believe, the basic brushes are still about the same even the layout, and in the 98 beta morose there is set of spiral pathnodes above where the final lever block switch is, suggesting there was once a spiral staircase too to go down. Besides Nexus was made by Inoxx and this was Cliff's stuff. All those august maps seem to be by Shane except for moros. Even fortressentrance is definitely Shane and I believe it's really the supposed entrance to the Triton map as it really fits the description. It was probably more finished later on only to be removed right before february 98 or something like that.Thanks for clearing things up. One last question: Do you know the state of Nexus or Soledad in August 1997? If I am not wrong the last part of this earlier Morose map was moved to the end of Nexus. That's why I am asking.
It does look similar, but not quite, yeah. Also that portal is probably one of few actual uses of warpzone in the game, lol. Apart from stuff you can't notice and demon crater of course.Nevermind. I meant the part after the invisible bridge room; after you step through the portal. I thought it was an earlier version of NexusEnd, but it isn't.
Ugh, in Unreal? They should be 225 plus compatible, that's the point of these conversions now.How can I run these maps?
That's from the "Batset" map from october 96, a very unfinished kind of a hub level for the crypt pyramids I guess.
This one has the more persian than egyptian theme though, I suspect that like the Unreal bible described, first half of the crypts and second half of the crypts. One of them seem to be more egyptian and the other one "persian", the persian part remained in the later crypt textures together with the new "sumerian/babylonian" or however I can describe it, but the egytpian ones were gone already. Kind of interesting to see all those architecture styles inspiration, i mean with Ancient.utx it was Mayan/Aztec/Hindu stuff. There was meant to be mountain ruins using that set too, where I guess more of the "Hindu/himalayan" stuff would be used. Basically it seems there were planned all kinds of ancient earth architexture inspired stuff in Unreal altogether from the beginning. *shrugs*