Who gave you the files anyway? You could have asked me for them anyway, and I would have given them to you, but I asked everyone I gave it to not to share it further without letting me know to avoid there being mess, besides one guy already took the unreal.ucx i posted earlier and testmaps, renamed them and distributed as 96 beta
But I did sucesfuly import them, it's not that difficult, but some things are off/need to be adjusted in the .t3d, for example it contains bigman as pawn, that can be changed to brute and it's also better to import them in beta first and then reexport, beause otherwise the mover/actor locations get fucked up and they did use the special textures and there are many obsolote brush and surface flags and the tag system and map progression was completely different too, the batset map which we cant open has even exmaples of how unrealscript looked like prior to 0.86 and boy is it different, it reminded more of BASIC than anything else. Not surprising since ued was based on visual basic to begin with. Also, seti, batset, are misspells of egyptian gods set(h) and bastet, to begin with. There's still a chance for the 96 beta to be found, be it the original leak or anything else though. Except we have no guarantee the actual leak would open the batset map but who knows.