Btw the mysterious Found98 map from the 98 february beta leak, its package revision number matches with the unreal 88 build and it works vanilla there even though it probably was created on a build very close to it. 88 is a late November version while Found98 map is from december 97. The number behind the map shows the map version/revision so it's version 98 from map 1, before they stopped using the ma numbers and simply went on straight with regular maps.
One has to import all the textures/sounds but basically it works flawlessly except that its crashy as hell. But that version can be said that it was made for more or less. The 88 minigun rocks, but too bad it's all so unstable that i only managed to play until the part wih the exploding pipe, but I won't go for the nali section becaus eit crashes almost instantly there always.
I once converted the found98 in 2006 witht hat deathmatch pack but because I used the "fix" from argh! as base for coversion many texture references were missing(the original required genout and additional sounds in unreali which were missing in the feb 98 beta and had to be rebuilt because it crashed), I applied some textures incorrectly and made it looking more like regular foundry instead and I wasn't happy with the result especially when i later "edited" the beta to open the proper map just fine and look which textures etc were those. So..I think I'm gonna make another Found98 conversion this time raw and proper.
One has to import all the textures/sounds but basically it works flawlessly except that its crashy as hell. But that version can be said that it was made for more or less. The 88 minigun rocks, but too bad it's all so unstable that i only managed to play until the part wih the exploding pipe, but I won't go for the nali section becaus eit crashes almost instantly there always.
I once converted the found98 in 2006 witht hat deathmatch pack but because I used the "fix" from argh! as base for coversion many texture references were missing(the original required genout and additional sounds in unreali which were missing in the feb 98 beta and had to be rebuilt because it crashed), I applied some textures incorrectly and made it looking more like regular foundry instead and I wasn't happy with the result especially when i later "edited" the beta to open the proper map just fine and look which textures etc were those. So..I think I'm gonna make another Found98 conversion this time raw and proper.