Personaly i think this could all be solved
make a thread on the forum with this muttie to download
Ask all serverS running this mod to set a password....for example "TS"
Then only those who have seen the thread and read that its not PURE Iniltration will be able to join the server ..thus making sure no noobs join that server and think it is Pure Infiltration
The servers running TS would then get only players who actually know what TS is and actually want to play it
Also noobs who Dont know about editing their Ini setting up Keybinds gunsight | onrelease gunsight would not be at a disadvantage to the experianced players who do
It seems quite simple .. Password the servers running this muttie and it will Stop Noobs from joining without reading the forums and being aware its Not Pure Inf
Or as an alternative maybe dont let the server auto upload the muttie to clients
One of thease sugestions would solve the problem of noobs joining and not being aware that they are playing an Edited Version of 2.9 and not the Pure 2.9
maybe you could add all the extra keybinds available with instructions how to get to and edit the ini, in any such thread so that any noobs who wanted to try it out would not be at a disadvantage
The password idea was already mentioned in this thread by someone eles and i thought it was a good idea
Passwording any server running TS should be able to keep all sides of this argument happy
It means no new gametype and also no noobs getting mixed up as to what is or is not 2.9
make a thread on the forum with this muttie to download
Ask all serverS running this mod to set a password....for example "TS"
Then only those who have seen the thread and read that its not PURE Iniltration will be able to join the server ..thus making sure no noobs join that server and think it is Pure Infiltration
The servers running TS would then get only players who actually know what TS is and actually want to play it
Also noobs who Dont know about editing their Ini setting up Keybinds gunsight | onrelease gunsight would not be at a disadvantage to the experianced players who do
It seems quite simple .. Password the servers running this muttie and it will Stop Noobs from joining without reading the forums and being aware its Not Pure Inf
Or as an alternative maybe dont let the server auto upload the muttie to clients
One of thease sugestions would solve the problem of noobs joining and not being aware that they are playing an Edited Version of 2.9 and not the Pure 2.9
maybe you could add all the extra keybinds available with instructions how to get to and edit the ini, in any such thread so that any noobs who wanted to try it out would not be at a disadvantage
The password idea was already mentioned in this thread by someone eles and i thought it was a good idea
Passwording any server running TS should be able to keep all sides of this argument happy
It means no new gametype and also no noobs getting mixed up as to what is or is not 2.9
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