True Scale 29

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One chance
Feb 15, 2002
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{GD}NTKB said:
Damn TOAD I hope you not playing INF anymore doesnt have to do with the way the community delt with your mod :(

It wasn't the way they delt with TS, it was the picture I got from those posts of how some of the community felt about this game. I also took note that in multiple posts, SS mentioned about tweaking INF for balance. I'm not in it for the balance, I want the most realistic game possible so I figure it's time for me to move on.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
Hmmm... I think I got the same values for 45 FOV and ACOG cause I was in training mode using weapons that didn't come in my loadout (and as someone mentioned before, there's a bug with TS where the sights don't work right with weapons you pick up off the ground). This probably changed the scopes as well. I checked it again tonight, in game with a sniper loadout and it was defintiely more magnification than before.

As for the view bob, I guess it would be better if it was like half of normal while in the small FOV, so it doesn't seem so heavy.

BTW, I also noticed a bug where HK69's are basically disabled. If you have them in your loadout they don't show up when using TS. This was a problem when I was trying to try out Yurch's new 40mm mutator.

Have fun with whatever game you go to next.


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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Gnam: the TS mutey and Yurches mutey are not compatible, as they change something to do with the weapons code and each of the mutes make the mutated weapons thier own 'class' independent of the unchanged weapons in the maps {the range map in particular}.

on second thought.......

{GD}NTKB said:
Damn TOAD I hope you not playing INF anymore doesnt have to do with the way the communist regime dealt with your free thinking, ingenuity, and general selfless attempt at trying to better your favorite game... :(

edited for consistency......
Last edited:


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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why can't we all get hemisphere monitors with 12000x9000 resolution, set the game field of view to 180 degrees, and the focal length to 47mm? Then we would position our heads in such a way that the screen takes up our entire 180 degree field of view, mount our heads to a tripod somehow, and frag away!


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
Derelan said:
why can't we all get hemisphere monitors with 12000x9000 resolution, set the game field of view to 180 degrees, and the focal length to 47mm? Then we would position our heads in such a way that the screen takes up our entire 180 degree field of view, mount our heads to a tripod somehow, and frag away!

Because it's much more cost-efficient to use helmet visor displays with eye and head trackers.