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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Ok Yurch mentioned 4 new nade types? Smoking effects etc. That would be ok then in Beppos eyes. but what about yurchs modification of the 40s arming distance? (you do plan to modify that right yurch?)

I personally would like to see new nade types and ammo types in the game.


Chock full-o-useless information
Dec 7, 2003
Not that anyone's interested, but here's my opionion on mods.

DO I use them? Yes, at least once.
Why? It's a GAME. I play this game to relax, and burn off stress. Wonderful cathartic, popping someone at 100+ meters with irons, even if they are virtual.

I download EVERY map, EVERY mod, and mute that comes down the pike. The mute may be as silly as giving the opposing team clown makeup. *Shrugs* I may want to kill clowns one night, who knows. I'll have it for when the mood strikes me. Most of the time I play straight, unadulterated 2.9, but it's nice to be able to choose what mods I want, AND to have a large number of significantlly more creative people than myself, keeping me supplied with entertainment. I for one thank em.

(Now I'll go back to boring discussions about firearms. Thanks for your time.)



May 24, 2001
Visit site
OK threads been moved, Beppo cleared his point and gave his blessing and support, as long as it's made into a new gametype (which he is even prepared to help with).

Ok, now that it's all cleared up ..... GET ON WITH IT YOU SLACKER!!! :p:p:p


One chance
Feb 15, 2002
Visit site
Beppo said:
This way you replace the ballistics aso that were designed based on INF 2.9 and that do balance the game quite good. Now using values based on 2.86 in 2.9 is something that needs a lot of testing before implemented blindly. For me the time needed to 'convert' the 286 version into a 2.9 one was simply too fast to really check out how it all works out in the end. Ie a 40mm that can be fired the 400 meters or your version of the rolling nades reimplemented ... the 400 meters will affect the balance, your rolling nades... well... only implies that yours are 'better'.

The "integrated rolling nade" is still YOUR version Beppo, it is integerated because of the change in gravity and I needed to fix the throwing power. The 40mm can be fired 400m because it can go that far IRL. I'm in it for the realism and not balance. My ballistic is not "based" on 2.86 or 2.9, it is based on calculations which will stay the same.

Edit: I appreciate your offer to help me, and yes I don't know how to do it, I'm learning as I go right now. What I don't undestand is what happens when I make it a new game type, will TS29 only kicks in when playing this game type and not in the regulars? If that's the case, it's not my intended goal really.
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One chance
Feb 15, 2002
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randomas said:
First off just tested the mutator ... the "zoom effect" is done way better than ra286, but I personally think 45 FOV is to much have you tried 60? Seeing as the Inf FOV is 90 and the zoom simulates the closing of one eye when aiming (right?) the vision cones overlap so it ain't half but a bit more (at least that's my resoning). You need to lock the gunsight to only be available while in aimed mode. Good work!


Thx for the comments... the 45 FOV is not there to simulate closing one eye or concentrating. It's there to bridge the gap between your monitor and real life vision. A quick test is to go to the long shooting range and try to hit those "red men" without a scope. I play on a 19" at 1600x1200 and I can't even see them at 90 FOV. At 45 FOV, I can see and hit them fairly well but still not as well as the case IRL... so I still don't think 45 FOV is too much unless you're playing on a 36" monitor at 3200x2400 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... oh sry ehehe


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
TOAD, either you don't want to understand or you really don't get the whole thing or?

Either way... a mutie is a mutie but the amount of changes that a changed ballistic system 'offers' simply is too much for letting it be run as a mutator without noobs knowing what is going on.
A gametype seperates your style of ballistics from ours in a way that it is directly noticeable that your stuff is something different and something not presented by the regular INF 2.9 codes. Simple as this.

So, make your own game type subbed from EAS or whatever and name it TS-EAS or whatever you wanna call it. This gametype then uses your mutator and maybe even rejects the INF 2.9 rolling nades mutator else you would get a mix of both and only the order in which they are loaded would decide which version of the nades wins. This actually shows another reason why it should not run on a regular EAS game type... the mixup it produces with the regular rolling nates mutator is not really controlable without proper codes.

TOAD, even if your intention is not to seperate it into a new gametype I ask you for doing so. Else the whole flame fest will start right here again... can promise you that.



Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
Visit site
[C22]-SpOOky said:
Im from the vanilla communtiy and some of that side of the community have started to come to this forum again But many dont/wont post
Ive tried to encroage more but threads like this one and attitudes from many poeple here make it an almost impossible mission Even though Beppo himself has asked for this kind of thing
Ive even be asked why i bother posting here on the Rav forums as its seen by some :(
Hey "vanilla community", next time you elect someone to represent you and all your interests could you pick someone a bit more eloquent? Your current "representative" isn't quite up to par.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
TOAD said:
... At 45 FOV, I can see and hit them fairly well but still not as well as the case IRL... so I still don't think 45 FOV is too much unless you're playing on a 36" monitor at 3200x2400 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... oh sry ehehe

ehh you know that you've implemented a 2x zoom this way do ya... how real is that if everything else is based on the real thing in your mutator? :rolleyes:


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
yurch said:
Hey "vanilla community", next time you elect someone to represent you and all your interests could you pick someone a bit more eloquent? Your current "representative" isn't quite up to par.

I was not elected, and im not a representative of anything But my own views
Your lame attempt to Insult me only shows your lack of constructive Imput

So may i sugest you dont try so hard to be an arse :rolleyes:
and maybe go back to the topic of this thread, that Now resides in the correct part of the forum ;)
And i will exit this thread and go back to Playing Origanal Infiltration ;)
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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
Visit site
Then maybe you should let them speak for themselves.

[C22]-SpOOky said:
Despite repeated requests Not to do this sort of thing so early in 2.9 life
"IMO" some People want a band of little bitchs to worship them as gods and care Nothing for the Infiltration Community as a whole
And he calls me a fucking arse. Does the little three letter "IMO" acyronym make it all better?

Edit: nice job with the edit to make me look stupid, but hey look! I can do that too!
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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
1st read more careful i Didnt call you a ****ing arse" I sugested you Stopped being an "arse"

and "IMO" clearly shows its MY opinion So has nothing do do with what others think
So you can now stop throwing your dolly out of your pram and go back to the threads Topic :rolleyes:

Edit .. Re edit
Yurch ..(your quote was from Much earlier in the thread )
Re: the edited post, I always edit my posts You posted to fast .. i was Reading it back and realised it needed changing So sorry about that

Ohh btw you dont need any help from me to look stupid ;)

Sorry beppo i already posted this post before i saw your post .. I will now exit this thread and leave it to go back to its topic
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Toad, you might just want to consider the new gametype idea. I understand that it wasn't you initial goal, but that is a good solution to many problems. Furthermore, I agree with beppo that with a modification of this magnitude (you'll have to agree that it is pretty major... balistics, gravity, bleeding, etc.) a new gametype should be in order.

*wink* What the hell, you could even put back your all againts the Gozilla Queen with huge lasers gametype :D *wink*

No, really. Take some time to consider it. Try to see all the pros and cons of creating a new gametype. I personnaly think it is interesting for the reason Beppo and I state as well as for more philosophical reasons.

From your first anwser, you seemed reluctant. I'd like to know why... I didn't understand your position very well.


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
TOAD said:
Edit: I appreciate your offer to help me, and yes I don't know how to do it, I'm learning as I go right now. What I don't undestand is what happens when I make it a new game type, will TS29 only kicks in when playing this game type and not in the regulars? If that's the case, it's not my intended goal really.

That is exactly what specifying it as a new gametype would do -- it would create a new "Inf - TrueSight" category in the game type menu, and the TrueSight modifications would only be applied when this mode is selected. Functionally, creating a new gametype doesn't constrain you in any way compared to modifying existing ones -- you can make all the same changes either way, and new gametypes can be used online without any special modifications. It's just a small amount of extra coding to have the game add your modified version as a new type rather than overwriting one of the existing types.

If you wanted to make TrueSight-ized versions of all the gametypes in Inf, you'd have to make separate categories for all of them -- "Inf -- TS-EAS", "Inf -- TS Team Game", et cetera. An example of this would be the "Excessive Overkill" mod for UT, which adds "Excessive" variants of all the UT gametypes.

You may prefer to modify the existing types, but given that the game developers have specifically requested that all tweak-the-game mutatorsbe implemented as separate gametypes and/ it doesn't affect your ability to code whatever you want, you have no valid grounds whatsoever for failing to comply with this rule.

New Gametype Pros
- Compliance with Sentry Studios' rules
- Doesn't annoy Beppo

New Gametype Cons
- Some extra coding required
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lurking drop bear
Nov 28, 2000
depends on what his 'intended goals' are

seems like the decent thing to do would be to at least consider the gametype suggestion, if only to wrap this mess up

(btw when you join a server is there any way to see what mutators -if any- are active?)


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
meeba said:
depends on what his 'intended goals' are

seems like the decent thing to do would be to at least consider the gametype suggestion, if only to wrap this mess up

(btw when you join a server is there any way to see what mutators -if any- are active?)

you can only see the mutators listed within the browser...


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
meeba said:
depends on what his 'intended goals' are

seems like the decent thing to do would be to at least consider the gametype suggestion, if only to wrap this mess up

(btw when you join a server is there any way to see what mutators -if any- are active?)

Beppo isn’t saying “you can’t make mutators that modify our game without adding to it”. He’s saying “if you want to make mutators that only modify the game, implement them as new gametypes so that people don’t mix up our vision for the game with your modified version”.

If Toad's intended goal is to tweak and (in his opinion) improve Infiltration, there's no reason not to use a new gametype. Given that Beppo has even gone so far as to offer to show him how to do that, the only reason to keep TS as a simple mutator would be if he really did intend it to be a slap in the face to the team. I really hope that's not the case.
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
for the case you don't know how to:

// ==================================================
// INF 2.9 GameType example - adding your own mutator directly
// ==================================================
class MyGameType extends INFg_EASgame;

event InitGame( string Options, out string Error )

// Replace "MyPackage.MyMutatorClass" with your mutators description of course
BaseMutator.AddMutator(Spawn(class<Mutator>(DynamicLoadObject("MyPackage.MyMutatorClass", class'Class'))));

That's all that is needed for the GameType.

If your GameType is NOT a subclass of any of the Infiltration GameTypes then you have to add the following function in order to let it show up in the special browser tab:

function string GetRules()
local string ResultSet;
ResultSet = Super.GetRules();

ResultSet = ResultSet$"\\gamestyle\\Infiltration";

return ResultSet;

Now to get it in game and to show up within the browser you need an int file like this one:

Preferences=(Caption="INF-MyGame",Parent="Game Types",Class=MyPackage.MyGameType,Immediate=True)

again... exchange the MyPackage.MyGameType stuff of course.

and that's it... not much really...
