Well, I wasn't really gonna post to this. Toad knows where I stand regarding Infiltration and any version of "real aim", etc.
I understand the varying ideas posted here, and respect everyone's opinion. As for me, I will play truescale or whatever you wanna call it offline for awhile. Hell, I don't play 2.9 well as it stands, and certainly haven't learned the maps AT ALL! So I actually don't intend to d/l or play it just yet.
Everyone had very good posts and good points, although I really don't like hearing anyone bash anyone (esp. Toad bashing).

If you ask me, it's not the mutator that causes the divide in the "community", it's the pissing and moaning in the forums that create the divide. As I've said a million times, if you don't want it, don't like it, don't want to play it, DON'T! No one is forcing you to.
Having said that, Im gonna make a few comments/questions, sort of:
As I've said before, Yurch, as far as I know, had no problem with Duke and Toad's
mod to the mod. Clearly, Yurch's time, effort and skill that he put into RAv2 were phenomenal and masterful, at the least. This isn't a bash on you Yurch, at all. But, I think Da_Blade made an excellent point when he said:
I can't help but think that if yurch or some other "respected" member of the community released this very same mutie everyone would be a lot more serious about this. But hey, it's only TOAD who made this now, he's not part of the posse.
I know Yurch reads the forums, and I would like to know his feelings on another mutator based on his excellent work.
In addition to that, how is it too early to release it? I don't get that one. It's just another style of play, and clearly Toad has released it as a "beta" version. When I feel more comfortable with "regular" 2.9, or I want something different, I think it's kinda cool that Toad put the time in it to make it available and hopefully bug free by the time myself and others are READY to play it online. And as usual, once we figure out exactly what to do, me and my budz will probably get another server, and will probably run this mod on it. Those that wish to play or try it out, as always, are more than welcome. Yeah, yeah, we had problems before with ping issues and lag on our previous server (ReconLamer), but we are trying to take steps to change that and make a low-ping, mod filled server available for those that want to play.
FieldMedic - excellent post. 'nuff said 'bout that.
Which brings me to something that I don't normally do: SaraP, I'm kind of offended at your comment. Clearly, you are entitled to your opinion, but to say that this mutator or it's name is a slap to the Infiltration Team, is ridiculous. In the time that I've known Toad personally, he has NEVER ONCE bashed the Inf team, and I know for a fact that he, as well as all of my other online pals think 2.9 is the cat's a$$.
If you would read Toad's posts, there is nothing better-than-thou about what he has presented. In fact, he acquiesced, and changed the name out of respect for the Inf community, and especially out of respect to Yurch.
It's an idea SaraP, a good idea, and takes one helluva lot of time and skill to code as well as he does. Toad reads the forums, and listens closely to the complaints and suggestions of those that try the mutator and see problems with it, or even want something else added. Toad is a former United States Marine, and I think he has a pretty good handle on what he's doing regarding "realism", which of course, in a game is pretty subjective. Most of us have constructively helped Toad when he has questions about real life shooting (and he doesn't have many). "Kludged hacks"? WTF?
If you think I'm defending a pal, you are right. I am.
If you ask me, which I'm sure you wouldn't, the only person I see posting here that is "arrogant and presumptious" is you.