Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Ok guys and gals...
sorry that I haven't read each and every single word here but I guess you can understand that I skipped some sentences.
@SaraP, thanks for jumping in here, really appreciated!
To all... I guess I made my point clear and most of you interpreted my other posts correctly. Any kind of addition is welcome so that the whole community can enjoy new additions made to the game but changing ballistics and other things that affect the balanced game we developed and needed a year to 'only' balance out is nothing I can support. You change the general gameplay and new folks that then grab such a mutator automatically from a server they play on will think that INF 2.9 was designed this way. And that false impression is the key thing here that annoys me.
I can only speak for myself but I guess many team members do not want that anyone out there can take the work of someone else as our work - especially if it changes base elements of the game.
INF 2.9 is not even one month released... do I really have to say more?
Anyway, I cannot stop you from releasing such things but why don't you go a slightly different route... make your own gametype. Let this gametype add your specific mutators directly or implement them fully. This way all out there can play 2.9 as it was designed and your game mode too if they want to try out something different. We added the "Other INF Games" browser tab for such things - even with a new RA version in mind if yurch plans to release one. That way you would be able to test out the acceptance of your new stuff on a seperate server without 'disturbing' the others or affecting the first impressions of new players out there at all.
If you need help on implementing your stuff as a new game mode... just call. If you plan on going further and stay on the "one big mutator changing basic rules" route then I bet that not many here will support you further, me included.
sorry that I haven't read each and every single word here but I guess you can understand that I skipped some sentences.
@SaraP, thanks for jumping in here, really appreciated!
To all... I guess I made my point clear and most of you interpreted my other posts correctly. Any kind of addition is welcome so that the whole community can enjoy new additions made to the game but changing ballistics and other things that affect the balanced game we developed and needed a year to 'only' balance out is nothing I can support. You change the general gameplay and new folks that then grab such a mutator automatically from a server they play on will think that INF 2.9 was designed this way. And that false impression is the key thing here that annoys me.
I can only speak for myself but I guess many team members do not want that anyone out there can take the work of someone else as our work - especially if it changes base elements of the game.
INF 2.9 is not even one month released... do I really have to say more?
Anyway, I cannot stop you from releasing such things but why don't you go a slightly different route... make your own gametype. Let this gametype add your specific mutators directly or implement them fully. This way all out there can play 2.9 as it was designed and your game mode too if they want to try out something different. We added the "Other INF Games" browser tab for such things - even with a new RA version in mind if yurch plans to release one. That way you would be able to test out the acceptance of your new stuff on a seperate server without 'disturbing' the others or affecting the first impressions of new players out there at all.
If you need help on implementing your stuff as a new game mode... just call. If you plan on going further and stay on the "one big mutator changing basic rules" route then I bet that not many here will support you further, me included.