Thoughts on your development as a player

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Fabio-like<br><img src="
Mar 12, 2000
Davis, CA
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I've often wondered if, as UT ages, the l33t players will grow bored and move on to other things, leaving us less-than-l33t players to suddenly be the l33t players by default.
Thanks for all the good advice...

To clarify however; I generally have little to no trouble with xloc-whores, using the advise presented above (moving, jumping, etc.). It was just with this ONE PARTICULAR player that was somehow able to launch the disc and then 'port extremely rapidly (like 4-5 times a SECOND!!!- I didn't know that was possible).

I suspect from practicing myself that what this guy has going is a custom bind (I know I've seen a few on these boards in fact), where whe he presses a button the disc flies, and when he releases it, he ports, making his teleports as fast as he can hit a single key... I use two mouse buttons (Primary/Secondary fire) to launce/'port myself, and no matter how fast I click, I can't get HALF the speed this guy was displaying. Now I'm thinking more than ever of creating this custom bind for my layout, just so I can defend myself against this in the future.

Thanks again all!

Oh, by the way, I think there's something to the idea that the fun of UT wanes over time, and people leave the game. But, last time I checked there were still HELLA lots of people playing Quake 2 and Half-Life (two much older games than UT), and I know from personal experience that some of those people are REALLY GOOD. I've played in lots of open UT games, and I still get thumped about half the time, despite my ever-increasing skills. So, I think it's a bit disrespectful to say that the current "elite" of UT players have just "inherited" that status undeserving... Just my $.02.


Fabio-like<br><img src="
Mar 12, 2000
Davis, CA
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Originally posted by [MUTTS]ImagoX
So, I think it's a bit disrespectful to say that the current "elite" of UT players have just "inherited" that status undeserving... Just my $.02.

Maybe, but that's not what I said :)


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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It was Neural!! I remember now. Ask him if he remembers that game. It stands out in my mind because it was like a 2 on 2, so we kept running into each other. He may remember it, because we were chatting alot. It was on Hydro, so I would have a lot of time to type questions for him by the time he got to my base again. I kept asking, "How come you are able to kill me when I try to telefrag you, but I can't kill you when you telefrag me. I know I'm doing something wrong but I just cant figure it out." He was actually very helpful. I think he told me he was shooting rockets at my feet, rather than directly at me when I was telerunning towards him. That would at least knock me off course. I tried to do that to him, but he still kept getting me. What it came down to was that he is just much better then me at telefragging, and at defending against the telefrag. One time I saw him teletraining at me and whipped out my tele to try to tele away from him like a scared little chicken. I wound up telefraggin HIM!! *LOL*. We both were cracking up. He typed in something to the effect of, "Well I guess you found one way to stop my telefragging." But clearly I just got lucky.

hal, I agree that it sounds weird to read a post like my last one in this thread. I like the way you put it, something like "a transportation device causing havok on a battlefield". It does sound wrong. But don't use me as a guide to whether the weapons are inbalanced. It may be true that the weapon is overpowered, or it may just be that I am particularly bad at defending against that particular weapon. Although lots of other people have made similar complaints, so my post may be a good example of the xloc problem. I really don't know. I am approaching it as a challenge and a skill that I need to master (defending against crazytrainers). But if Epic decides to address it in the 430 patch, I will certainly think they are justified in doing so.
... so what was the "leaving us less-than-l33t players to suddenly be the l33t players by default." quote all about then? My point was that I don't think there's any degradation of ability happening here, quite the opposit in fact. Sorry if I misunderstood you...


Fabio-like<br><img src="
Mar 12, 2000
Davis, CA
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Sorry if I was unclear ... the time frame I meant by "as UT ages" was the future, not the present. Let me try it again: "I wonder if, in the future (six months to a year from now), the l33t players will move on to something else leaving us less than l33t players to become the l33t players." It was not meant as a diss to the current l33t crop.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I think what he was saying was that the players now that are eilte may leave for new challenges. When they do, the second tier of players will by default, then be the elite players.

I don't think he meant it as a knock on the current skilled players. In fact, it was a bit self-derrogatory. I've played DividedSky and I can attest that the self-derision is somewhat unfounded.


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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A little info on the telebind for ya.

The bind you are refering to is from cleaner's site and is very useful, but you can't teletrain well with it.

Press the button selects the xloc and fires it, releasing the button teleports you. It is very convenient and works pretty intuitively. Its a great bind. You hold down the key to throw your thingy, and when it is where you want to be, you simply let go.

BUT YOU CANT TELETRAIN WITH IT. If you start pressing it too fast, it stops working right. I think you have to hold down the button for 1/2 sec or so for a "release" to register. You can telerun with a nice rhythm with this bind, but you can't teletrain with it. Even I can teletrain faster manually than with the bind, and I can't teletrain all that fast manually.

There is another bind. I refer to it as the "crazytrain bind". I'm really not comfortable with posting it here, as it is very controversial. All I will say is that it involves an alias. I'm not saying anything bad about those who use it. I don't think its "cheating". But I know that lots of people frown upon its use and I don't want to be the dork who posted it on the PuF. Please don't ask me in chat, or privately either. It makes me feel really bad to say "no" to people, but I have made up my mind not to tell ANYONE about this thing. If it spread around and everyone started using it, I think it would be a negative thing for the UT scene. I haven't even shared it with my clanmates. I do not use this bind myself. Again, not because I think it is "cheating", I just don't feel comfortable using it. Also, its not necessary. Guys like Sonix from the z2 clan can teletrain just as fast manually as people who use this bind (I think Wiggum/Cookie's clan admits to using it. Nothing wrong with that, binds/aliases are specifically allowed on ladders and tourneys. I may be wrong about that, and I'm not trying to dis any clan, Cookie is a good guy :)). If I want to be a crazytrainer though, I prefer to go Sonix's way. Just my personal preference.

If any admin or moderator type reads this thread and thinks I may be putting out info here that may negatively effect the UT community, I give you permission to just delete this post. I don't want to start everyone on a quest to figure this "crazytrain bind" out, and I certainly don't want to hit a CTF server in 2 weeks and see everyone using it.


New Member
Apr 2, 2000
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Boy you guys let DividedSky off the hook pretty quick. I think I would have let him squirm for a few more pages. j/k.

Sometimes when you find the game is a little to easy, you get bored. Things like specialized binds that do a small part of the playing for you might make it just a little easier. And you might get bored. I'm still trying to get better with my mind and my fingers.

Hey DS, does that mean I have to wait until you leave to become elite -(. Actually, I care more about a well played teamgame than what anyone thinks of my skill. Honest. I have played in matches in which someone, sometimes me, who isn't that good manages to do something that makes a difference for the team. To me, that's the good stuff.


[email protected]


DS, have you played D2 yet? I hear it's great.


Jul 26, 2000
BF, Arkansas?
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Wow, great thread.

I'm a DM player, never really cared for CTF, so I guess strategies vary there. From a pure "killing the other guy" standpoint, I've improved greatly over the last few weeks (just started playing about three months ago since I got DSL).

It seems to progress from "knowing the maps" to "knowing the weapons" to "knowing the best routes of movement" to "knowing your opponent". Once you know all four, it becomes mental, which is my biggest hindrance at this point.

I doubt it was planned this way, but UT works out alot like Golf. If anyone here plays they know what I mean. It requires total concentration, at all times. If you slack off for an instant against a better player, you're dead.

I find that the first couple of games I play every day are average, with me ending up middle of the pack in a team game, then after four or five games, I start to end up at or near the top each match, then from that point my last few games end up with me having as many kills as everyone else in the game combined. I suppose some of that is taking a few matches to nail the techniques of your opponent, some of it just "getting in a groove".

One thing I've done to improve the end result quite a bit, is study the maps intensively. For each map, there's a route of movement and technique that's overly common. Once you've figured out what those tendencies are for other players, take an alternate route to surprise them. If I get first look at another player, he better be damn good to get me in that little skirmish that ensues. If I'm taking odd routes throughout the map, chances are I'll stumble across you before you stumble across me, therefore I have the advantage. Against equal players I'll win by a few, against lesser players I'll own. Against better players I can hang with them, and hopefully luck into a win here and there with this method.

I guess my rules of thumb are never get caught without three weapon options to choose from, never get snuck up on while standing still, and if you ride a lift or round a corner once, don't DARE ride or round it again within 10 seconds time.

BTW, I use number pad for navigation, arrowed keys as movement, 7/1 and 9/3 strafe, with plus key as jump and insert/home/page/end/del buttons as weapon binds. Mouse buttons for fire/alternate fire.


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Temporarily Permanent
Jan 25, 2000
Tell me about it. I bought D2 (got it signed by the Devs and everything), played the first 5 scenes of act 1, then found I couldn't play it AND I uninstalled it :) It was fun and all...but not all that compelling...I have the Vampire game that I'm thinking about installing..but again..I just don't have the time!! :(


Oct 30, 2000
Chicago, IL
I don't know what the general consenus is on bringing up old threads... but I gotta say something. I read this whole thing and not one person mentioned anything about the boots when trying to justify why you need the dodge in your reportoire (sp?) :) of moves. Maybe that just shows how underutilized the boots are. Having the boots on is like being invincible. You can fall from great heights, you can make superhuman jumps. They are a huge advantage you have over your opponent, what can't the boots do? :D If you don't want to waste your boots and have the flag what do you do? Just run? I don't think so.

Dodging lets you make moves that aren't possible with a normal jump. Like the center lava pit in bollwerk. Or on lava giant, dodging from the center bridge to the main island in front of blue base. It lets you move faster down slopes if you have the flag. And it helps keep the snipers from predicting your movements.

If you want to be better at getting flag caps, you utilize the boots on every level that has them, you learn how to dodge, and you learn how to hammer jump. And above all you have to be patient, don't be predictable. Run around for a while and confuse the enemy, if you're lucky backup will arrive to run with you, or they will clear the defenders out of the bottlenecks where enemies usually hole up and wait for you. :)


SSJ Vegeta - like
Jun 4, 2000
No plateau here

I have improved drastically I'd say.

I first started out on regular DM, never played CTF b4, until the demo of UT came out. I was hooked, I couldn't stop playing it.

I'd say the thing that helped me improve the most was the bots, I increased their level and pushed myself to beat them. Then I just went online and adapted to techniques ect.

I've never hit a plateau, I'm always getting better, I'm always looking for a challenge "aka ass woop'n".

You can probably ask quite a few people on here and they'll tell ya I don't mind getting my ass wooped, I say "Can we play another?"

Shai'tan thought I was crazy :D

The only way you can improve yourself is by facing someone better. I know that I will never become a top player for many reasons, and you gotta think to yourself, what kind of system/connection are they getting, and what do you have? You can only expect yourself to get as much as you pay for.

I myself am limited by my computer/connection, but that'll change very...very soon :) I'm finally upgrading this November 25th, and I'm throwing away this piece of **** Pentium 166mhz :p

AS for connection...Early next year baby!

I'm no wear near where I want to be, and I know when I got my computer and connection up there, I'll be improving drastically.

The main thing is never give up, and never cry about it, just fight and give it your all. You might not beat the person but you'll definately learn something. It's just part of a learning expierence :D


New Member
Apr 2, 2000
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Damn Survey, that was supposed to be a secret.

I play defense, (I mean when I used to play), and I would rather little offensive tactics like that not be widely known :) . But now that it is out, you are right. One of my favorite things (as a defender) was to always grab our boots and waste them. Letting the attacker have a fresh pair of boots in your base is just madness.

Suvey_Says: Boots are good :( . Damn.


[email protected]


Feb 10, 2000
Agreed on the boots. I usually play defense on CTF cos I suck at it. One of the things I like to do, especially in Lava is whore the boots. If the base is empty and the boots are there I'll grab em.
In DM those babies are awesome. Levels like Deck 16 are where the boots give you an amazing advantage. Yet nobody uses them. This is a very good thread to resurrect IMO.


Oct 30, 2000
Chicago, IL
Originally posted by bodkins
Damn Survey, that was supposed to be a secret.

Suvey_Says: Boots are good :( . Damn.

I hope you aren't really mad at me :) The game has been out for a year now...

Maybe I was just in a giving mood since so many nice people have been showing me some neat tricks lately. ;)

There's always more to learn and there is no such thing as a plateau. :D Gotta be creative, I'm not called "sneaky" without good reason I suppose.
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