My UT experience can be split into two periods:
1. When I was at uni playing online instead of doing my Finals: I had a very nice broadband connection and was doing well in the ngStats thingy-ma-jig (I think I reached the top 95th percentile in April). However, my skills weren't that special due to the 50 ping that I had...
2. When I moved back home and downgraded to 56k: I struggled tremendously for about a month or so. In that time I played Cobra 1v1 on Malevolence and got beaten by some stupid score (30-2 springs to mind . It was a scarey experience because I would respawn and be dead in a matter of seconds, but seeing that he could do It with a 56k connection meant that I could as well with a lot of practice.
Since then, I've definitley got better, although I know that I am far from an elite player. A couple of things have helped me out:
a) moving (eg jumping, dodging, strafing) in unpredictable ways,
b) my knowledge of certain maps has improved. Learning the "control points", where players tend to go, etc...
There's a demo of Voyd vs Cobra floating around, watch this to learn some tricks on Deck16
c) being able to shock combo on the move. I don't how I developed this, but 50% of the time I can dodge, jump and pull off a combo (a real life saver ,
d) there's almost definitly more, but I can't think of them
I've hit this plateau everyone is talking about, but I expect it. I know that during my cricket or football season, I will hit troughs but I'll also hit peaks as well. I'm also having a crappy problems with my connection which doesn't help also (packet loss is the bain of my life at the moment ).
I hope to enter a third period when I move back to uni. This is when I hopefully manage to get ADSL. From there, I hope to translate some of the skills developed whilst being a HPB to LPB-land.
BTW Sel, those 5 min periods really do suck. I still suffer from those
1. When I was at uni playing online instead of doing my Finals: I had a very nice broadband connection and was doing well in the ngStats thingy-ma-jig (I think I reached the top 95th percentile in April). However, my skills weren't that special due to the 50 ping that I had...
2. When I moved back home and downgraded to 56k: I struggled tremendously for about a month or so. In that time I played Cobra 1v1 on Malevolence and got beaten by some stupid score (30-2 springs to mind . It was a scarey experience because I would respawn and be dead in a matter of seconds, but seeing that he could do It with a 56k connection meant that I could as well with a lot of practice.
Since then, I've definitley got better, although I know that I am far from an elite player. A couple of things have helped me out:
a) moving (eg jumping, dodging, strafing) in unpredictable ways,
b) my knowledge of certain maps has improved. Learning the "control points", where players tend to go, etc...
There's a demo of Voyd vs Cobra floating around, watch this to learn some tricks on Deck16
c) being able to shock combo on the move. I don't how I developed this, but 50% of the time I can dodge, jump and pull off a combo (a real life saver ,
d) there's almost definitly more, but I can't think of them
I've hit this plateau everyone is talking about, but I expect it. I know that during my cricket or football season, I will hit troughs but I'll also hit peaks as well. I'm also having a crappy problems with my connection which doesn't help also (packet loss is the bain of my life at the moment ).
I hope to enter a third period when I move back to uni. This is when I hopefully manage to get ADSL. From there, I hope to translate some of the skills developed whilst being a HPB to LPB-land.
BTW Sel, those 5 min periods really do suck. I still suffer from those