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God can we all feel this pain or what? Ups and downs buddy, that's what its all about. Spend three nights trolling CTF servers and dominating the games, then all of the sudden one of these enforcer type power players just schools the hell out of you time after time. I marvel at the skill of some of these players.
To echo again, the sentiment, weapons diversification and map familiarity are key. I used to hate the Bio Rifle...just friggin hated the thing, but I made conscious effort to use it more and more and now I can be a real pain in your ass in ETERNAL CAVES. I'm still not hot at shock rifle, but good shock players can dominate, and I really respect that. Personally, I love high mouse sensitvity so I can turn faster and be more aware of enviornment, but if your using weapons like Shock and Sniper that require more accuracy, high mouse sensitivity can hurt you. I have hard time learning from game demos bcause what you see doesn't always automtically tell you what that player was doing at the time, though there are some tips you can pick up from them. Man, hang in there, those plateaus can seem to last forever, it spurts some times...go a couple of weeks and feel like you haven't improved or even digressed, then have real good couple of weeks when you feel yourslf improving. Most importantly, remember in team games, skill is only the SECOND most important factor. Even players with the most basic of skills can help the team. If you can take a frag for a flag carrier and give them four extra steps out of the base, you've helped the team. Body block for your carrier, engage the enemy as long as you can to distract them from the the carrier...you may get fragged, but you've taken that particular enemy out of the way for a a few seconds. In Deathmatch, that's pure combat skill, and you'll find that a good DM player isn't always the best CTF or even Assault player. A lot of DMers play too selfishly in CTF and end up scoring high but with their team losing. That's why I like team games better, it takes a little more smarts...engaging the enemy head on is not always the best way.
God can we all feel this pain or what? Ups and downs buddy, that's what its all about. Spend three nights trolling CTF servers and dominating the games, then all of the sudden one of these enforcer type power players just schools the hell out of you time after time. I marvel at the skill of some of these players.
To echo again, the sentiment, weapons diversification and map familiarity are key. I used to hate the Bio Rifle...just friggin hated the thing, but I made conscious effort to use it more and more and now I can be a real pain in your ass in ETERNAL CAVES. I'm still not hot at shock rifle, but good shock players can dominate, and I really respect that. Personally, I love high mouse sensitvity so I can turn faster and be more aware of enviornment, but if your using weapons like Shock and Sniper that require more accuracy, high mouse sensitivity can hurt you. I have hard time learning from game demos bcause what you see doesn't always automtically tell you what that player was doing at the time, though there are some tips you can pick up from them. Man, hang in there, those plateaus can seem to last forever, it spurts some times...go a couple of weeks and feel like you haven't improved or even digressed, then have real good couple of weeks when you feel yourslf improving. Most importantly, remember in team games, skill is only the SECOND most important factor. Even players with the most basic of skills can help the team. If you can take a frag for a flag carrier and give them four extra steps out of the base, you've helped the team. Body block for your carrier, engage the enemy as long as you can to distract them from the the carrier...you may get fragged, but you've taken that particular enemy out of the way for a a few seconds. In Deathmatch, that's pure combat skill, and you'll find that a good DM player isn't always the best CTF or even Assault player. A lot of DMers play too selfishly in CTF and end up scoring high but with their team losing. That's why I like team games better, it takes a little more smarts...engaging the enemy head on is not always the best way.