Thoughts on your development as a player

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Oct 30, 2000
Chicago, IL
Originally posted by JuiceEggsMcKenna
Yeah I love the boots. Jumpmatch is my favourite mutator :) But you know, I don't think I've ever actually tried once to dodge with the things on. Nice one Survey.

ewww... I don't know about the jump match thing. That bugs the hell out of me. Especially on closed levels like Coret. :)

Thanks though, I like to help people out, make the game more enjoyable for them. I always answer questions or try to help if someone asks me while I am playing. (Except *one*) :D


New Member
Apr 2, 2000
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Mad at you Survey? Hmmm. I'll think about it a while and see if I can think of anything to be mad about. :)

I found that the key to boots (as a defender) in CTF is to:

1) Never let the enemy have yours
2) If the flag carrier has boots, make him "burn" them in melee quickly. I hate it when boots aid in escape! Eg, guard the ground level entrances in lava. {DJ}LJ has a bad habit of NOT using the boots on the wall and opting for a ground level exit instead. Guard that entrance, and maybe you can make him burn the boots in melee for example. If you can do that, no flag carrier on earth is going to outrun a defender with a tloc :) .


[email protected]


Rorschach alike
Sep 14, 2000
De Achterhoek
Nice thread DS. I play UT for a few months now and haven't yet met the ceiling. When starting to play UT online I wondered if I could ever manage to stay alive for more then 5 seconds with all those godlike players around.

Now I play for a clan which is specialized in DOM and though I'm not a superb player, I can get along with the better players. But again, I don't see the ceiling yet, I'm still improving. But I notice very often that games differ so much. One night you get y'r ass kicked by every bastard you meet and go to sleep with a bad, bad feeling. Hope my wife's asleep otherwise we'lll end up in a fight :) Other nights you can "predict" what others are doing and you end up on top of the lists with rampages and dominatings all around.

Can't put my finger on it. Of course, state of mind, amount of sleep, etc. is important, but that's not it. And of course, fun is important, but who has fun when you suck?

I will also meet the ceiling and I hope I still will enjoy UT then as much as I do now! Coz I think that those nights when you suck and feel bad are as good a part of the love for UT as a good fight with your partner is a part of the relationship with her/him.

By the way, I dont't think hardware is that important. Maybe it is in the beginning, but you if you learn to use it, it makes no difference. I use A P350 and a 3 button mouse:
a=strafe left, s=back, d=strafe right, space=jump. mouse butons: alt-fire/fire/forward.
Makes forward/backward and jumping while strafing possible.


Feb 10, 2000
ON the whole cieling issue, I've found that every time I've hit a cieling it's because I stopped paying attention to my game.
Example, I lulled in newbie land for a long time 6 months till I started paying attention to my gameplay. I picked out mistakes and made rapid improvements.
When I switched from lpb to hpb I noticed I sucked because I wasn't used to the pings. I payed attention to leading and stuff and got a to a semi decent level again. Lately I hit another plateau, and have only again started to pay attention to how I play.
I think the plateau is a point where you feel you're pretty damn good in temrs of knowing how things work and thus fail to notice your mistakes. Then when you realise it you start improving again. I have no idea what happens when you get to super l33t status though.


Sexiest Llama
Mar 20, 2000
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Pretty cool thread. I myself have suffered from the same problem. In fact, I hit my plateau mid-summer, and I haven't really improved since then. It becomes so disheartening. I played my games in the prescene of the "Elites", and was considered as such.

Then, I started a skid. I noticed that players I used to smack down with ease starting to take me down in greater numbers. Eventually, it dawned on me that it wasn't that I was sucking.. and my skill was dimishing.. it was that other players were getting BETTER. And the sad thing was... I wasn't.

After nurmerous verbal exchanges, forethought, and the like, I decided that there really isn't anything more I needed to accomplish with UT. I've been #1, played with the big boys, pissed people off.. ect :p

So, when I had my spat with DFB, I chose a clan where I could live out the rest of my UT Career in relative obscurity and just play the game. For me, my plateau destroyed my ego..and with that some joy of the game for me (it's no secret I was/am sometimes an egotistical bastard).

Here's a little hint I can give ya. Since most of you play CTF... change you're style to a different position. For the whole year I played UT, I was a defender.. in sYn, I'm offense :D. It's a whole new ball of wax and I found myself improving for the first time in months.. it basically resurrected the game for me..

oh.. and get them S3TC Textures!!! That'll make ya forget bout your plateaus!


Fabio-like<br><img src="
Mar 12, 2000
Davis, CA
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Interesting resurrection of this thread. Funny how two months ago when I started the thread, I was on a plateau, but I think I can safely say that I have improved since then. Then again, the word "improvement" is too powerful, especially in UT. There are so many different facets of the game that are "improveable" ... I think I've improved since then with my shock skills, my dodging, maybe my sniper skills ... but I definitely feel that right now my rocket ho abilities have been better. So ... improvement in some areas, not so much improvement in others.

And now I'm stressin' because I go on vacation for two weeks on Friday ... no UT for a while. Hope I can shake off the rust ... you know you like UT too much when you wonder if your vacation is too long because your UT abilities might erode. :)

One more thing to add to this ... and I mentioned this in the thread about how to become good at UT. I'll just copy and paste:

"Another point about becoming good: Half the battle is believing you can play. Self-confidence plays a huge role. Sometimes I go into a server, get killed a few times quickly, start thinking I totally suck and don't belong, and sure enough I really do end up sucking. Other times I kill a couple of big name players, start thinking I'm hot sh!t, and sure enough, I *am* hot sh!t after that Believe in yourself and what you know you can do :)"


Poetic Terrorist
May 2, 2000
Temporary Autonomous Zone
/me gives a big round of m0rety's clap to ChimChim

agreed. The LoL boys recently put me on Offense and it's totally changed my game. I found my DM skills finally came into play full force. Being Offense has also helped my Defense in that I notice myself getting way more flag returns, I'm better at getting out of the base and cutting off the carrier, and find myself playing a combination of mid and O assist naturally.

Boots are a must. I didn't really get the concept until recently, when I started working Offense. But even on Defense, boots can make the difference between getting the carrier and not getting him. Boots on Orbital, chasing the carrier, means you can follow him/her. I've actually started to do what I call the Troll Death From Below. I load rockets, jump up, and lauch right in the carrier's face who's on the ledge or walkway above me. Because you're jumping so high, it's very hard for them to pull off a combo or otherwise get you. And they don't expect you to come barrelling up from the depths of hell with jumpboots and a rocketlauncher. :p


Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000
I think I've improved enuff to where I'm as good as I'm gonna get while being a high pinger, though I suck at DM offline as well as on as I hate the whole idea of having to go searching for my weapons while having to worry about those armed with a RL.

Big giB

Keep out of reach of children.
Jul 28, 2000
BC, Canada
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I think I'm on my plateau...for now. The last 2 months of playing, I havn't noticed any increase in my skill. I get whiped up good in the Roost as usual. I guess it's because I play more UnF lately.


A legend in his own mind
Feb 9, 2000
Southern MD, US
It's kinda funny....I posted much earlier in this thread..

since then, I think I've improved quite abit. I joined a clan, which helped quite abit. I have really improved with the RL. (I rarely, if ever, kill my self with it)

I'm much better with the shock rifle. Making better decisions in general. I still pretty much get owned against the better players, but staying competetive much more often.

Playing 1on1 has helped alot. I'm kind of in a rut again, have not improved much at all recently. I'm sure I'll never be an elite player, but that doesn't matter. As long as I'm competetive and have fun. NEVER QUIT TRYING.

BTW, My Optical mouse has made a huge difference!!!


Jan 5, 2001
Ottawa, Canada
I just read this entire thread... so I'll just bump it to the top for a bit.

I had a weird problem... I'll call it the killing spree plateau. I get 5 kills then hear killing spree and I'm lucky if I get another kill before getting toasted... LOL

I got my first monster kill lastnight. That relic of redemption comes in handy in a crowded room...

I also jumped a 6 rocket attack and killed the guy with my rockets.

One move I didn't see anyone mention here yet was the jump-turn. Lastnight I was against some tough competition and the guy was almost unstoppable. We were playing the Tempest and I had just grabbed the ripper and was on my way to the goo gun when this guy comes up behind me. I knew I wouldn't make it around the corner without eating his rockets so I did the jump-turn and fired my ripper at him... it was the luckiest headshot I've ever gotten.

I haven't hit that plateau yet myself but I've had growth spurts lately. I've been working on shock combo(which is how I found this thread) since lately I've been going up against a lot of guys that have been using that on me. My worst problem is my aim though. I've done that dance way to often just trying to get my shots into the right position.

Lastnight I had my butt handed to me repeatly but by the end of the night I was going one on one(plus 2 bots) against a guy that was getting me during regular DM a lot... and we ended that match with me killing him more than he got me so it pays to stickout those really tough matches. My NGstats really dived lastnight but my game improved a lot and I even managed to get a ramapage for the first time since I noticed my killing spree plateau hit(no relic involved in that one either).


New Member
Dec 23, 2000
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what is everybodys favorite weapon to play online? I like the enforcer because it is accurate and can take somebody out, my second favorite is the ASMD cause if sombody is on a ledge, just blow em off the edge, and plus i like to use the 2nd fire and then shoot it with primary to clear the way if people are grouped up in a team game, and 3rd of all for long distances.......the rife (duh)


New Member
Nov 10, 2000
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i felt that my game had hit a plateau
for about 3 months my game didnt really improve much at all
that was until a clan mate of mine was tearing apart the public servers with the sniper rifle [CS]Subside
since then thats all ive basically been using in CTF matches
and damn it is so powerful
ive always found that being good at all weapons is so much more important then being a rl or shock whore
but i guess there r always little things to work on, for instance working on dodging and comboing at the same it
just things like that which would come in handy :)


SSJ Vegeta - like
Jun 4, 2000
Ok it's time!



Ghost of Robo-Past
Apr 30, 2000

While I may not be too hot with my pc & it's piece o' crap connection, I have a very good feeling that my mediocre fragging skills shall prove to be more than enough when UT DC hits!

*laughs like a mad man*

Moooohahahaha! Moohahaha! Moo.....

*realizes how stupid he sounds & runs*

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