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The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
I've got my numpad4 set to say incoming. My Delete key is "LEFT or ABOVE", my Page Down key is "RIGHT or BELOW". Since I'm sending these to the defenders, I always give them from our flag facing out.

I also have a button that says "I died, #@$@$", but that wouldn't be of much use on a public server, as attacks are rarely coordinated.

I love to dodge around corners. Dodge-run the flag. Occasional dodge in a dance to keep from being totally unpredictable.

After you cross the peak in Face, try a hammer jump if you have the health. ;)


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May 30, 2000
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on hydro, if you x-loc that fast it pretty much means you're going in a straight line. that's what snipers at the end of the bridges are good for. :)

as for hopping, i find it's really useful when you use rockets. it gives you two advantages:

1.) you get a better angle to the ground. i NEVER shoot a rocket at a person. i always shoot the ground where i think they'll be. that's hard if they're not right near you on a large flat map. if you jump you get a better angle and you can hit where you want to with more accuracy.

2.) in a close-up fight, jumping lets you fire closer to your position without taking splash damage.

i jump-fire rockets without even thinking about it. and i'm jumping even when i only expect that i might have to fire rockets soon. i guess if you watch me play i'm like a rabbit hopping around everywhere. i don't necessarily consider that a sign that i'm a defensive newbie or anything, though. ;)


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May 30, 2000
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oh, and i've gotten enough telefrags where the other guy knew i was coming. it might be a luck shot, but you can't always stop it even if you know well ahead of time that it's coming...


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Apr 2, 2000
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Hobart, the difference is you are using the hop for a specific purpose. You aren't just expending nervous energy. You are right in the way you use the RL and the hop. I've seen your melees, they don't last long. A few shots generally ends it one way or the other. That's more of a tactical manouver and less of a dance I think. It's a fine point.

And the tloc, respectfully I dissagree. If you are in close with a hyper-tlocer you get what you deserve. Get the hell out of there dummy (j/k). What's he gonna do shoot you? NO. He doesnt have a weapon. If you are not in close, they have a long shot and you only have to move a VERY small distance. They have the more difficult task it seams to me.

Keep tlocers at a distance, they have no weapon so dont worry much about getting fragged. Just stay out of their way. Stand still, and it's as easy for them as shooting a column. I don't stand still. Just think of the LARGE number of frags in a typical match and the small number to tloc frags. Check ngstats if you dont believe me. By comparison, tloc frags are uncommon.

In CTF, engage them at a distance. They arent a threat until either they pull a piece or get the flag. The equation changes then. With some players, the 187 guys for example, it is easier to let them have the flag and then fight them. Or kill them at the flag, eh Ineff, combo babe?

A comment to Ineff. I think it is possible to move well without using dodge. I dont use it. I want to control what I do. There are several things you wont get. That dodge speed increase and a net connection advantage. Online I have problems getting control input to the server because of my connection. Dodge "mimics" a complex sequence of control inputs without requiring them to be sent to the server. A savings for hpb's. And you're not an hpb, (unless hpb means "Hot Ph33rsom3 Babe"). I have no idea how to spell like that. My keyboard, unfortunately, has all the keys.


[email protected]


Feb 2, 2000
Citrus Springs, FL
This plateau some of you are speaking of has hit the almighty ruff one to. Instead of a Increase in skill, I see myself as decreasing in skill. Alarion tells me im wrong but I still see myself as getting worse by the day until know. I noticed that as I got better, I would get accustomed to that skill level and be very upset when i wasnt at it. Now that Im staying at one level I feel that Im getting worse... when im really just as good as I was before. The thing I think thats gone wrong is my way of thinking. If you think your going to destroy everything like I did before, well than your going to have a tough time when your losing in your mind, but in real life your actually just at the same level. I have decided to go into a game a little more conservative thinking, Im going to try my hardest, and as long as I know im trying, than eventually I will improve. Sure improving has been going slower and slower, but at least Im still improving at a slow pace instead of being stuck in one spot.
In reply to ideas about combatting an attacking xlocator;

1) Can't run away- the disc moves faster than you can run, so running is not an option- you will be overtaken. Besides, running really is NOT an option- this is a CTF scenario, and if everyone scatters from the courtyard in panic when this guy shows up, then your defense is gone, right? I want to KILL the bastich!

2) Fast xlocating in a straight line- No NO NO... he was xlocating all over the place, side to side, in circles- it was really something to see. I'd retreat and dodge to the sides, but due to his increased speed with the disc, he'd always catch up to me. I don't suck at UT, and I know how to avoid more shots than most, but nothing I tried helped very much against this sort of attack. Any ideas?


2345 Posts
Mar 14, 2000
Be one with the Bunny Man!!

Dodge and jump around a lot while moving. Not many people can telefrag me (specially when I have the flak or asmd). I'm sure you've seen what I do. I jump around sideways but, hardly forwards or backwards. It's a lot harder to get you when you are constantly moving sideways and in a circle. Also, you can change direction ASAP and be hard to get.

Here's another hint. If all else fails, use the impact hammer. :D


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Apr 2, 2000
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I think you missed my point. You don't have to flee for your life from a tlocer. My point was, NO ONE is going to tloc me unless they are VERY close or I don't see it coming. Long range tlocs, maybe 30 feet and out, are just VERY difficult. You seem impressed with the speed of the disc. I'm not. Once the disc is shot it flies in a straight line. I only have to move 2 FEET, and the disc misses. Easy.

Stand in close, or stand still, and you deserve to be tloced.

You said you wanted to frag the bastich. Well, ok. That's your business. I'll take a few area shots as he passes and not worry to much about him "fragging" me. I'll get him when he pulls a weapon or gets the flag.

GunnerX is right. And he IS a Mutt. -)

Thanks, from a dog fancier.

[email protected]


You can dodge a rocket can't you? I'm not sure a disc is as fast as a rocket.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Well the best weapon I've used for combating crazed x-loc'ers is the Flak Cannon or the ShockRifle alt-fire. An x-loc'er that misses you close up is probably gonna die when you hit him with Flak from close range.


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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Imagox, let me know if this works.

ImagoX, I was having that problem with one of your [Mutts] bretheren (I don't remember which Mutt it was :() Everytime he would approach me, he would up the pace of his teletraining and telefrag me. I tried everything. I would dodge sideways, I would jump like a bunny, I would flak him, I would shock at him. I was killing him one out of five times and he was telefragging me the other 4 times. I tried what Bodkins said too. Bodkins you are missing one important factor. Ok, you said stay far away from the guy. That makes sense, nobody can telefrag me from 20 feet away, the telethiny flys too slow in the air. So he throws it at me, and I move two feet away, just like you said in your last post. BUT THEN HE IS ONLY TWO FEET AWAY FROM ME!!!! So then he starts teletraining at me, and I try to get far away again, but I can't! You can't outrun someone who is skilled with the telethingy. And you cant stay 20 feet away from someone who is skilled with it. No matter what you do, if he wants to get close to you, he will. And its hard to kill him while he is still far away, because by the time your rocket/flak/whatever gets there, he is already not there anymore. So whatever I do this guy gets close to me and I dodge, i jump, I flak, I shock, etc etc etc. Still he gets me 4 out of 5 times. *sigh*

ImagoX, here is my advice. Figure out which MUTT I am talking about (he was really cool, good sport, nice guy, fun to play with and stuff and super skilled with the X-loc. Come back to this thread and name a few MUTTS and I will tell you who he was. Whoever he was, it was a pleasure to play with him. Fun guy, even with the frustration of being turned inside out all the time :)). Get on a private server with him and tell him to try and telefrag you while you try and kill him. You will probably be able to get him 1 out of 5 times like me. But if you keep practicing, you may be able to up that a bit and use it against other telemonkeys. If you figure out anything in particular that works, TELL ME!!! ;)


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
This is crazy! We're talking about a teleporting device wreaking havoc on the UT battlefields. Does anyone still say that there is no problem with it? Some limitations are still needed.


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Apr 2, 2000
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Hey Hal,

I agree with you. All weapons will inflict team damage. Except the tloc. You can kill yourself will all weapons. Except the tloc. (Even if your tloc gets damaged, just walk over it and harmlessly pick it up). Notice a pattern here? What are you gonna do. (Personally, I would make the tloc TOTALLY non-leathal. But then we would have to listen to Cookie whine. Just joking Cookie.)

In a team game, it's not as likely that a tlocer could focus on just one player. But hey. Maybe. I would like to try Boom's idea. Not to prove anything. Just to see for myself.

There is another solution. If a player had a suicide redeemer up his butt, that would do it.


[email protected]


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Apr 2, 2000
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Hey Soul,

Your post came in while is was posting. I've seen you tloc. You're right. You don't have a problem with the t/l -)

Truthfully, the only problem I have is either when someone goes TOTALLY overboard with it or with Epic for not thinking this through and allowing people to go TOTALLY overboard with it.

Yesterday, while playing good bots, I found myself ONLY using combos, sniper rifle and tloc. So much for everything else. And you know, if the redeemer were as plentiful as the tloc, guess what people would go TOTALLY overboard with.

Other than hurting my frame rate, you have never abused the tloc that I can remember. (I don't know about your tail though. It wiggles saucilly).


[email protected]


2345 Posts
Mar 14, 2000
Boom, I shall name 2 member of muTTs in which one of them will be the culprit.. :)


My guess would be Al since he's a teletraining mofo. :D


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Dec 28, 1999
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In response to DividedSky's first post...

Make friends w/ a really good player, and ask him to do a couple of skirmishes with him. Just go to a map like LavaGiant, and ask to some SR vs SR fights. Maybe do this for 20 minutes, then a different weapon for the next 20 minutes, etc. Hype and I do this all the time, and I think it helps both of us alot.


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Dec 28, 1999
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Haha, nope... prior to yesterday, I hadn't touched a computer in 10 days. Right now, I'm Newbie Cookie, and I'm rapidly losing interest in UT :/.
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