Just read your guide. You're not a scorpion fan are you??
There are a few important points worth knowing with the scorpion, that makes it a lot more useful.
The first is that you need to modify user.ini, to change the colour of the scorpion's brackets. Having 2 colours instead of just white makes targetting far easier.
The second is that there's 2 tactics with the scorpion. The first is to shoot loads of small bolas from very far away. By the time they spot you, there's already anther 5-6 bolas on their way. The other is to never shoot in the direction you are facing. It takes some practice - and you need to watch out you don't drive into trees and the like, but in general, fire at 90 degrees to the direction you are traveling. The classic opportunity to do this is when trying to re-take your first node in dria. Keep moving quickly, - there's plenty of space, and fire at the node. Your actions seem inoccuous at first, but once the bolas converge on the node, ;-).
Also useful when trying to run down infantry.
Fire a bola in one direction, and drive towards where they'll need to dodge.
The key thing about a scorpion - it's fast and weakly armoured - so you need stealth. Don't take the direct and obvious route - go round, hit them from behind, or from a distance in an unexpected place. If you approach a tank from behind - often easy in crosssfire, he doesn't have a chance.
As a general principle - i stay close to tanks in a scorpion. You'll usually die taking on a tank, but you have a 50 50 chance of killing the tank though. And in the grand game of chess that is onslaught, sacrificing a knight to take a castle is worthwhile.