YES! Here's part 12, featuring the Dragon Morbias

I've been dying to write this part, last week it "hit" me, this insane idea.. and I was really anxious.. Ireally really wanted to write this asap! And hell I've written 8 pages!
Enjoy! I know I did
Enter: The Dragon!!!
Part 12: Deathmatch – Morbias
It was dusky when the group of renegades arrived in Spirevillage. A gigantic Valley, with nothing but 4 small cabins, and a couple of torches…
Once, a long time ago in the history of Nalina, a human had passed by, making her way to the Skaarj mothership. Legends say that she has defeated 4 Titan monsters in this valley.
Beyond lay the sunspire, once a place of shelter and refuge for the Nali.. but time had transformed it in a place of doom and evil. A ghost keep.
“Were are we?”, Visse whispered. She raised her arm, almost like she wanted to touch the sky. This place felt so special.. yet so desolate. Any other creature’s heart would have been filled with sadness and despair.. yet it didn’t seem to affect the Necris, nor the Acron or Skaarj.
Agouba on the other hand felt like crying…
“Are you ok little man?”, Neo asked him, giving him a worried look.
“Sure.. this place is … this place once was a.. it used to so different you know.. decades ago, that’s what Ygian told me, hundreds of Nali’s passed here, making their way to the Sunspire, studying ancient books, learning about their planet, .. our mother. Learning about the higher level.”
“The higher level?”
“Yes, we Nali believe when we die, we shall ascent to a better place.. yet we do not have the urge to die. We are planning on enjoying our time here on Nalina. But the Skaarj seem to have other plans with us. Look at all the facilities and factories they have put .. only this place feels so pure, so … vulnerable.”
The others didn’t know what to say. The only thing they could do was stare at the beautiful evening sky..
“Wait a triniton.. evening.. it’s evening already????”, Laque mumbled, “but when we left that arena, it was daytime… what happened?”
“I can’t exactly tell you.. strange things have been happening on Nalina the last past decades.. since the Skaarj/human war… maybe our mother is so messed up, time is mocking us?”
Visse frowned, stared at Agouba, back at the cabins, the sky…
“This is freaky.. it feels like I’ve just lost a piece of my being, my life..”
“No you probably haven’t”, Agouba said with a faint smile. His voice did sound a little uncertain.
“As I said, mother isn’t feeling well.. maybe .. maybe back at the arena, it was already early evening and ..”
“The forbidden area is pure, right”, Barak continued,” so maybe we’re receptive for ancient Nali spells?”
Agouba sat down and enjoyed the purity of the grass. He felt the cold, yet tender wind embrace his body and his essence.
“This place is sacred for us..”
Visse nodded.
“It has a certain ..f lair.. I like it.”
“Same here”, Laque smiled.
“First time on this insane trip I’m actually impressed..”, Rumiko whispered.
Visse wandered off to what appeared to be a small “village” or “town”.. or what was left.
She checked one of the cabins and found a hay stack.
“This probably used to be a Nali cow barn…”, she sighed, “oh ****, the smell.. how’s it possible.. I can still smell the old cow poop…?”
All of the sudden a young Nalicow came crawling out of the hay. It began crying, obviously startled by seeing the big Necris woman standing in front of him.
“Oh hey hey don’t be afraid little devil”, Visse smiled. For some reason she actually liked Nali cow.. baby Nali cows that is.
The baby cow tried running away, but Visse had already grabbed it around it’s frail waste, and picked it up.
She held it in her arms and touched it’s nose. At first the baby cow was displeased with what she was doing, but after a couple of Kraylins cuddling he actually started enjoying it.
“Didn’t know you like those creatures?”, Barak said, scanning the barn and almost stepping in some fresh poop.
“I like the babies, not the old ones, but hey.. these are soooooo cute, I can’t help it..”, Visse grinned.
“Great for supper”, Rumiko smiled. She wanted to reach for the baby cow, but Visse started hissing and growling.
“Don’t touch him, or you’ll have to deal with me!”
Rumiko backed down, shocked.
“Cool your jets!”, she yelled, “Ok ok I won’t touch it!”
Neoknight came in, notepad in one hand, portable minigun in the other.
“So there IS a gentil, sensitive side to the ferocious Visse?
“Guess so”, she said showing a wicked grin, “please don’t write this down, it would damage my rep okay?”
She winked at Neo.
“Okay, I understand…”
“How did this Nali cow come here?”, Laque asked Agouba.
“I’m not so sure, but there are Nalicows all over the forbidden area I guess.. I wonder where the mother is?”
“Probably.. eaten by that dragon…”, Barak whispered.
Visse raised her head.
“Yes, the dragon, what about the dragon you mentioned back in the fortress? And if it has.. eaten the mother, why hasn’t it touched the baby?”
Agouba started sweating.
“Oh no not again”, Visse yelled,” please I’m getting sick and tired of this! Here Barak, take the cow for a while…”
“Whu whu wha..”, Barak stuttered but before he knew it, there was a friendly, smiling baby Nalicow lying in his arms. And for some reason, his Necris heart couldn’t resist that cute silly creature.
“Agouba,… what about that dragon”, Visse yelled at him,” the dragon.. you know you mentioned..?”
“ yes. Dragon Morbias…”
“Ok, what about him? You told us, this is his new hide out, that all Nalis fear him.. “
Agouba whipped the sweat from his head, brought his hands to his mouth and started biting on his nails…
“ I’d rather had stayed back.. in the fortress, facing .. the. Tt..t..the krall.. b..b..but you pushed me in.. t.;t..t..the teleporter .. and I hate this place I don’t want to be here!!!!”
Agouba became hysteric and Visse had to slap him in the face. Who else would?
“Calm down Agouba, now take it easy and start with .. the beginning..!”
“That would make sense”, Neo said while rolling his eyes…
“Morbias.. why him”, Agouba sighed, “he’s the most dangerous dragon on Nalina. There are many tales about him, he’s known for his brutality, his enormous size, his dangerous breath ..older Nali assume he has killed hundreds.. maybe thousands of Nalis.. for what purpose.. who knows? Pleasure? Food? Morbias is from what I’ve heard from the older Nalis, as big as 3 Titans!”
Barak frowned and his yaw almost fell to the ground: “3 ****ing Titans?”
He’s one mean bastard.. and I don’t feel like running into him.”
“If he’s here”, Visse whispered at him, “where would he be hiding?
“Probably somewhere in the rocks.. see all those caves..”
Visse took a good look at the rocks lying all around them, and yes she noticed multiple entrances, caves, holes.
“He made them. Decades ago, there were no caves in the rocks… I’m sure he made them.. I’m telling you.”
“Maybe he’s sleeping now”, Visse mumbled,” If he’s so big as you describe him; Maybe we shouldn’t wake dormant dragons.”
“Oh, but we’ll have to very, very quiet, cause dragons have a superior hearing.”
“The old ones told you this”, Neo asked him, while writing something down in his notepad.
“Yes.. but .. all dragons seem to have ..”
“We’ll see”, Visse hissed,” where’s the exit.. the way out of this Valley?”
“Up the hill, and .. simply continue our way.. we can’t miss. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
Visse showed her teeth.
“I’m taking this poor thing with us. If the dragon has eaten his mother, it mustn’t have happened this long ago. Who knows how long this baby can survive in this place? We’ll take him with us, and as soon we see a group of Nalicows, we’ll place him amongst them. Nalicows are known to be very gentil and caring animals.”
“Yeah and tasty”, George smiled.
“Damn right”, Rumiko grinned.
“Anyway”, Visse growled, looking at the two “jokers”, “nobody is going to stop me from doing this, so .. let’s move on.”
“It’s just .. I hope that cow won’t wake Morbias with his crying..”
Agouba cringed his teeth and started shacking.
The small group marched up the small hill, there were a couple of torches burning which lit up the path in front of them.
Neo watched the sky, enjoying the view he had. It felt like a once in a lifetime “event”.. a moment you’ll never forget.
“What a beautiful moon ain’t it Rumiko?”, he sighed.
“Heck yeah right writer person”, she smirked, “this time I have to agree with you.. this place rocks!”
“Be quiet”, Visse whispered, almost hissing, as usual.” We don’t want to wake the dragon!”
“Maybe he’s not that big, maybe he’s just a big wuss?”, Rumiko grinned, and waved the hair out of her dark blue eyes.
“But what if Agouba is saying is true? We’re no match for a beast of those proportions.. 3 titans. Give me a break!”
Barak studied his minigun.
“Yeah this is good equipment, it could take out many normal-sized enemies.. but this Morbias dragon?”
Rumiko sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Another cabin?”, Laque asked Agouba.
“Yes, the final cabin of the spirevillage..”
Visse looked at the baby.
“Hey watch this, he’s falling asleep”, she smiled and showed the others.
“Hey, it’s kinda cute isn’t it?” Laque whispered.
“Yeah, those baby cows are ok.. the older ones however..”, Barak mumbled.
But it had to happen. Rumiko didn’t watch her step and bumped into Neo. Neo surprised of what was happening lost grip of his notepad. The notepad bumped into George his head. George was so dazzled, he bumped into Visse.. and Visse dropped .. the baby cow!
It came down with a soft thump, the cow seemed all right. The bad news however was, that it began crying. A loud, long cry echoed all over the area, bouncing of the rocks, back and forth, back and forth…
They couldn’t move. Every single one of them was holding his/her/it’s breath. Finally the cry was fading away.
Now there was nothing left but the night creatures making the usual sounds. Nothing else.
Barak sighed. “That was close.”
“Rumiko, watch your step on future occasions will ya???”, Neo hissed.
“I’m ssssssssorrrryyyyyy”, Rumiko growled.
“Take it easy the two of you”, Laque interrupted them, while slapping them on the cheek.
Nothing could have prepared them for what was coming next…
A loud roar filled Spirevillage. The ground started shacking, small pieces of rock came falling down, and the torches were dancing back and forth. The Roar was followed by yet another Cry, this time even more powerful and devastating. It was really frightening! It was as if the sky was falling to pieces.
The earth was complaining, it couldn’t stand the sudden attack, and the ground opened under Rumiko her feet.
Luckily she noticed it, and jumped out of harm’s way!
All went quiet. Now, there wasn’t a sound to be heard! No night creatures, not even the howling wind…
Visse grabbed her knife, quickly signalling the other to start making their way to the cabin.
Then it happened. The rocks in front of them started rumbling, shacking and growling.
Large pieces of debris came falling down and this sure was the perfect motivation for the others to start running!
A huge Dragons’ head came out of one of the many caves in the northern rock.
The Dragon was sniffing, roaring, hissing, growling.. the sound he made outmatched the brutal attack of a thunderstorm, and his eyes lit up, huge fire bolts erupting from them. They changed colour, blue to red, red to yellow, yellow to green.. and so on…
Finally he showed his entire body when coming flying out of the dark cave. He was hovering in the sky, casting a mighty shadow down below.
It was a mighty impressive dragon; His scaled skin had a yellow-brown colour, there were countless of “pins” sowed all over it and dangerous huge blades.
He had the head of a lizard; Not a common dragon this one, oh no. Most Dragons had a long head, this one’s was shorter, bigger, wider .
Morbias had an intelligent look in his eyes. They were flashing all the time.
His mouth was big and mean. 5 rows of mean, sharp teeth lined up. The small group had a good look at them when he once again uttered a cry of anger.
“Man, I don’t feel like ending up in there”, Barak whispered, “feeling his heart almost pounding out of his chest.
“Same here”, Neo replied, with cluttering teeth.
All of the sudden Morbias froze. The angry look on his face didn’t change. A faint smirk came upon his chubby lips as he started “scanning” the area. His nostrils grew bigger, smaller, bigger and smaller.
Agouba pooped his pants.
“He’s searching for us, he’ll smell us and eat us..!!!”
Visse put her hand in front of his mouth.
“Did you have to poop your pants you moron?” she hissed.
“Sorry”, Agouba whispered, a tear of fear rolling down his cheeks.
Morbias closed his eyes, as if he was using all of his essence to find those who had the nerve to wake him during his evening nap.
He kept scanning the surroundings, and from time to time red smoke escaped his nose.
His wings made an awful sound, it felt as if your ears would explode any second.
The tail was the most frightening thing about the dragon. On the far end, Visse noticed a sharp, huge “weapon”. She counted six blades. Six life threatening blades. Six blades who could dismember a normal person in the blink of an eye, cut you in two before you could say “who…”.
Morbias opened his eyes, showing a pleased look. He had found the culprits!
He looked down upon the small cabin and flew towards it. Hanging over it, he obviously suspected the little creatures would come running out. Nothing happened.
He frowned and growled.
Visse told the others to lay low. But then she saw the beast opening his mouth.. he was planning on.. NO!!!!!
Morbias inhaled, and when he finally exhaled a large blue flame escaped his mouth! It incinerated the cabin in but one second.
Morbias was pleased. That should have taken care of those little daredevils. He enjoyed his victory for a while, but his ears picked up the sound of 14 feet.
He sniffed and clapped his wings, flew to the far left and noticed a small group of little creatures running towards the gate to the Sunspire!
He couldn’t allow their escape, not in his lifetime!
So as quick as his wings could carry him, he flew passed them, landed on the field of grass and stamped his mighty left feet twice, quaking and shaking the ground and making our heroes fall on the ground.
Morbias observed them, it didn’t take them too long to recover.
He liked that. He started grinning.
Agouba got up to his feet. Visse didn’t know what had hit her, but all of the sudden she was engulfed by a large shadow.
She saw Agouba being swallowed by the large dragon!
Morbias took of, and made a giant loop in the air. He came down in front of the gate, thumping his right feet and crossing his arms.
Visse cringed her teeth, showing nothing but desperation on her face. She didn’t know what to do. She felt that this was it.. the end of all adventures.
“WHO .. dares … waking me while.. I’m enjoying my evening nap??”, Morbias growled.
Visse her eyes widened. The dragon could talk! So hope wasn’t lost yet! They could communicate! Or at least try. But he was so big, and a moment ago he had devoured their guide. Agouba.
The Baby cow took cover behind Visse her legs. Rumiko couldn’t get up, she was too afraid.
Neo held his portable minigun in his left hand, but almost lost grip of it.
Barak wasn’t sure what to do. Laque looked at Visse. She was almost certain what was going on in that insane little head of hers.
Visse took one step forward. The dragon was sitting there, breathing heavily, only a 30 metres distance between them, yet he seemed so big…
“We didn’t mean to .. wake you.. Morbias..”, Visse yelled.
She waited for a response.
Morbias started laughing ! Again, small pieces of rock came falling down.
One almost crushed Visse her right foot.
“Well guess what?”, the Dragon shouted, his heavy voice thundering all over the place,” you did!”
Visse swallowed a couple of times, as she looked into his eyes: An ever changing ballet of colours and emotions.
“W..W..w..we’re v..v..very sorry”, Visse stuttered.
The dragon shook his head.
“You’ve woken me”, he hissed, “now the only thing which will satisfy me, wanting to go back to sleep is..”
Visse felt her heart pounding and pounding, almost protruding her chest.
Rumiko uttered a cry of distress, and shot at the dragon. It had no effect. Morbias smirked.
“Thanks, had a little itch there..”
“That was a heavy minigun I was firing at him”, she complained.
Morbias wanted to take off and devour them, but Visse yelled:
“WAIT.. I .. I have .. a .. QUESTION…!!!!!”
The dragon fell back on his arse, and frowned.
He sighed, and a cloud of red smoke came down on our heroes…
“Prolong the agony creature? Ok, why not…”, the Dragon sighed, “ask ye little question, I’ll answer it, and I’ll devour you. End of story….”
Morbias showed his teeth and Rumiko almost fainted.
Neo caught her and told her to get a grip.
“Don’t you feel like you need.. someone to talk to?”, Visse yelled.
The others slowly turned their heads towards her, staring in disbelief.
“What did she just say”, Neo whispered to Barak.
“I.. “
“Amazing”, George muttered,” this Necris keeps amazing me!”
Morbias shook his head, he didn’t expect a question like this!
“Come again creature?”, Morbias said with his thundering voice.
“Don’t you start feeling lonely here?”, Visse asked him, this time with a soft voice.
The others almost heard her saying those words, yet Morbias ,loud and clearly, understood them.
And what really amazed the others, he turned his head down.
2 Kraylinns went by, nothing happened. None of them moved, not even the baby cow.
Morbias rose his head, and replied:
“Yes I do creature, I do.. sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to. No one cares about Dragons to be honest. We’re a dying breed here on Nalina. It used to be so different. The old days..
The only company I have around these parts, are stupid nalicows.. aka .dinner and other mindless creatures.
They don’t seem to challenge my intellectual capabilities you know..”
Morbias frowned and looked up to the sky.
Laque had a confused look on her face.
Visse winked.
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”
“You better…”
Visse turned her head towards Morbias again .
“How would you feel about some company? We would be very happy to talk with you about… anything.. you’d like.”
Morbias moved his head to the left, to the right and finally walked up to the group.
Now Visse was staring up to one BIG, nasty dragon.
“3 titans? More like 4”, she thought to herself.
“What makes you think I would want to chat with insignificant life forms in the like of you?”, Morbias said, with a bone crunching voice.
“Well”, Visse said while swallowing a couple of times,” as you can see, we’re able to speak and think and…”
All of the sudden it hit here. It was so obvious!
“We’ve visited the outer skirts, the city I mean, and the temple of Vandora and..”
Morbias his eyes widened and he started smiling.
He fell on his arse, making the others jump up as high as 2 metres.
A loud boom resounded against the rocks.
“Really?”, he asked Visse, showing a wide, big smile,” What’s it like? I’ve never been able to leave this Valley.. an ancient Nali curse I guess.. I came here after the human Skaarj war.. but some Nali wizard made sure I wouldn’t leave this place.. ever again.
But obviously the bastard died, as I can move beyond the rocks .. well only a couple of kilometres that’s it.. that’s when the pain kicks in…”
“The pain?”, Visse said, gesturing the others to sit down.
“Yes”, Morbias said with a sad voice, “you can’t imagine the pain I’m feeling when I reach the “border”.”
“The border.. the limit of the magic spell..”, Barak carefully asked him.
“Yes little creature”, Morbias said and sighed. Rumiko had to bend over, his hot breath had almost toasted her.
Barak smiled.
“We’re Necris. I’m Barak, this is Visse, the brave woman you’ve been talking to.. and this is Laque…”
“Hi”, she grinned.
“I’m Rumiko”, the Acron sighed, “the one you almost toasted…”
“I’m George, a Skaarj”
Morbias laughed. “What a silly name” George pressed his lips together and sighed. Visse smirked.
“My name is Neoknight, a writer…person”.
“Explain”, Morbias asked him.
“Oh well.. you know what a book is right?”
“No.. we dragons live of our thoughts.. they never leave us. What are books?”
Neo sighed.
“This is going to be a looooong conversation..”
“Goodie”, Morbias smiled and slapped his hands against eachother, blowing Laque to a spot 4 metres further away.
“yeah goodie”, Laque said, while whipping the dirt of her uniform.
“However before we begin our chat”, Visse smiled, “could you return us our guide.. you know, the Nali you swallowed?”
“That little prick?”, Morbias sniffed, “but I was hungry. And to be honest, he made a nice snack..”
“Nice”, Barak added,” but not superb.”
“Yeah but..”
“He’s not worth it”, Laque continued.
“But I..”
“We’d be very grateful if you ‘d return him to us.. maybe tell you a very interesting story”, Neo winked at him.
Morbias scratched his chubby chin, and sighed.
“Ok why not. Tomorrow I’ll go hunting for 10 of those big Groons (a mix of a big ostrich and a hippo)
Morbias raised his head, and took off. His wings almost smacking the others against the face of the rock.
Many Kraylinss went by. Visse used her knife to make a nice little carving into the solid rock, immortalizing their entry to the “forbidden zone”.
Neo was as always writing something down on his notepad, Rumiko was constantly tapping her fingers on her legs.
George cleaned his knives. Barak checked his minigun.
The clapping of huge wings woke them out of their personal trance. Morbias had returned.
The giant set down in front of them. He was holding something in his mouth.
It appeared to be .. an egg.
Gently he put it down in front of the group. Yet the egg was bigger than George.
“An egg”, Visse asked him, showing her disbelief,” how did you lay an egg? Aren’t female dragons only…”
“Alas”, Morbias sighed,” my breed the Tundra Dragons are a special, unique breed. We are nor female or male. We are born out of the essence of the planet. That’s all I can tell you. However we can recreate life.. in this form.”
“I still don’t understand”, Laque whispered.
Morbias grinned.
“It’s too difficult to explain, Necris, but I’ve decided to give this Nali Agouba one more chance…”
Laque touched the egg and her mouth slowly opened.
“He’s in there?”
“Yes”, Morbias smiled.
“It’s best we should start our talk now, it’ll probably take some time before the Nali will be reborn.”
“How long”, Neo quickly informed.
“Oh, before the crack of dawn.
And so Morbias and the others began their intellectual debate about everything and anything, and endless chat about the planet, life and so on…
Morbias really enjoyed it. It gave meaning to his solitary life.
The egg produced a loud crack. Rumiko jumped up from her spot on the ground.
“Agouba is coming..”
Everyone gathered around the egg.
Morbias bowed his mighty head over it and opened his mouth. A red flame engulfed the egg.
“What are you doing?”, Visse yelled at him. She had too, the sound the flame produced was overwhelming.
Morbias winked at her.
One Kraylinn later he stopped, and watched many bursts popping up all over the egg.
Finally the shell cracked, and inside lay Agouba.
“I was speeding up the process a bit”, Morbias grinned.
“Sure hope he isn’t baked by now..”, Neo smirked
“Well done”, Visse mumbled.
“Uh yeah I guess but..”, Neo answered her, but she looked at him and shock his head.
“I was talking to Morbias!”
“Oh yeah .. ok .. heh.. yeah..”
Agouba woke up, and was staring down the face of Morbias. He yelled, cried and quickly got to his feet.
He took cover behind Visse her back.
Visse rolled her eyes.
“Take it easy Agouba”, she sighed while patting him on the head, “he’s on our side now…”
“Better clean yourself little man”, Barak laughed.
Agouba looked at himself, he was covered in this green sludge. “YUCK”, he cried and started cleaning himself like a mad man.
“I had a very, very interesting talk with you Necris and Skaarj and … Acron isn’t it?”
Rumiko nodded.
“So where do we go from here?”
Visse sighed.
“We’re still in search of those damn Nali skins… how do we get there.. it seems as if we’re stuck here..”
Morbias turned his head and looked at the sunspire.
“Nali skins.. Nali skins.. I know the path to the Nali skins.. “
“You do?”, Visse grinned and slapped one of his toes.
Morbias showed a big grin.
“Yes I do, I may be imprisoned here for an eternity.. I can’t leave Spirevillage or the Sunspire… BUT.. I can take you up in the the gateway to Napali..”
“Gateway..?”, Laque asked him.
“Yes”, Morbias said with a heavy voice,” at least I’ll try, I’m pretty sure I can make it.. up there, you can find the Nali skins you are looking for.”
“H-h-how do you you k..know all this?”, Neo stuttered,” Where did you get all this knowledge?”
Morbias rolled his eyes.
“Remember, I’m a magic dragon?”
“Yeah”, Rumiko added,” he’s a magic dragon you dork.”
Neo started sulking. “I was only asking…”
“Say if I let you “ride the dragon”, up to that Gateway?
“Fantastic! That’d be .. perfect!”, laque shouted, laughing out loud and slapping Visse her hands.
And so the 7 renegades climbed on Morbias his back, Agouba still feeling a little insecure..
“I’m afraid of heights”, he carefully told Visse.
“Oh for the love of ..” she sighed and knocked him unconscious.
“Was that really necessary?”, Neo mumbled.
“Agree”, Rumiko shouted.
“Damn right!”, George cried while slapping Rumiko’s hands.
“Come here you little”, Visse said with a high pitched voice, “taking the Baby cow safely in her hands.
“Ready for take off Morbias”, Laque shouted.
Morbias took off. It was an unique feeling, the gigantic dragon flew through the air at an amazing speed. The group enjoyed a breathtaking view of Spirevillage and the impressive Sunspire. Morbias circled around it a couple of times, and finally started flying all the way up.
Visse felt the cold wind running through her raven dark hair, and she really liked it. The sky had taken an amazing beautiful blue-ish colour with many tones of red, orange and yellow. Little clouds added to the surrealistic painting the sky represented.
Morbias made his way through the thick field of white clouds. Laque couldn’t see a thing, she was sitting up front, watching Morbias his might wings go up and down, up and down…
All of the sudden what seemed another rock, or cave doomed up above them. Morbias grew tired and had to put in a lot of effort flying all up to an opening in the cave. Small dragon birds were circling by, producing sharp loud cries.
Morbias sniffed and groaned.
“Time to exit the ride”, he sighed,” the spell is affecting me, it’s causing me pain… I have to descent real soon. Make your way up there, via my left wing! Now!”
The final group member finally climbed up into the cave.
Visse stared down Morbias his eyes.
What she saw in there , she’d never forget. It was as if the whole essence of the planet was caught in there.
Finally Morbias took off, waving his tail at them. He vanished in the thick field of clouds.
“This is one experience I’ll never forget”, Barak sighed.
“Same here”, Rumiko mumbled.
Agouba woke up..
“Where am I?”
Visse took a deep breath.
“Let’s get this show on the road again, compadre. Maybe .. maybe one day.. Morbias will be a free dragon.. once again.”
The group made their way into the dark cave…not knowing what was to come next.