Enjoy Lfnboy

Expect a huge

bday thread in Ot tomorrow
Rrrrrrrright, here's part 13. :-B Nnnjoy..
Is it me, or do some pufers lack a sense of humour these days?
Part 13: A haven for everyone…
Eight of them.. four Necris, one Acron, Skaarj, Nali and a baby Nalicow. Renegades had they become. Outlaws under the Skaarj ruling government. Placed on their “most wanted” list. They had broken through their outpost, entering the forbidden area. They had met a gigantic, dangerous Dragon called Morbias.
Yet they survived.
Now they were about to enter a lost Nali city. Once a place of joy and laughter.
But from the one day to the other all of this had changed. The floating cities, as they used to be called, were nothing but a reminder of a great civilization…
Visse had a solid grip on the minigun as she carefully turned around yet another corner of the dark cave.
Morbias had brought them here. They had studied the map, but it had to happen. The map just didn’t seem to make sense anymore.
Visse looked down the large cave. No life signs. Fog on the other end obscured her vision, so she wasn’t sure what to expect. That wooden bridge wasn’t forming any threat though.
She’d better check out if it was safe enough to carry the whole lot of them. A nearby waterfall made a thundering sound all through the cave. A gap in the ceiling allowed blue and yellow light entering the cave, and again small dragonbirds were flying all over. Their non stop shrieking however was getting on Rumiko’s system.
“Why won’t they shut up???”, she yelled.
“Oh take it easy will you”, Visse hissed, “Look this bridge… I’m sure it’s solid enough to carry all of us. And even so, the pool of water below probably isn’t deep enough to drown in. I trust most of you can swim?”
She glanced at Agouba.
“Oh man”, Visse sighed and shook her head.
“Sorry”, Agouba whispered.
“Just.. watch your step Agouba ok?”
“Are you sure that thing won’t collapse when I ..?”, George mumbled. He couldn’t help it, his Skaarj instinct told him he had to watch out.
“Will you stop whining George”, Rumiko growled.
“I knew the damn thing was going to collapse .. I knew it!”, George yelled, waving his arms back and forth, raging like a mad man.
“Shame you Skaarj don’t have wings”, Neo smiled. Yet he bowed down his silly writer head when George’s angry stare met his dopey eyes.
The group approached a gate. On the left and right were yellow windows.
“Some sort of .. entrance..”, Visse said, puzzled.
“Entrance.. to what?”, Laque mumbled and scratch her nose.
“Beats me”
Between the old walls dozens of little critters wandered around, as excited as the dragon birds had been.
“I guess.. we should take our chances and see what’s behind door number 1?”, Barak whispered, while reaching for the mouldy doorknob. A red spider dropped down from the ceiling in Rumiko her neck.
“What in..?”, Visse hissed.
“SO SO Something in .. m M M.. my neck get it out! Get it out!”, Rumiko cried, hysterically running around.
Agouba fell on the ground and started praying: “Oh we’re done for, we’re done for!”
Visse rolled her eyes, slapped her hand twice against the minigun, and dropped it to the floor.
She ran up to Rumiko, and grabbed her by the shirt.
Her hand slid down Rumiko’s neck, searching.. searching for the one responsible for this mayhem.
“Got ya”, she grinned.
Visse held in her hand a red Nali spider. Agouba fainted.
“Oh boy”, she sighed.
George grabbed the spider and ate it.
“Well that was rude!”, Visse growled.
George swallowed a couple of times.
“Brp.. hm sorry?”, he asked her.
“I like spiders!”, Visse shouted, “next time ASK before you take something!”
“Ok, .. Visse”, George said, cringing his teeth, drops of sweat rolling down his cheeks. Visse sure was an impressive lady. No once could mess around with her.
Barak opened the door. A semi lit hall, small Nali statues to the left and right of them. Carpet on the wooden floor. Yellow bricks in the wall. Dusty, old bricks, touched by the cruel hand of time.
Agouba slowly walked up to the others, while checking the ceiling. How he hated those spiders. A long time ago, he and his friend Goujadi went fishing in the great lake of Isharin (a former Nali town).
Agouba had fallen asleep, and his friend had wandered off to the nearby forest. Nature was Nali’s restroom.
All of the sudden Agouba had awoken, only to find a big, red spider sitting on his nose! The little bastard had bitten him before he could have defended himself, and Agouba jumped up and ran home, crying.
Cursed spiders.
Slowly Laque turned around the corner.
“You never know”, Visse whispered, “ suppose the Skaarj know we’re here?”
“Highly impossible”, Neo laughed.
“Just watch your back”, Visse answered him, grabbing his throat.
“Oh sorry”, Visse smiled, “I’m kind off.. tense right now. Sorry Neoknight.”
“N..no problem”, he smiled, but his lips were still trembling.
Rumiko joined him.
“What’s eating Visse?”, she asked.
“Beats me”, Neo sighed, “blaidenmaiden…”
Rumiko nodded.
“Damn right!”
A long staircase, another semi lit hall. Wood, bricks. Torches. Silence except for the little critters walking back and forth over and over again over the cold floor.
The group slowly ascended the staircase, finally facing another wooden door.
When Barak opened the door, minigun ready, he simply couldn’t believe his eyes.
“I’ve been here before!”, he shouted!
“You have to be joking!”, Visse mumbled, “this is “the forbidden zone”, remember?”
“Oh yeah”, Barak whispered,” anyway, somehow. These surroundings.. this place.. it all looks so familiar…!”
They had arrived in a pretty large Nali village. All around them Nali cabins, small trees and plants. Lit torches however announced a certain presence wandering around, so they had to be careful once again.
Rumiko climbed a couple of steps, stepping on the grass, walking near the edge of the village. She looked down and uttered a hoarse cry.
“What is it?”, Neo asked her and looked down.
Visse joined them, Laque and Barak staying back at the entrance to the village, making sure no one would “surprise attack” them.
“Morbias took us to a higher level”, Visse grinned.
“Nothing but purple and white cloud streams down below”, Rumiko whispered, watching the tone of her voice.
“Why are you whispering?”, Neo whispered.
“Because I want to, writer person”, she snarled,” can’t you see.. this is something really. Special we’ve stumbled upon. Look around and below you.”
However she raised her head and sniffed.
“Oh yeah that’s right. You Necris don’t like hanging out in places like this.”
“How do you mean”, Neo said, puzzled and frowning.
“Well, back on Necron.. it’s a dark world right? No sunlight at all, multiple moons, grim society, clans and war parties.. I could go on like this, but I trust you get the point?”
Neo was baffled for a moment.
Indeed she was right, Necris had a black, dark heart. But sometimes there was place for things of beauty in the likes of what they were experiencing at this very moment.
“I disagree Rumiko”, he said, smiling, smirking, “I happen to enjoy this .. place.. how it feels.. I understand, there’s something special about this.. something vulnerable.”
Rumiko frowned.
“You writer types are so weird.”
“So where do we go from here?”, Visse asked Laque.
“I have no idea, the map has become of no use to us. Maybe we should simply explore this town, see if there is a way out. I hope we have the opportunity to sleep here…”
“I know what you mean”, George said, while almost falling to his knees.
“What’s wrong with you?”, Visse asked him with a high pitched voice.
“I don’t know”, George mumbled,” something about this place.. it drains the energy from me.. and the adventure with Morbias..”
“Maybe we should split up and..”, Barak interrupted, but couldn’t finish his sentence.
“No way, we can’t afford to loose each other here!”, Laque almost yelled.
“Sorry, merely suggesting something.”
Laque took a deep breath, and patted Barak on the shoulder.
“No I’m sorry friend”, she smirked,” we should stick together. Who knows what lies beneath this town? Who knows if a Skaarj war party has made it here before we did, and is awaiting us inside one of the many cabins? Maybe following our every step as we proceed through the village?”
Barak nodded, and grabbed his minigun.
“Lead the way leader”, he grinned.
Laque rolled her eyes, and winked at him. “Ok everybody”, she said , trying not to raise her voice too much, “follow me, we’ll proceed that way.. into the village.”
They walked up a small hill, and in front of them lay a street. A street, 5 cabins to the right and left of them. Visse counted 5 wooden barrels and glanced at her clan leader.
Laque signalled her.
Visse slowly nodded and took out her e-knife. She crouched towards the barrels, and stabbed them one by one.
“Nothing”, she answered the others with a muffled cry, “coast is clear!”
The others started making their way through the “ghost town”, carefully watching the windows on the left and right of them, making sure no shadow would all of the sudden run by…
Visse was inspecting a gate. A gate made of out rusty metal. An old gate.
“Damn”, she hissed, “ it’s too heavy..”
“Maybe if all of us gave a hand?”, Barak sighed.
But the gate wouldn’t give in, not an inch. It simply refused to cooperate. No matter how hard the frightful seven tried.
The young Nali babycow started crying.
“Shhhhh be quiet you”, Visse tried soothing him. But he wouldn’t settle down. Something or someone was upsetting the poor animal.
Visse scanned the surrounding, gesturing at the others to shut up. Nothing. Dead calm. She didn’t like that.
“We need to get out of here”, she whispered, “fast!”
Visse watched the wooden ceiling above the gate. There was lots of mould. Old. Weak. An opportunity. Visse was grinning.
“Give me a hand here, or preferably a foot”, she asked Barak.
“What evil scheme are you plotting now Girl?”
“Just… give me a push so I can reach that .. ceiling ok?”
Barak gave her a cool nod, smiled and gently pushed her up.
Visse scratched her knife over the wood. “Won’t take long”, she whispered.
Barak seemed to enjoy the view. Visse noticed and she “accidentally” crushed his ring finger.
“Owtch!”, he yelled, while cringing his teeth.
Finally Visse managed in making a hole in the ceiling, big enough to climb through.
She made it, fell on the floor, got up and whipped the saw dust of her uniform. “Don’t have time to look like a mess.”
Her eyes caught a mechanism. Visse smiled, showing her white teeth.
The Nali cow started crying again. Neo saw something moving in one of the nearby cabins. A large shadow, running swiftly by.
“Hurry”, he shouted at Visse, yet trying not to raise his voice too much.
All of the sudden the gate started moving upwards. The stout seven ran through the opening, and heard the sound of breaking glass behind them. As soon as the last one made it to the other part of the Village, Visse let the gate down.
On the right there was a window. She broke it, using her knife and jumped down, showing off her athletic skills and making an a+ somersault. She huffed and puffed when her feet touched the soil, and quickly ran up to the others, hiding behind another cabin.
“Me thinks”, Neo began, “he has .. heard the sound of breaking glass back there..!”
“Me says”, Laque continued,” Neo is right!”
“Me assumes that we’re being followed?”, Rumiko said, using a scared yet soft voice.
“Me thinks miss..eh Rumiko is right”, George said, uttering a sound of anxiety.
“So much for taking a breather”, Laque groaned.
Agouba rose his head, remembering something.
“Look everybody, most of these Nali cities are the same! My dad once took me to see one. They were quite famous back then, when I was young. Only inhabited by priest, these cities were “tourist” attractions. What I clearly remember, is that me and my mates went for a swim in a pond, and there was this waterfall…”
Visse frowned. “So.. you’re trying to say?”
“Well, when the Skaarj took over Nalina, Nali talked about the many outposts they set up around these floating cities. Purpose unknown.. the Skaarj never were very secretive.”
Visse still didn’t understand.
“So what’s this got to do with you and your friends, the pond..?”
“Eh I’m not quite sure...”, Agouba whispered.
“BUT.. on the other side of town there’s this small chapel right…now I bet.. the fastest way to get there, is climbing the rock near the pond, .. our through the .. waterfall.. or rock. Or.”
Visse showed her dissatisfaction, and slammed her fist against the wall.
“Ohkay NALI, start making sense! What are you talking about???”
“Calm down”, Laque tried soothing Visse,” Agouba may remember something essential about this place, but somehow the parts of the puzzle don’t seem to fit anymore. Let’s find this pond.. maybe.. maybe.. it’ll show us a way out of here.”
“I see a Skaarj!”, Neo whispered, grabbing Laque her shoulder, trying to make her aware of the danger!
Three Skaarj showed up near the gate, discussing, arms waving around, shaking the gate, staring at the hole in the ceiling.
“Ice Skaarj”, George whispered. All of the sudden he sounded like a little school girl. His face turned pale and he couldn’t move.
“What’s wrong George?” Neo and Barak stared at the Skaarj standing in front of the gate.
“Ice Skaarj”, George continued, “ are the most fierce and dangerous warriors on Nalina! They must’ve been tracing us from the very start. Relentless, brutal killers. Some sort of mercenaries.”
“Mercenaries?” Visse asked him, putting her hand on his left shoulder.
“Yes, ruthless mercs, paid by the Skaarj government, only deployed in factor-7 cases.”
“Yes, as in extremely important and threatening to the Skaarj people…”
He sighed and sighed. George couldn’t take it anymore.
“What’s wrong?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”, George cried, “I’m a traitor! And the worst part is, you guys/girls didn’t force me into doing this, I followed you because I wanted to…”
“We better proceed before they find a way through that gate”, Visse muttered.
“Yeah…”, George sighed.
They followed a “path” leading along a couple of cabins.
“Another door”, Barak whispered, “let’s see what’s behind this one?”
Apparently a Nali farm. Rumiko noticed a barn to the left of her, and the remains of 3 Nali cows.
But most of all, to the right of the barn there was a huge rock. In between was a small brick wall, with another wooden gate.
Laque heard the thundering sound of a nearby waterfall.
George turned around, knives popping out of his hands. “The Ice Skaarj have found a way through!”
“Then we must fight them!” ,Visse growled.
“No, my Necris friend”, George said, showing a look of utter fear on his face, “they’ll probably kill all of you. Not even a Necris can withstand the brutal combined force of a highly trained group of merc Ice Skaarj.”
“What are you talking about?”, Neo said, almost yelling.
“Go while you can!! The pond Agouba was talking about probably lies behind that door! And who knows.. a way out of here? You never know! I’ll slow the mercs down as long as I can! NO GO!”
There was no time left! Although Neo and Rumiko had quickly barricaded the door with heavy planks, preventing the mercs from getting in, the things were about to yield under their brute attack .
No time to think.. No time to say goodbye, nothing but a quick look at a brave Skaarj. Rumiko couldn’t help but crying, softly. She hate to admit it, but she was very impressed by what George was about to do.
Visse was the last one left, she and George exchanged looks, and she waved at him. He closed his eyes for a brief instance, and showed a big smile. The last thing Visse saw was the Ice Skaarj crushing through the forced gate, and George assaulting them.
The other had already jumped into the water, and Laque had found a possibly way inside the rock. A metallic tube showed them the way!
Before Visse jumped into the water, she heard a high pitched, soul crushing scream.
She looked behind her, and took a deep breath. Her heart was pounding, pounding so hard…
The next instant she jumped into the pond, and followed her friends down the tube…