A new part to the story Nali skins, and NOT llama skins, i'm sorry

what was I thinking?
Ok, I feel like I owe you guys/gals one, i'll be writing a small part online

just like that.
Quest for the Nali skins part 5
Let's get back in the groove first. Here's the end of the last part:
Visse got up from the floor and ran up to Rumiko and Neoknight.
“C’mon guys”, she smiled,” we’re going on an adventure!”
“Say what?”, Neo mumbled.
They both looked confused, but quickly got up when Visse slammed her fist on the table. Rumiko, still feeling a bit intoxicated from that strong drink, wiggled her booty over the dancefloor, following Neoknight and Visse.
“Fine, ok now follow me”, the Nali whispered and while carefully scanning the surroundings for Skaarj guards, he opened a secret gap in the wall. Within 2 kraylins the four of them had disappeared behind it. The gap closed.
“Ok Visse, so what exaclty IS happening here, and why am I following you through a secret passage in the wall of a nightclub?”, Neo muttered while scratching the back of his neck.
“You do want to write a good story right”, Visse whispered,” Well, this might be your one big chance!”
“Hm.. you may be right. Visse..”, Neo answered”, but I sure hope you know what you’re getting us in.”
“Don’t worry”, Visse smiled,” trust me, we’ll have a blast.”
“Stick close to me”, the Nali waiter mumbled.
The four of them followed him through the shady passage in the wall, not really sure what was coming next.
Agouba knocked on a metal door. It was a loud knock however.
It produced a horrible, sharp sound. Visse didn't like that.
She hissed, as usual.
Agouba turned his head towards her, and grinned.
"I'm sorry, old door, and eh.. old man in the next room.. so sorry."
Visse nodded.
"AH forget it, It's just.. we Necris have sensitive ears.."
"We do", Neoknight asked her. He had a silly look on his face.
"Shut up", Visse whispered.
Neo took a step backwards, and bumped into Rumiko.
"Watch where you're going, you oaf!"
"Eh I'm sorry, didn't see you there RUmiko"
"Shut up", she hissed.
Neo stood there, mouth wide open, looking confused.
"What have I done?"
And at that moment the old metallic door opened. Indeed, a rather old Nali stood in the door opening.
"Oh hello Nougaba", he smiled.
Agouba sighed.
"No, .. for the quadrizillionth time, it's AGOUBA!"
"Oh yeah sure, Ougouba", the old man laughed and patted Agouba on the shoulder.
"No, no no no, it's AGOUBA, A-G-O-U-B-A!!! He cringed his teeth.
"Forget it, forget it and FORGET it!", Agouba shouted, " every single time I have to tell you my name, and every single time YOU .. ARgh! Forget it!"
The old nali turned towards the Visse and her compatriots.
"Those youngbloods, hysterical and so.." He sighed.
"So Nagouba, won't you introduce me to your friends?"
The old man scrathed his ear, and appearantly something interesting was to be found in there, cause the finger refused to leave that warm spot.
"Could you like.. NOT do that, man?", Agouba said with a trembling voice, "I hate that! It's disgusting!"
The old man sighed and sighed again.
"Awh ok..."
"That's better."
Visse rasped her troath and coughed.
"Ehe yes sorry", Agouba smirked, ".. I would like to introduce you to Visse, Necris Blaidenmaiden, Neoknight.. eh.. a Necris .. dude.. and ehm.. Rumiko right?"
"That's right, you little Nali", Rumiko grinned.
The old man frowned.
"Yes and? Why did you bring them here?"
Agouba looked him in the eye.
"These Necris, and that half blood, .. will.. retrieve the lost Nali skins for us!!!!!!!!!"
The old man really started smiling now.
Ok, a small dosis now, more to come later (adrenaline pumping in my veins)
Remember, I wrote this while being ONLINE.)