Well, here I am again..

A bit tired that is...
Warm weather.. been enjoying it.. and partially writing on the story..
Here's the next part..

Part 5: Citylights…
The boulevard. A ballad of thousand lights, varying from cheerful to moody colours. Everywhere there were neon-signs flickering on and off.. on and off.. on and off…
Hundreds of different creatures were strolling around the mighty boulevard. The many taverns, bars and Skaarj hellholes were crowded. Loud ambient music resounded from the many nightclubs.
Of course nightlife in Bouvaja was very different from that on Earth and Necron. The many faces on the boulevard showed a solar system wide interest in the Nali city.
The technoshield had taken a red colour, adjusting itself to the nocturnal hours. Making sure it would adjust itself to the moods of the many creatures below.
Visse and Rumiko were walking Amongst the horde of nightcrawlers on the boulevard. Neo and George had also come along, but they were discussing something the girls weren’t supposed to hear. Male bounding…
Rumiko constantly turned her head from the left to the right, inspecting the taverns and nightclubs. Checking out the crowd, making sure there weren’t too many humans present.
Visse stared at the many neon-signs.. red, blue, green, red, blue, yellow, red, blue, purple, green, white, yellow..
It seemed to feed her senses, invade her mind.. she felt hypnotised.
She had only been once to Bouvaja, a long time ago, with Loque. For her it felt like it had been an eternity…
Much had changed. The Nali had changed.
Just like the young Nali 2kewl had told them back on the ISV-kran. The older generations were conservative, not open for changes. But the younger generations had adapted. Most of them enjoyed the city life of Bouvaja, some of them were bar owners…
The image of the friendly Nali pacifist became fainter by the day. However, the Skaarj did make sure they wouldn’t plan a counterstrike, mainly on important powerplants and factories.
Surely the Nali hadn’t forgotten the horror and nightmares from the past. They simply didn’t feel like reviving those dreaded times.
All of the sudden Rumiko grabbed Visse on theshoulder and showed her a dark nightclub, mainly populated by Necris and Acron.
“What’d you say if we try this one?”, she whispered, not too sure if Visse would agree.
Visse studied the looks of the bar.
“Sure thing”, she smiled,” you and me Rumiko, we’ll take this place by storm! Let’s go!”
Before rushing in, she turned her head towards Neoknight.
“You coming or what?”, she shouted at him.
“Oh yeah sure, wait a triniton, I’ll be right there!”, Neo yelled, making sure the sound of his voice would exceed the volume of the mumbling crowd.
“I’m going to check out this hellhole”, George smiled.
Neo frowned, as if he wasn’t sure it would be such a good idea for George to go in there.
“Are you sure you’re going to okay, I mean you seem like a nice Skaarj…?”
George pounded on his chest.
“Sure, I’ll survive in there, see you later!”
Neo waved at him and quickly joined Rumiko and Visse.
The nigtclub was so crowded, it was almost impossible reaching the bar. Finally they made it, Rumiko stepping on a Griffion’s foot on the way and quickly apologising. Griffions were known to have a short temper.
A green, big Crag walked up to them. Raising his voice, he asked them;
“What will it be?”
“A nocturnal cocktail for me”, Rumiko yelled.
“I want a Firestarter”, Visse said while grinning at the green man behind the bar.
“A firestarter?”, he laughed, “ coming from a blaidenmaiden, this doesn’t surprise me one bit!”
The bar tender bowed down, and took out 4 bottles and one blue glass.
There was so much noise in the bar, one could almost hear the cool tune playing through the speakers.
“Here you go”, the bar tender mumbled, giving her the eye,” now just be careful, I know you Necris girls are tough.. but .. don’t drink it all at once. Take my word on it.”
Visse carefully sipped from the Firestarter.
“Hmmm”, she hummed, clearly aroused by it’s taste,” the right temperature and taste.”
The bar tender smirked: “Hey, what can I say, I’m good. So what will it be for you son?”
Neoknight scratched his nose, opened his mouth.. almost saying something..
“C’mon sonny”, the bar tender grumbled, apparently agitated,” time is not a luxury I can afford right now!”
“Ok,” Neo sighed,” give me a Sprizer (compare this to a sprite).
“Okeydokey smokey”, the bar trender grinned.
Rumiko shook her head.
“Necris don’t drink that ****, Neo!”, she hissed.
“But I like it”, Neo muttered, “I really like it ok?”
Rumiko sniffed.
“If I was a true Necris, I wouldn’t drink that ****.”
George watched his red rum (popular Skaarj drink). Although he liked this specific beverage, he’d knew it would only take 2 of those things to make him “light headed”. Necris on the other hand surely could stand 3 of those suckers. Nali would probably pass out after one sip.
“Graa George”, a brown Skaarj groaned,” long time no see!”
“Hey Gruba, same here! How are you? “
Gruba wiped his nose, and shrugged.
“Yeah well.. you know? Life in Bouvaja is ok for us Skaarj. There ‘s the clan I’m leading and I’m chief guard of the Azure mines, watching those damn Nali work and slave all day. We need the crystals right?”
Gruba smirked, took his drink, emptied it in a blink of the Skaarj eye, and hiccupped.
“Sweeeeettttt”, he shouted and slammed his hand on the bar.
A loud burp followed. Surely this wasn’t considered as impolite behaviour, it was merely letting the others know that you liked your drink.
“So, what are you up to these days, George?”, Gruba asked him while carefully studying the expression on his face.
“Oh me, I’m a tour guide”, George mumbled,” I’m letting these 2 Necris and one Acron see the most important tourist attractions in and around Bouvaja. Showed them the wreck of the ISV-kran today, and the temple of Vandora.”
Gruba frowned.
“Heavy. I didn’t know you actually could make a living out of being a tour guide. “
“Hey, no problem Gruba”, George protested,” I make as much grub as the next Skaarj warrior.”
Gruba sighed.
“ Still won’t consider joining my clan George? Ok, I know you’re a bit clumsy, but you’re one of the most trustworthy Skaarj I know. You see George… listen.” Gruba shoved his seat closer to George, and whispered:
“I constantly have to watch my back, cause I’m not sure every clan member is as reliable as they claim to be!
I could be wrong though, they haven’t done anything nasty.. but .. remember when I told you about the incident on outpost 3J? Now there’s something we DON’t want to repeat itself.
Eyes on my back.. I’m telling you.”
George perfectly understood Gubra’s situation and nodded. “But see, that’s why I’m not really interested in joining your clan Gubra. Just… feel like doing something else. I have had it with all this fighting, it’s just.. I don’t think I’m cut out for something like this. Being a tour guide ain’t that bad. If only.. only.. something crazy would happen right? An adventure.. seeking a lost valley, a long forgotten city.. you name it…
“You have too much imagination George”, Gubra smiled. “Here, let me get you another red rum.”
In one of the darker spots of the Skaarj hell hole, 2 red eyes lit up for a second. A black Skaarj carefully studied each movement Gruba made. Finally, after emptying his rum, he got up from his seat and walked up to him.
Gruba noticed something moving towards him and quickly turned around to greet his attacker.
Or that was Gruba’s impression of the Skaarj coming at him.
“Gruba, it’s me FaGrao,” the black Skaarj said with a rasping voice, pounding himself on the chest,” I want you to know… that I no longer agree with you being the leader of our clan!!!”
The black Skaarj showed his blades. Gruba jumped out of his seat and assumed the official attack position.
“Are you calling me out, Fagrao?”, Gruba growled,” cause if you are, you do realise only one us is allowed to survive this fight!”
“Yeah I’m calling you out Gruba”, Fagrao sniffed, his voice showing a lack of respect towards his leader,” prepare yourself for a beat-down.”
It was as if time had frozen for one second, then Fagrao jumped at Gruba, dangerously waving the blades of the right arm at his throat.
Gurba quickly dodged, almost falling over an innocent bystander. Not that it really mattered to this Skaarj, he simply burped and kept watching the fight.
Fagrao landed on the floor, and swiftly tunred around, meeting the eyes of his opponent. He lashed out, this time at Gruba’s heart. Lucky for Gruba, he could evade the deadly swing.
But then it happened. Fagrao lashed out once again, and hit Gubra in the throat. A great amount of blood poured
out of the huge wound, and he hit the floor, gasping for air, trying to cover the gap in his throat...
Gubra simply couldn’t believe it. This was his end. The day of defeat.
Rumiko came wandering back to the table Visse and Neoknight were sitting on. She plumped down in one of the metallic seats, and sighed.
“I love this, I just love this! No better time of the day than the night.”
Visse sucked on her finger. She had dipped it in the drink standing right before her, on the table.
“Hmm tastes okay”, she whispered, “I should come to Bouvaja more often.”
“So why don’t you?”, Neo said while sharply inhaling and exhaling…
“Not your allergy again?”, Visse sighed.
“Oh no no no”, Neo muttered,” well.. the air is thick in here.. all these strange odours.. so different from our homeworld…”
Rumiko ordered another drink. “I’d like a Naiga on the rocks.. and make it a strong one!!!, she said to the Nali waiter.
“Sure lady, no problem”, the Nali said with a sore voice. Rumiko frowned and turned her head to Visse, angrily saying:
“What’s his problem?”
Visse looked up from her drink, obviously back from a trip to lala land..
“Hm what Rumiko, I haven’t been paying attention sorry….”
“Nevermind”, Rumiko said, a bit disappointed,” Nobody ever listens to me!”
“On the contrary.. we have no choice..”, Neoknight thought.
“Say Visse, you haven’t answered my question yet.. you know about why not coming more often to this city?”
Neo shrugged and patiently waited for Visse to finish her drink. She sure looked sexy in the mood lighting of the bar. Her dark hair in her shiny eyes, sweet drops of sweat running down her cheeks, her tempting dangerous lips..
Cringing his teeth, he forced himself to return to the hard reality. No way he was ready for another commitment, or another love in his life. The ghost of his death wife, the memories of a past lifetime kept haunting him.
And besides, Visse was taken. Sure, she and Loque appeared to be “just” friends…
The ways of the Necris hearth, unfathomable and mysterious.
Visse putted her drink back on the table and smiled.
“Good beverage, really.. good beverage!”
Then she looked at Neoknight, with a dozy stare.
“I’ll tell you why it ‘s impossible for me to visit this city more often. There’s the blaidenmaiden clan for starters, I’m second in command…don’t underestimate this.. I’m also the medic. Let’s not forget about all the other activities I participate in while being on Necron: hunting, the aerocat gliding club, the Necris artists board..”
She paused for a Kraylin, and stared at the table.
“ Aside from the BM clan, nothing really interesting. Aerocats are ok, hunting is ok, so.. is the artist board.
But this city makes me feel alive you know ? Still, I find there’s one ingredient missing…”
Neo looked a bit confused.
“And.. what would that be?”
“Adventure Neo”, she cheerfully said,” I crave for experiencing a real adventure. The huge raid on earth wasn’t bad, but ..ah.. it .. probably .. nothing will happen.. I should enjoy the rest of this trip I guess.”
She took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair. Neoknight raised his eyebrows, and started biting his nails.
“Maybe.. who knows?”, he whispered.
Rumiko had finished her drink, and yelled the waiter to come over.
“Gimme.. anoder onnne uf this”, she laughed.
“Oh ****”, Neo mumbled,” Rumiko is drunk, “It must have been a strong one…”
Visse didn’t seem to notice how Rumiko, behaving like an idiot, slapped the Nali waiter on the cheek.
She stared at the vast crowd in the shady nightclub, seeing Necris and Grannx dancing, Nali standing near the wall…
Then her eye hit something interesting. In a blink of a Kraylin, she got extremely focused and looked at what was happening in a dark corner of the nightclub. 2 Skaarj were beating up a Nali. Obviously the smaller Nali couldn’t defend himself against those 2 gigantic brutes. At first, Visse didn’t seem to care. I mean, she was a Necris warrior right? Necris don’t want to interfere in Skaarj their affairs. What was it to her? Nothing!
But still, she didn’t like what she was looking at. It just didn’t seem fair. Necris were cruel warriors, not that different from the Skaarj. But they were no cowards.
Calmly she got out of her chair, her right hand on the e-knife. Ready for anything to happen. Skaarj were so unreliable.
The Skaarj on the left kicked the Nali in the groin. “That’ll teach you, serving me and my brother a warm drink!”
All of the sudden he noticed that someone was watching him, and turned around.
“What do you want Necris female?”, he growled, showing her the blades on his right arm.
“Not much”, Visse hissed,” I want you to leave that Nali alone.. that’s all.”
The Skaarj on the right started laughing like a madman.
“Oh that’s good, that’s a good one Necris female”, he said while wiping the sweat from his forehead.
“We’ll do whatever we want with this scum sucker, now beat it!”
Now you have to realise Visse isn’t a nice little kitten and she really DOESN’T like it when someone tells her what to do.
She sighed and squinted her eyes.
“I’m giving you .. one.. more chance.. to let go of that Nali”, she whispered.
The Skaarj on the left showed his sharp teeth , obviously trying to scare the **** out of her. It didn’t have the slightest effect on her however. She didn’t move one muscle.
The 2 Skaarj were a bit confused. Surely this Necris female HAD to be intimated by their huge shapes and dangerous looks.
“THIS is your final warning Necris”, the Skaarj on the right yelled at her. He was starting to become nervous and waved his blades in front of her eyes.
“Leave now.. or lose the gift of sight!”
Now that was all Visse could possibly stand. She grabbed her knife, and swiftly cut of one of the Skaarj his hands. He cried out, and fell to floor, agonised by the sudden feel of sharp pain. The other Skaarj, to intimated to retaliate, grabbed his brother, and quickly took off.
“Are you okay?”, Visse softly said to the Nali on the ground,” let me see that knee, it must be hurting right?
The creatures who had witnessed the quarrel, stopped losing time and returned to the hypnotic beat of the nightlife.
The Nali whipped his nose, and nodded. “Ok”, Visse sighed, “ let me take care of that knee for you ok?”
A faint smile came upon the Nali’s face. “Thanks lady”, he mumbled,” but why are you doing this?”
Visse grinned. “I really, really hate cowards you know? Now.. let me take a bandage out of my backpak.”
A couple of trinitons went by.
“There, all new”, Visse smiled,” just be careful with that knee, no excessive movement for 3 Nali days ok?”
“Gee, thanks again lady, you’re a cool Necris person”, the Nali laughed, “your kind is rare.”
Visse smirked. “I’m.. ok .. I guess… again.. those cowards needed to be thought a lesson in humility.. really do those Skaarj think they can permit themselves to frankly.. do ANYTHING their sick little minds tells them to?
The Nali was studying Visse her face. She noticed it and frowned.
“You sure got a lot of guts, you know that?”, he said, his voice sounded a little hoarse.. probably he had been shouting for help, but nobody had heard them due to the loud music in the club…
“Yes, I know”, Visse said.,” that’s why I’m a member of the blaidenmaiden.”
The Nali grabbed her shoulder.
“I knew it! Of course, you’re a blaidenmaiden! It makes sense. No other Necris would’ve dared pulling a stunt like that.. well.. maybe phayders would have.. who knows..”
The Nali swallowed a couple of times, clearing his throat of the blood he had been coughing up.
“I really appreciate what you have done”, he continued, “.. do you by any chance have the heart of an explorer.. shall we say.. an adventurer?”
Visse looked up to him. “Maybe I do,.. I’ve never.. “BEEN”.. on a heh.. real adventure BEFORE.. but .. I’d really like to?”
The Nali nodded.
“Let me introduce myself first”, he whispered,” my name is Agouba. I’m a middle aged Nali waiter during nighttime. By day I work in a Skaarj facility. Life is rough.. and this night had almost been my final one.
I’m so glad you’ve stood up to my bullies, to be honest;. I had no chance against them.
When I said an adventurer…”
He paused and took a deep breath.” Come closer eh..”
“My name is Visse”, she told him and sat next to him on the floor.
“Ok .. Visse.. let me tell you the following things..”
He whispered a story in her ears.. a story of the lost holy Naliskins... A long time ago, the Skaarj had taken these skins for a sacred temple. These belonged to former high priests. Nali had strange customs if you ask me.
Safely hidden from Nali eyes, they had stashed the skins in a dark valley. The Nali believed it was the Valley of the dormant dragons. None of them dared trespassing there.
What they really needed, was someone with a lot of courage, lot of heart. And the Nali waiter was pretty sure he had found this person.
“So, what do you say, do you like doing this? We’d really appreciate it.. the skins have been lost for nearly a Nali century…”
“Are you sure.. they are still.. in eh .. good shape?”, Visse mumbled,” what if they’re … gone by know.. a whole Nali century..”
The Nali waiter smiled. “Trust me on this, the skins are still.. eh.. in ‘good shape’. C’mon , what do you say?”
Visse ran her hands through her thick, raven black hair.. thinking.. it was tempting.. how long would it take.. does it matter? Does it really matter?
“I’m in the company of another Necris and an Acron”, she whispered. Not mentioning George was a wise thing to do at the present time.
“No problem, the more the merrier…. They can be trusted right?”
“But of course”, Visse said, somewhat insenced.
The Nali grinned, “Go get your companions. First of all I have to take you to my friend. He needs to give you specific guidelines and information he doesn’t like sharing with me.. that prick..”
Visse got up from the floor and ran up to Rumiko and Neoknight.
“C’mon guys”, she smiled,” we’re going on an adventure!”
“Say what?”, Neo mumbled.
They both looked confused, but quickly got up when Visse slammed her fist on the table. Rumiko, still feeling a bit intoxicated from that strong drink, wiggled her booty over the dancefloor, following Neoknight and Visse.
“Fine, ok now follow me”, the Nali whispered and while carefully scanning the surroundings for Skaarj guards, he opened a secret gap in the wall. Within 2 kraylins the four of them had disappeared behind it. The gap closed.
“Ok Visse, so what exaclty IS happening here, and why am I following you through a secret passage in the wall of a nightclub?”, Neo muttered while scratching the back of his neck.
“You do want to write a good story right”, Visse whispered,” Well, this might be your one big chance!”
“Hm.. you may be right. Visse..”, Neo answered”, but I sure hope you know what you’re getting us in.”
“Don’t worry”, Visse smiled,” trust me, we’ll have a blast.”
“Stick close to me”, the Nali waiter mumbled.
The four of them followed him through the shady passage in the wall, not really sure what was coming next.