Cat Fuzz said:Christian morality has been around for hundreds of years.
Yeah? So has Buddhism. What does that supposed to mean? Religions splinter and change all the time. Christianity itself comes in several varieties and flavors.
Cat Fuzz said:Its the leftys that want to change things, not us.
The reason we are all trapped in this rerun of Queer Education for the Straight Civilization is because this "morality" you speak of excludes people it shouldn't...based on logic from Self-Righteousness well past its date of expiration. The morals you say the "lefties" (who apparently is everyone who isn't Christian ) attack happen to only apply to certain people it seems. The people who founded the USA were Deists, lets try to remember that.
Cat Fuzz said:I barely watch any TV at all with all the bilge they are pushing these days. I feel like I have to get rid of the TV all together, but then my son would have to be that slightly weird kid at school who's parents won't let him watch TV.
Let him watch the Simpsons, he'll be alright.