Religious/Evolutionary Debate Thread

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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Aaagh hogwash

hell all those girly singers might as well be naked,cause they can't sing hehe.

"censorship" sounds bad doesn't it
now run a poll without that word in it or "goverment" ,it's a loaded question,I could care less,TV is bad enough,not only nudes or sex,but all the shows are for morons,hardly anyhthing good anymore,there are some good shows left that don't use cheap sex lines to get a rating.They can delete MTV"moron telivision" I hated it since the day it came out,music videos pfffft.

besides janet jackson is so menial,sucky music sucks sucks sucks,glad they picked paul mcartney this time too.

But your wrong on your foolish poll there,all liberal press crap totaly,brainwashed fools leading brainwashed fools with no plan of there own.
Thats why you guys or whoever thinks fox news is a right wing news channal,flaming ass_holes whoever thinks that,it just don't add up,and if you think that (i bet you do) your totaly brainwashed lead me to the slaughter scocial liberal sheep.

they censor in here right? so WTF over,........


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
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ReD_Fist said:
Aaagh hogwash
excellent title for your post.
hell all those girly singers might as well be naked,cause they can't sing hehe.
so as long as you can't sing, its fine to be censored. right. its not like that isn't a subjective opinion or anything.
"censorship" sounds bad doesn't it
now run a poll without that word in it or "goverment" ,it's a loaded question,I could care less,TV is bad enough,not only nudes or sex,but all the shows are for morons,hardly anyhthing good anymore,there are some good shows left that don't use cheap sex lines to get a rating.They can delete MTV"moron telivision" I hated it since the day it came out,music videos pfffft.
the government is doing the censoring in question you ****ing retard. we were talking about the FCC, that is the government.
But your wrong on your foolish poll there,all liberal press crap totaly,brainwashed fools leading brainwashed fools with no plan of there own.
Thats why you guys or whoever thinks fox news is a right wing news channal,flaming ass_holes whoever thinks that,it just don't add up,and if you think that (i bet you do) your totaly brainwashed lead me to the slaughter scocial liberal sheep.
"as long as the facts don't agree with my preconcieved unverified opinions, it must be the LIEHITLERBERKKKAMURDERALLNAZILL media."
they censor in here right? so WTF over,........
yes, the FCC censors this board.
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Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
Red_Fist, serious question. Would you support an organization called the National Society for the Defence of American Patriots ( NSDAP ) which payed for defamation cases against the liberal media?


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Frostblood said:
Red_Fist, serious question. Would you support an organization called the National Society for the Defence of American Patriots ( NSDAP ) which payed for defamation cases against the liberal media?

if red fist isn't a refined version of doomhand then this joke is totally lost on him.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Frostblood said:
Red_Fist, serious question. Would you support an organization called the National Society for the Defence of American Patriots ( NSDAP ) which payed for defamation cases against the liberal media?

I am in support of good TV shows,not sitcoms,not cheap sex lines and call it a good show.
It's the same thing,a band,a band who can really rock out with pro musicians,or what you guys like ,a stupid band who has some gimmick to get on the charts like swinging there c_cks around, but can't play for sh_t.

If it takes that group or the fcc to put some inteligence back into TV then so be it.

There is no need for sex,nudity or swearing on a public band free TV station
just like the athiests lame reasoning, who can defend lame shows then say it's censored by the big bad goverment,geeez you guys get all freaked out cause of that.
The concern about "censoring" would preside for news channals,if they start censoring the news channals THEN you all can have a valid concern..


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Frostblood said:
So, you support the NSDAP?

Someones got to get the smut off of TV,censor or not.

But I don't call it censoring at all,like they say ,if you don't like it,change the channal right?

Well if every channal has sex laiden cussing shows,not good shows then it appears all you "rights" people are worse for any kind of "freedom of choice".

All because the poor little babies can't see there lowlife moronic sitcom you call it censoring LoL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rights.......pfffft just too funny,makes me laugh.

Whats so bad what they are doing ,censorship my A__.


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
george bush jr. brings out only the best in america's citizens. Where do creeps like redfist crawl out? Under a bridge in el paso tx where he stayed for the whole clinton era only to come out when the next antichrist comes out?


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Balton said:
george bush jr. brings out only the best in america's citizens. Where do creeps like redfist crawl out? Under a bridge in el paso tx where he stayed for the whole clinton era only to come out when the next antichrist comes out?

I am still the same,from way before clinton hit the scene,I think things got worse having to listen and make your ears bleed gay this gay that,go ahead be gay or whatever,but thats when all this "rights" stuff started getting redundent and rediculas.

If it were my way I would bann all sports shows because they cause riots and violence aaaaaaaghghgh !!!!!
You know,after the game ?
Sports are bad for our children,it causes violent behavor,ahaha even in the stands and the players lol.

but remember don't spank your kids either,we wouldn't want to punish them for anything even if they imitate whats on TV right,why not save the parents from all that grief and have fairly decent tv shows.

There is paid cable and if they start censoring that,then again you would have a valid concern or any network news.


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
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Cat Fuzz said:
Remember kiddies! Freedom of Speech was intended to protect political speech, not people-smearing-their-nekid-bodies-with-chocolate-in-front-of-a-live-audience speech.
who invoked the first amendment here besides you?

it has nothing to do with free speech political or not, and everything to do with christians pushing their view of morality on everyone else. personally i think a lot of 'speech' and TV, music, etc. is crap, but i don't want it censored.

oh look, a few more strawmen from red fist, what a suprise.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
bobtheking said:
who invoked the first amendment here besides you?

it has nothing to do with free speech political or not, and everything to do with christians pushing their view of morality on everyone else. personally i think a lot of 'speech' and TV, music, etc. is crap, but i don't want it censored.

oh look, a few more strawmen from red fist, what a suprise.

Something Redfist said.

What makes you think its ok for the leftys to push their view of immorality on everyone else? Christian morality has been around for hundreds of years. Its the leftys that want to change things, not us.

I barely watch any TV at all with all the bilge they are pushing these days. I feel like I have to get rid of the TV all together, but then my son would have to be that slightly weird kid at school who's parents won't let him watch TV.