Recent Fads/Trends That Will Shamefully Define this Generation

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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Short term memory loss
yeah but even that is a possible side effect and most likely to only happen if you're smoking copious amounts like a moron.

see, myself, I've experienced nothing of the sort.
that's right, not once have I gotten scared while riding Tower of Terror at Universal Studios.


is ironing his panties!
yeah but even that is a possible side effect and most likely to only happen if you're smoking copious amounts like a moron.

see, myself, I've experienced nothing of the sort.
that's right, not once have I gotten scared while riding Tower of Terror at Universal Studios.

Maybe you just can't remember...

Or one of your drug induced schizophrenic identities was in charge at the time... ;p


New Member
Apr 27, 2008
Pretty sure QTEs have their roots in those awful FMV games. And that's basically what games utilizing QTEs are turning into, just real-time rendered.

The whole retro 80's revival had its peak around 2002-2005. Hollywood is trucking on since they are a bit late on catching up, and movies take a lot longer to make than music. We're already starting to see a bit of 90's exploitation in music now, and it's gonna explode when this decade is over.

Emo hair is today's mullet.


Just a flesh wound!
Jul 19, 2001
Los Angeles, California
Kinda funny that the people that are defending the "marijuana is bad" argument are Republicans. Oh and also, Marijuana was made illegal in the past for totally racist reasons and business men with nothing to do but pick on the poor and put them deeper into poverty. Oh wow, look at that. Things haven't changed!!! But it's all good because ITS THE LAW AND THE LAW IS THE ALMIGHTY WORD AND IT HAD BEEN SPOKEN AND IT WAS DONE AND IT WAS GOOD.

Know your information before you spew random points of view that have major racist implications from histories past.


Just a flesh wound!
Jul 19, 2001
Los Angeles, California
Oh and I DONT USE MARIJUANA and I'm NOT totally for legalizing it. But when people talk about what they think is "right and mighty", ya just gotta step in and let them know they are wrong, which most of you are.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
OJ Simpson did time, Bud Light with lime
Jon and Kate Plus Eight, Jonas Brothers fun to hate

Kim Jong Il, Taepodong
Beyond Unreal Dark Pulse is wrong

California Governator, Instant message C U L8r
Lehman Brothers went to Hell, Gotta have more cow-bell

Face-book, You Tube, O-bama, Swine Flu
George Bush, Git-mo, WISH MY LAWN WAS EMOOO!!


You just won the thread. That was epic.


is ironing his panties!
Kinda funny that the people that are defending the "marijuana is bad" argument are Republicans. Oh and also, Marijuana was made illegal in the past for totally racist reasons and business men with nothing to do but pick on the poor and put them deeper into poverty. Oh wow, look at that. Things haven't changed!!! But it's all good because ITS THE LAW AND THE LAW IS THE ALMIGHTY WORD AND IT HAD BEEN SPOKEN AND IT WAS DONE AND IT WAS GOOD.

Know your information before you spew random points of view that have major racist implications from histories past.

No offense but if everyone had to qualify the entirety of their knowledge on a subject before expressing a personal opinion then buf would be a deathly silent place. I'm pretty surenone of us needed to know half that stuff.

Have you considered that the past is irrelevant to some on this subject, what they know or believe about it in the present is enough.

If it makes you feel happy I have a wallet, a backpack and a jumper made of hemp... Still ain't gonna smoke it though.


Just a flesh wound!
Jul 19, 2001
Los Angeles, California
Have you considered that the past is irrelevant to some on this subject, what they know or believe about it in the present is enough.

Really? I guess we can just ignore the last 7 years of the bush administration. On that note, GOOD JOB DUBYA!!!!

The words "past is irrelevant" is showing so much of your own ignorance I can't believe I'm even reading it. The past is NEVER irrelevant and should constantly be examined.

Let's just say that the past of the USA is irrelevant on the slavery side of things. Because we all know now that blacks aren't oppressed by our society now and of course they are created equal today!!!



is ironing his panties!
Really? I guess we can just ignore the last 7 years of the bush administration. On that note, GOOD JOB DUBYA!!!!

The words "past is irrelevant" is showing so much of your own ignorance I can't believe I'm even reading it. The past is NEVER irrelevant and should constantly be examined.

Let's just say that the past of the USA is irrelevant on the slavery side of things. Because we all know now that blacks aren't oppressed by our society now and of course they are created equal today!!!


Okay so when quoted you me saying
me said:
"the past is irrelevant to some on this subject"
did you think i said
ficticious strawman said:
"The past is irrelevant to me personally on all subjects please call me ignorant now!"

You really think the reasons people have for KEEPING it illegal having anything to do with racism?


Reasons for making it illegal might've been dubious but they are not relevant to reasons for keeping it illegal because they are intrinsically different... They may not be any more well founded or good but they are completely different and unrelated. *Sigh*

To make a relevant pun.
I think your horse is too high...
get it?
You see it works on two levels...
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is ironing his panties!
... Okay then. I thought it was obvious, awful... but obvious. sorry.

1. I'm suggesting he's on his high horse
2. I'm suggesting his horse is high... on the whacky backles!

So i'm making a cutting jibe that he's being all hoighty-toighty whilst simultaneusly making a joke about his horse over-abusing drugs... that's... the.... two levels.... i'll be quiet now.
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Apr 23, 2005
As for limiters, unless I understand incorrectly (entirely possible) that would be on the user side of the equation, with the radio station simply broadcasting the music as-is and if the user is using a radio with an automatic volume limiter enabled, then it could lead to distortion.
Whilst it is possible for there to be a limiter on the user side, good radio stations also compress the signal for FM broadcast.

This is an example of the sort of product that might be used nowadays:

the AGC contains a compression ratio control that allows you to vary the ratio between 2:1 and ¥:1. Lower ratios can help make gain riding subtler on critical formats like classical and jazz.


This article explains a lot:

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Active Member
Aug 24, 2008
... Okay then. I thought it was obvious, awful... but obvious. sorry.

1. I'm suggesting he's on his high horse
2. I'm suggesting his horse is high... on the whacky backles!

So i'm making a cutting jibe that he's being all hoighty-toighty whilst simultaneusly making a joke about his horse over-abusing drugs... that's... the.... two levels.... i'll be quiet now.



Just a flesh wound!
Jul 19, 2001
Los Angeles, California
... Okay then. I thought it was obvious, awful... but obvious. sorry.

1. I'm suggesting he's on his high horse
2. I'm suggesting his horse is high... on the whacky backles!

So i'm making a cutting jibe that he's being all hoighty-toighty whilst simultaneusly making a joke about his horse over-abusing drugs... that's... the.... two levels.... i'll be quiet now.

For your information, I hate horses. And if I was riding one, I would immediately turn it into glue.

Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
The hilarious thing is that virtually the same people making ads against big corporate tobacco are the same ones trying to get weed legalized.