Recent Fads/Trends That Will Shamefully Define this Generation

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Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
Even though people look stupid with some new trends, I welcome it. It keeps things from getting stale. Look at redneck fashion, it hasn't changed in decades. Pretty boring IMO.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Even though people look stupid with some new trends, I welcome it. It keeps things from getting stale. Look at redneck fashion, it hasn't changed in decades. Pretty boring IMO.
That's because redneck fashion has always been partially about finding any cruddy clothes lying around :p Plus, certain fashions trends never change, like I'd say alt. rock fashion is pretty much the same as it always was, people just stopped wearing it, in general.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2008
Emo boys are kinda cute though :D
True, alot of emo guys are hot.



Emo girls are equally hot:


They all look the same.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
Man, if emos are the biggest pain in your lives then I am envious. Being surrounded by emos would be great compared to being surrounded by chavs (I work in a horrible horrible horrible part of manchester, and I do mean horrible). And if it isn't the chavs it's the bad boy yardies (dizzie-rascal-a-likes).


edit: I dont just face the above every week, nor every day, but every 5 minutes.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2008
^^Yeah, the chavs a spreading from England into Ireland too.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Oh ****, there goes my plan of seeking happiness in the UK. Can you post a chart to show where Chav infestation is worst ?


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
You don't get many stereotypical chavs round where I live seeing as most of the white kids are too busy pretending to be black :lol:.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.

Amazon Review said:
This shirt saved 16 children and a nun from a burning bus, June 8, 2009

It's uncanny. I had just ordered this shirt for my trip to Peru to visit ancient Incan dormant volcanos. The first day I wore the shirt, we were at the top of some volcano, when terrorist guerilla fighters began shooting all the tourists!

I was almost scared until the power of the wolves overwhelmed me, and I found the shirt extending over my entire body in perfect form-fitting accuracy like a sweet cotton exoskeleton.

At that very moment, a tour bus full of children and nuns came up from behind us, and the terrorist guerilla ninja jihadists began shooting at the bus. Its engine exploded and the bus caught fire!

The shirt just took over from there. Controlling me like a god with a puppet, it compelled me into the burning bus and I lifted all of the children at once onto the massively muscular shoulders of the three wolf moon shirt, then delicately picked up an old nun,and carried them out of the bus.

The volcano gods chose that instant to exact their revenge on the neonazi guerilla terrorist ninja jihadists and erupted the volcano.

All would have been lost, if not for Gandalf and the big flying eagles carrying us all to safety. Gandalf later told me the eagles would never had offered to help, except they love the Three Wolf Moon shirt themselves, and it would be a crime against the universe to let one be destroyed by lava.

Neonazi Guerilla Terrorist Ninja Jihadists ... :lol:

And this one is just solid gold:

Amazon Review said:
I, for one, was most disappointed in this product.

While preparing for last year's Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, it struck me that i had torn my uniform during bat'leth practice and had not yet requisitioned a replacement. Since i was shopping for Conversational Klingon (Audiofy Digital Audiobook Chips) anyway, i decided to give a try. I was pleased to find this listing and ordered a XXXL.

Imagine my surprise and dismay when i unpacked the box in my room at the Las Vegas Hilton. Instead of the expected "Three Worf Moon t-shirt", i had... this. This is not even close to Federation or Empire standards. But, at the time, it was the only clean shirt i had, my other shirt having fallen victim to an especially sloppy drive thru meal at the nearby Taco Bell. So i put it on, and had an immediate craving for a Budweiser.

I looked in the phone book to find the nearest comic book store, praying that they would have an acceptable substitute uniform to wear to the con. As soon as i parked the ol' Ford Festiva, throngs of women started migrating toward me from the parking lot of the Wal*mart next door. Having never spoken to a woman before, i was very nervous, but managed to explain to them that i needed to buy a new uniform because Klingons had messed up my other one. For some reason, they looked at me funny after i said that, but one of them said that my pants looked fine. (?) I explained that my problem was more with the shirt. The same woman said she really liked the shirt. Then she asked me if i wanted to see the new trailer. I told her that i seen a sneak preview of the trailer, and i thought it looked like a cheap rip-off of the original. (I saw the movie on May 7th, and i stand by my original assessment. ONLY SHATNER can play Kirk!!!!1)

At this point, the chattering women went quiet, and the one who had been speaking to me started slapping me silly! And another one of them threw an empty beer can at my head before starting back to the Wal*Mart parking lot to find someone named "Cletus". Well, it doesn't take a Starfleet Academy graduate to know when to get the heck out of Dodge. I hopped back into the Festiva and high-tailed it back to the hotel. I wore this T-shirt ot the convention, and everyone laughed at me. Have you ever been laughed at by a whole bunch of Trekkers? It hurts, man.

Typical Jackal reply :D
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Sep 17, 2004

Yep this isn't EMO. And it's nothing to be really ashamed off in the near future.

Looks like the average everyday typical annoying-screaming-f'ing-immature-cellphone-whore floating around shopping malls and public transportation hanging out in a bunch, we got around here but a little more-less hot. If that's not the case, then I'd be curious to know how a girl like this can act as a mature person. Meh, I'm definitively more attracted by woman's around late 20, early 30.

But I'm not here to judge, she's decent looking. Yes.
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Sep 17, 2004
Maybe, as for chavs around here, we all have our share of that, annoying, young, doesn't care about society. But they don't just wear bandannas or wear baggy pants. EMO guys just look like faggots. That is pretty much about it. They don't bother me.

Time to lighten up a ****ing candle in those brains, if there's some cells left that is, chavs.