Player can be anywhere.
Player re-deploys as the class of their choice, healed and reloaded.
They die and lose points.
They don't die and lose points.
Need to be at an owned deploy point.
Re-deploy as same class, unhealed and not reloaded.
If FMI wants to add this... which would you do?
Suiciding is still better, since we all know that point-whores are mostly useless.
Is it worth tweaking to make Teleporting a stratagy that will be used? The purists will of course say no. I'm not sure it matters much.
My Opinion...
Screw the teleporting outside the spawn timer. That seems to be the only valid arguement against
Sir_Brizz's idea, and that is a matter of opinion for now... we'll need to play it and see
if FMI does this.
If you just set it up so that you are allowed to redploy from an owned deploy point to another owned deploy point (if you're not carrying an artifact) then it just saves you the trouble of
suiciding. Only benefit is that teleporting feels less like an exploit (suiciding is a necessary evil to combat getting stuck in a map, imho) and more of a strategy, which I think is worth it myself.
Still, suiciding is more useful.
Do you add in the ability to change class? Is that too much, or should they be forced to take the death penalty (points)? Still suiciding bound to a key is better, as you don't need to be at a deploy point.
How about this... instead of arguing against teleporting, come up with a form of teleporting that would be balanced against suiciding.
GotBeer? said:
Everyone of us here at some point was new to the game, and had to learn how it works. Just like EVERYONE ELSE has to learn EVERY OTHER game out there when they first start. If someone in the first few minutes of gameplay starts saying, "How come when I turn, the little yellow arrow on the map still points up and why are the blue/red borders moving?" and "Why won't the shiny metal tree let me teleport to another shiny metal tree?", do we really want them to stick around?
I haven't suggested anything for UTXMP that I didn't suggest for U2XMP during the beta. These are things that I believe are
unfinished/unpolished as opposed to
design choices. I am probably right on some of them and wrong on others, but from what I've read and seen, U2XMP was rushed and didn't get the polish it deserved.
If UTXMP is exactly the same as U2XMP, then it'll be a great game... but if FMI spends the time to polish the stuff Atari didn't let Legend get to, then it can be an even better game.
Polish, not changes in gameplay, I agree.
[speculation] making some things more ONS like is not just about the new players, but because the code is already there, and is functional... why recreate the wheel? [/speculation]