Here's the problem with teleporting between deploys. You creating a situation where you can't retake deploys on many maps, especially in a competition but realy anytime you got some people on one team on voice comms with a minimum of coordination.
Sample scenario:
Garden, one gunner back on defense watching the front. someone calls they're taking red deploy. By the time they start hacking, they are sitting ducks for the gunner spawning right next to them.
This situation is essentially valid for Nakoja, Rampant, Garden, Alcazar from the stock maps, Hell, Asunder (somewhat), Wonderwood, Xaemia from the CBP, Cathexis, Wasteland, MistyMountain, Acheron from Alienpod pack just to name a few. It creates a huge game balance issue whereby you either need to lower hack times which bad because it wil severely lower chance to defend the deploy or you leave them the same and the deploys get held. XMP is not ONS, this really doesn't fit in the strategy of XMP in a way that can be easily balanced short of throwing out a good number of the stock maps(and maybe some of FMI's new ones, who knows) and making all new maps.