Loqa said:Having the radar on screen and updated to your position when you click into a deploypoint to be deployed would be the best of both worlds IMHO.
The UT2k4 deploy window is way to annoying.
This is not a bad comprimise
Loqa said:Having the radar on screen and updated to your position when you click into a deploypoint to be deployed would be the best of both worlds IMHO.
The UT2k4 deploy window is way to annoying.
Loqa said:Having the radar on screen and updated to your position when you click into a deploypoint to be deployed would be the best of both worlds IMHO.
The UT2k4 deploy window is way to annoying.
Mort_Q said:If they go with the idea of adding the ONSish ability to use the deploy points to teleport between your teams deploys, then perhaps they could also have all the friendly units appear on the radar/map as well.
Naib said:Didn't they say somewhere that they where not going to add that in?
Imagine how hard it would be to hack deploys. All a team needs is someone porting between deploys killing anyone trying to hack them.
A map like sunset beach is hard enough to take back if you lose the deploys. It would be a lot worse if players could teleport between deploys
It would also mess up the deploy time system, as you could just spawn at the one with the least time and then teleport to the one you want to use.
Naib said:Didn't they say somewhere that they where not going to add that in?
Imagine how hard it would be to hack deploys. All a team needs is someone porting between deploys killing anyone trying to hack them.
A map like sunset beach is hard enough to take back if you lose the deploys. It would be a lot worse if players could teleport between deploys
It would also mess up the deploy time system, as you could just spawn at the one with the least time and then teleport to the one you want to use.
Xaero said:Well, what if the deploys still were on a timer? You can select at any deploy your team controls, but if you select one that just deployed a moment ago, you have to wait the full 20 seconds or choose another deploy point?
Xaero said:Or if the deploy is in the process of being hacked, it couldn't be jumped-to? People could still respawn there while being hacked, but someone simply could not do a jump to that deploy during the hack?
Mort_Q said:I trust they never considered not having to teleport outside the normal respawn time setup, else all you would ever do it deploy at the soonest point and teleport to the desired point. It'd have to be just like respawning, just without having to have died.
Again, people would just suicide and deploy instead of teleporting.
I don't think it really is an issue. I'd make it checkbox feature like the TL in CTF, but I'm afraid it would split the community... or a mutator and it will be as loved and/or reviled as Istagib-XMP <shudder>
Oh look! You don't have a point! HOW CUTE!!!!!Liuokin said:whaat?
What the hell are people talking about?
Wasn't this supposed to be a port of XMP to ut2k4?
Ortographic map!? What the ****!?
If you seriously don't know where to spawn and where the deploys are and what they are called you really should be studying the map more. Seriously.
This isn't BF1942, this is supposed to be XMP.
Liuokin said:If you seriously don't know where to spawn and where the deploys are and what they are called you really should be studying the map more. Seriously.
Dandeloreon1984 said:uhh... on a small point, the teleportation needs to be like translocator because no one wants the arti carrier hitting the first deploy and warping all the way back to there base without giving themselves a little bit of a rought time.
WolfmanK said:There should not be teleporting in XMP.... Changes the game too much.
I think this is fine, but I think teleporting to a "permanent" spawn point should be on the fly.Mort_Q said:We're just discussing something that we think would make the learning curve easier to deal with; XMP deserves to be played, and to keep and audience, you need to keep people playing long enough to get hooked.
Also true. Which brings us to...
... which I agree with for the most part. Although, you could suicide and respawn, which is pretty much the same thing, since they could never let you teleport with an artifact.
Whatever, it wasn't my idea, it was FMIs.
Sir_Brizz said:I think this is fine, but I think teleporting to a "permanent" spawn point should be on the fly.
Sir_Brizz said:PERMANENT spawn points. Like the ones inside your base? Yah. The ones that CAN'T BE HACKED.
[BBF]Mantik said:You mean the ones that are usually like 10-20 feet apart from each other on maps that have multiple static unhackable deploys? That'd be, uh, pointless at best.
I meant FROM the hackable ones to the ones in your base, as long as you don't have an arti.[BBF]Mantik said:You mean the ones that are usually like 10-20 feet apart from each other on maps that have multiple static unhackable deploys? That'd be, uh, pointless at best.