RAv3 style experimentation in HL2

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oldfartis nongratis
Jun 4, 2001
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That's one point where we agree, I beleive this post's purpose was to get feedback from the community on the mod, not feedback on the feedback. I just got caught up in the rise to the troll bait game, and I really don't want to play that no more. That's why my posts were edited. Sorry to remove your fun. Apologies to the other forumers.


Because it's more fantastical.
Jun 26, 2000
Nothing like some Seventeenism to detract from a thread. Anyway...

Yurchie said:
Vertical freeaim, attempt to kill autoaim, cfg file to default it to hard, no crosshair, console enabled. Minor adjustment of some settings.
The vertical freeaim isn't working for me, and I still have to manually set it to hard, disable the crosshair and enable the console. This happened with a fresh install of the mod, as well as when I just copied it over the previous version. Ah well.

When I have to make a long distance shot, I INFstinctively crouch and try to control my breathing :lol: If possible, I'd like to see Gord's hands steady up a little when he crouches. That, and/or a key binding to make Gord control his breathing for a few seconds would be excellent.

Incidentally, I find that yurchOffset_x 3 works best for me, though it makes the shotgun and crossbow "float".

On an unrelated note, I've been tweaking around with skill.cfg in order to rebalance the game, since your mod definitely puts the player at a major disadvantage, due to how HL2 was designed; that, and I figure if I'm going to play HL2 like INF, I want the guns to hurt like INF ;). I basically upped the damage of most weapons, made shots to arms and legs do 30% of regular (chest/stomach) damage, and headshots do 300%. The pistol now kills a zombie in 2 headshots, a headcrab in 1 shot, the low level Combine soldiers in one headshot or two torsoshots--so to speak-- and so forth. It's still a quick and dirty tweak, as I haven't had a ton of time to playtest it, but quick runs through Nova Prospekt and Ravenholm were encouraging. If anyone wants a copy, please PM me. The installation and uninstallation is hassle-free.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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TheShiningWizard said:
The vertical freeaim isn't working for me, and I still have to manually set it to hard, disable the crosshair and enable the console. This happened with a fresh install of the mod, as well as when I just copied it over the previous version. Ah well.
I just checked the file... argh... through some sort of mixup the wrong version is up. Edit2 - don't you love case sensitive systems? Proper version should be up If you want I'll start including your damage changes if you want, I've got no objections to some rebalancing.
As far as the weapon distances go, give me a yurchOffset for each weapon and I'll 'calibrate' them in to be a bit more accurate, as well as permanent.
as a side question, how come you aren't in IRC anymore?
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Because it's more fantastical.
Jun 26, 2000
Heh. I downloaded what I'm assuming is the correct version (it had 197 files--old download had 196). The vertical freeaim wasn't working, but I'll reinstall it and give it another go.

I'll PM you the skill.cfg. It also ups Gord's carrying capacities for most ammo (ex. 36 .357's, 72 shells, 540 SMG bullets [a dozen full reloads], etc.).

Here're my suggestions for the yurchOffsets.

Pistol: 6
Magnum: 7
SMG: 2
Assault rifle: 4
Shotgun: 1
Crossbow: 1

The following suggestions aren't important, for obvious reasons.

Crowbar: 4
Gravity gun: 5
Grenades: 2
RPG: 3

As a side answer, I got out of the habit of IRCing once #infiltration turned into an idle channel :(

On a completely unrelated note, I stumbled upon a console command that makes ragdolls pile up on each other instead of clip through. cl_ragdoll_collide 1
Its effect is most apparent when you kill a bunch of enemies in a staircase. I put it into my userconfig.cfg :D

chuckus said:
Hell my girlfriend could have double D cups insntead of Cs but you don't see me ragging on her for it.
B cup > D cup :D
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Because it's more fantastical.
Jun 26, 2000
On a non-tit note, I have another suggestion for Yurch.

I was thinking that you could use Gord's auxiliary power to steady his aim. You hold the assigned button, Gord's hands stop shaking (or at least don't shake as much) and his auxiliary power drains, just like it does when you sprint. You could also limit him to the walk/crawl speed while doing this in order to keep the feature balanced. I know that this isn't very INF-like, but it fits well with HL2, methinks.

Having a steady feature would make the medium-long range fire fights a lot less aggravating, especially in light of your mod breaking the crossbow :p.


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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was thinking that you could use Gord's auxiliary power to steady his aim. You hold the assigned button, Gord's hands stop shaking

It would be awesome if you could tie that in to the HEV suit's energy.


Because it's more fantastical.
Jun 26, 2000
I was chatting with Yoitch on IRC, and he wasn't too keen on the idea, as he's designing IASP with player-vs-player combat in mind. I'm guessing that if he does choose to address singleplayer, he'll find a way to make the Combine soldiers less proficient with their weapons in order to level out the playing field. Maybe, Yurch, you could slow down the reflexes of the soldiers to simulate them having to line up their shots?*

*Every suggestion I ever make comes with an obligatory "If that's possible." :)


Because it's more fantastical.
Jun 26, 2000
Hey yurch, I have a file for you. It'll fix the names of all the chapters, weapons, death messages and load/save notifications. I'll email it to you.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Awesome. I've got nothing new (that works) and I'll also be out most of this weekend, so who knows how long it'll take me to update with something 'real'.