RAv3 style experimentation in HL2

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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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I have a working vertical freeaim - if you guys want other rotational directions it's gonna be a bit more work.

I think I can attach a small config to default the game to hard and crosshair off. It seems normal has that problem too.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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New version here. Courtesy of the Ragingsamster.
Vertical freeaim, attempt to kill autoaim, cfg file to default it to hard, no crosshair, console enabled. Minor adjustment of some settings.


oldfartis nongratis
Jun 4, 2001
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Yes please D/L, and evaluate for yourself, I can neither say it is good or bad unless you PM me, because that may be seen as blowing warm air by some individuals
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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Um, look, yurch is doing good work, but I think just about all of us can imagine a hell of a lot of ways it could get a hell of a lot better.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
And if you're going to blow sunshine up yurch's ass, do it in a pm. OMG THIS IS PRFECT11! is not constructive. How could it get any better? Holy crap, there could actually be freeaim! There could be better sight allignments! There could be dynamic weapon stances! There could be properly implemented scopes and reflex sites! There could be tons of features I'm sure yurch just hasn't figured out yet!

Guys, it's an experiment in progress. It could be better in an incredible number of ways. That's the point.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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Sigh. Where did I ever say it's perfect? It's far from perfect. He has just started working on it for god's sake. A post saying OMFG IT SUXXORZ!!!11 isn't really helpful, now is it.


l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
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Man, don't you just hate that one guy, James? He always jumps into threads, ruining everyone's fun time by telling them that they obviously shouldn't be having so much fun because whatever they're having fun with is a buggy piece of shit.

Fuck James.

See, what James doesn't get, is that if we didn't tell someone how much we enjoy their little mod, that someone would obviously get nothing more than something like "Dude, you messed up on the reflex sites." with a grandtotal of maybe 5 posts, telling him all the problems they had. That doesn't seem terribly encouraging to me.

"OMG THIS IS PRFECT11!" sure as hell is constructive, in the same way "OMG THIS SUKCXX!!1" isn't. If everyone tells someone they're enjoying whatever the hell that someone made, then wouldn't that someone be a bit more inspired to keep to whatever that someone is doing? James keeps making it seem as though all we're doing is kissing that someone's ass, when, if he'd actually read the posts instead of only the parts where we're praising someone for their good work, Areth James would understand there's much more to our posts than just that.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
That's very clever Geno, straw manning me like that. Unfortunately, it isn't much worth responding to, since it has remarkably little to do with anything I've ever actually said.

My issue remains with the patent absurdity inherent in saying a work in progress coding experiment like this can't get any better. Implemented features aren't half done, and it's nowhere near a real mod. No one's saying you shouldn't appreciate it, like it, be impressed by it, or enjoy it, no matter how hard you wish someone were. But it's astoundingly ridiculous to build it up as something perfect and then throw a fit when, god for forbid, someone points out what it actually is.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
ragingsamster said:
Arethusa is right! I was wrong in saying it can't get any better... I will NEVER, EVER, EVER enthusiasticly exaggerate again :rolleyes: get a life troll.
I'll get right on that.
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Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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Arethusa, normally I do find some merit to your more "trolly" posts and have found it hard to hold them against you as you had validity to them. But this one seems a bit too much on the nit-picking side. I just don't see the point in stating the fact that it's not perfect because it could have a reflex site, freeaim or some other x feature.

Hell my girlfriend could have double D cups insntead of Cs but you don't see me ragging on her for it.


We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
At this point, with posts getting edited and sanitized all over the place well after the fact, there's really no point in anyone paying any of this any more attention.