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Sep 17, 2004
Test Drive Unlimited 2

I'm too early in the game to give it a rating that would really come down to my entire gameplay experience once I have finished the product. It has been a up-down experience since the game kicked in, it is easier to appreciate as you progress, but I'll get on a few points that makes this game so bad and yet very interesting.

I do feel however, that every time I'm starting to experience something great with the game, it gets taken away by so many things a few moments latter.

The initial presentation is Abysmal, it's dreadful, terribad. It makes you think what you are about to play is aimed at typical tanned club douches, as it's presentation probably was designed by the same type of people. If you did not appreciate TDU1's introduction you are in a world of pain on this one. Simply put, completely annoying and disengaging characters that will force you to endure them as you progress in the game.

I drove about 20 different cars in the game so far, I can say the most you progress the more interesting and spinning-out driving gets. I'm playing the game with Sport setting, I do believe it takes out computer-assisted mechanism, especially in exotic cars, as they can get ridiculously hard to handle if you do not have a pedal. The driving experience is pretty much like the Original TDU - It is good. It's much closer to realism than arcade racers.

Not feeling challenged. Experienced settings.
Ai seems to make some mistakes, it doesn't drive ace, but it brakes and cut the speed too often.

Not a huge difference from the first TDU except for cars and some interiors. They are extremely well detailed and you can tell that one of the game's strong aspect and main focus, definitively are the cars.

They follow you trough the game, even on the second island, they are... words can't even explain how fail the person who managed the whole "more-in-personal-take-on-competition" is. So here's a picture I think suits perfectly how the game characters are based on.

I'm not even close to kidding, get that idea out of your head.

The new stuff

-Driving license. Hey there kids how ya been? We know you have played one thousand racing games before and you can beat our in game AI +13 seconds no ****ing probelmo! But we FIRST want to make sure YOU to get past our driving tests in order to decide if YOU are able to play this game.


-Racing events are now put all together in one pack of event. This is the part where you are in some kind of really oddly-made tournaments, simply because as you progress inside the "tournament", you are able to restart any events as you failed them, yet there's a leaderboard that keeps a track on who's in the lead, just like usual tournaments. And you also get to decide which race you do and in what order. Makes the tournament impossible to lose unless you do it on purpose.

-Hawaii is back. I have just poked around it a little, they brought it back from the first TDU, I imagine they've made quite a few changes to the island as well. Obviously. So there is a lot to explore.

-You move freely around every interiors, makes it more interesting for players who would have appreciated that, I like it. Though, it's not really like it is going to change anything really, and as far as shopping goes (that's the part where it would have made a good difference) instead of shopping items in the store, you just go talk to the sale person and from there a menu pops up. So, not really a major improvement.

-Bikes are out. Replaced with offroad driving, which really sucks. Offroad driving is a odd approach from the developer, and in my personal opinion, it should have been voided. It's one of those gimmick things they felt in need to bring in the franchise, when I think the game mostly relies on Asphalt driving. What they should have done instead is IMPROVE on the bike aspect.


You can see their budget hasn't really been profitable in every area during development, but it still is a game people should check out, exploration and cars are the huge part of the "why", and hopefully you don't get too distracted by the very annoying things this game forces you to go trough.


Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Test Drive Unlimited 2

Not feeling challenged. Experienced settings.
Ai seems to make some mistakes, it doesn't drive ace, but it brakes and cut the speed too often.

They follow you trough the game, even on the second island, they are... words can't even explain how fail the person who managed the whole "more-in-personal-take-on-competition" is. So here's a picture I think suits perfectly how the game characters are based on.

I'm not even close to kidding, get that idea out of your head.

The new stuff

-Driving license. Hey there kids how ya been? We know you have played one thousand racing games before and you can beat our in game AI +13 seconds no ****ing probelmo! But we FIRST want to make sure YOU to get past our driving tests in order to decide if YOU are able to play this game.


-You move freely around every interiors, makes it more interesting for players who would have appreciated that, I like it. Though, it's not really like it is going to change anything really, and as far as shopping goes (that's the part where it would have made a good difference) instead of shopping items in the store, you just go talk to the sale person and from there a menu pops up. So, not really a major improvement.

-Bikes are out. Replaced with offroad driving, which really sucks. Offroad driving is a odd approach from the developer, and in my personal opinion, it should have been voided. It's one of those gimmick things they felt in need to bring in the franchise, when I think the game mostly relies on Asphalt driving. What they should have done instead is IMPROVE on the bike aspect.

1. Is the AI any harder than the first? If not then this game will make me bored.

2. The point about the characters....:(

3. The Driver's License...really? Really? :rolleyes:

4. :( No bikes...

Also like the first is it where you have to play online to get 100%?
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
I really enjoyed the first TDU.
maybe that's because I completely ignored the story and the characters and just enjoyed the game for what it was; a driving sim loosely disguised as a racing game. I can look past most of the corny stuff because the attention to detail with the cars and the island is simply outstanding. so as long as the focus is still on the cars, I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up TDU 2.

but no bikes this time?
that's gay.

Kantham, can you post some actual ingame screenshots for us?
I want to see pics of the island instead of just cars.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
Sacred 2 Gold, 7/10.

I must admit I'm giving these arpg's decent scores mostly because we are content with chillouty type coop games. While there are a lot of awkward aspects to S2, one of it's advantages is that it's astronomically large both in terms of the open-world map size and level progression, which is ideal if you're after a game you just drone around in while hanging out with a bro.

It's also incredibly cheesy which is something you either reject or chuckle at. My friend currently has a shock pink helmet, purple pigtails, a laser pistol, and high heeled plate armor. I'm playing a dryad mostly because she reminded me of that guy from Empire of the Sun. I even got a white headdress at the moment.


Sep 17, 2004
1. Is the AI any harder than the first? If not then this game will make me bored.

3. The Driver's License...really? Really? :rolleyes:

1. I doubt the AI is better. To be honest, the only things I find remotely challenging are the solo events. Things like time trials or 'helping' people.

3. There's approximately (8,9?) vehicle categories in the game. You will have to get schooled for each one of them. It takes around 15-20 minutes, and if you fail the tests, it can take 30 minutes.

Even though you will rape the AI in the anus every time.

Kantham, can you post some actual ingame screenshots for us?

I doubt my 1440x900 will really make a difference from the retail screenshots, and I am running on medium settings. The game looks great, more than the first game. Character customization is as boring as the first game if not more, by the way.

Oh and you have the option for car vinyls. But you don't want that.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000


I tried hosting a co-op server for funk, endo and urp but after I went through 500 menus and going deaf from the WHOOOSH sounds they were being forced to download a custom model I had deleted from my game a long time ago. It's not in the server packages anymore and there's no files left from it in my install. But of course the game is still trying to send it to them. We gave up and decided to play on Bombs for some DM. Bad scaling, the game crashed a few times because bombs had a custom skin and once you crash during the game you can't rejoin because the game thinks your player is still on the server. Also, everyone was Demoguy. AWWW SMASSS

Failure of a game.

Juggalo Kyle

Sup brah.
Mar 23, 2005
Northern Cali

Quake Live 15/10

I love it. The only thing is that it's not super popular in North America, the pick up scene that is. And it's kind of annoying that every server I join, there's at least one person who thinks I'm hacking when I end the FFA with 50 kills and 10 deaths.



Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Gran Turismo 5 for the PS3-7/10

More of what you'd expect from this franchise. The license tests are proving difficult. Lots of tracks and lots of cars but you have to work hard for the credits.
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It's time I look back from outer space
Feb 12, 2008
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Dead Space 2 8/10

Space is Dead. Again.

Lighting Quality is Dead Space's strongpoint here, as it was in its predecessor, but the overall atmosphere of the game is superb. The game was optimized better for PCs in comparison to the first one, and I had very little, if no framerate issues. It's certainly not demanding or taxing for a GTS 460. The environment spooked me more than any enemy ever did. Especially Mr. Golden Sun in the elementary school.

Sound design was also very well done.

Could have used better motives for dealing with Nicole, at times she was quite annoying, and not scary in any way shape or form. Just annoying. Plot-line seemed somewhat plausible, but fell short on a couple notes. Ellie never reprimanded Isaac for following her either. Ellie also could have just knocked Stross out as opposed to allowing him to follow. Seemed illogical to just keep the mumbling idiot around.

Faster, more intense, overall better than the first one. I wasn't backtracking, and only some of that returned with the Church of Unitology, but overall, helped with progressing further. Could have had more spots where the bench and store are next to each other throughout the campaign. I'd played through 3 whole times, the replay value is quite good.

Other thoughts
Stupid stupid stupid EA, not releasing the DLC chapters on PC, or providing any form of community support. What's the point of having forums for PC if you're not going to patch the damn thing? A couple bugs and otherwise silly and unbalanced multiplayer tarnished the game's overall score, but it was in general, an excellent game.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Dead Space 2 8/10

Space is Dead. Again.

Lighting Quality is Dead Space's strongpoint here, as it was in its predecessor, but the overall atmosphere of the game is superb. The game was optimized better for PCs in comparison to the first one, and I had very little, if no framerate issues. It's certainly not demanding or taxing for a GTS 460. The environment spooked me more than any enemy ever did. Especially Mr. Golden Sun in the elementary school.

Sound design was also very well done.

Could have used better motives for dealing with Nicole, at times she was quite annoying, and not scary in any way shape or form. Just annoying. Plot-line seemed somewhat plausible, but fell short on a couple notes. Ellie never reprimanded Isaac for following her either. Ellie also could have just knocked Stross out as opposed to allowing him to follow. Seemed illogical to just keep the mumbling idiot around.

Faster, more intense, overall better than the first one. I wasn't backtracking, and only some of that returned with the Church of Unitology, but overall, helped with progressing further. Could have had more spots where the bench and store are next to each other throughout the campaign. I'd played through 3 whole times, the replay value is quite good.

Other thoughts
Stupid stupid stupid EA, not releasing the DLC chapters on PC, or providing any form of community support. What's the point of having forums for PC if you're not going to patch the damn thing? A couple bugs and otherwise silly and unbalanced multiplayer tarnished the game's overall score, but it was in general, an excellent game.

Which is why I will be buying the superior version on the ps3. Suck it pc gamers :awkward:


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Bayonetta 10/10
Maybe not quite a ten, but rounding up it's close enough. Fast and smooth gameplay, sensory overload on the graphics and music front and a lot of content. Plus the protagonist is a lot of fun.:) I'm still glad I bought this the day it was released.

Ninja Gaiden Black 10/10
Full ten this time. No doubt about it. Perfect gameplay with intuitive and versatile combat and an AI that's fun to fight against. Graphics that can still keep up with current-gen games. Interesting level-design with a lot of lovingly crafted details. Everything looks like it should look. The graphics will still look alright in ten years even if they're obviously technically dated already. There is a lot to do in the game too.
Probably the best singleplayer action game in existence.