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Burnout Paridise: 3/10

Probably the worst goddamn menu system I have ever seen. Ever. You don't know where to go, you can't tell which side is up or left or right, takes you to a store, takes you to options then some other random menu screens. What a pain in the ass. Then there is the music. HOLY ****. You can not adjust the menu music, or the start-up music at all. It's very loud, it's the same song every ****ing time you load up the game. Guns N Roses. Ugh. I think they let a blind person who is hard of hearing design the menu system.

The actual game play is fun when online. Crashing and taking out the other guy is great fun. Even if all the cars pretty much feel the same, but with slight differences. I know funkblast and I had fun in it...but only AFTER we figured out how to get into multiplayer.

GT5: 8.5/10

Been playing this when I can (in between nights before Battlestar Galactica). The game is great. It could be perfect if the graphics were all the same (premium) and not crap ass from GT3 just ported over. Also the sprites are really poorly done if you happen to slow down. But at 120mph, they look "ok" enough to pass as decent quality. I also don't like the B-Spec racing crap. It's easy enough to just click play, and walk off and do something else while the AI wins the race for you. I usually start up a B-Spec race and go get something to eat. I really like A-spec and the tuning aspect, as I've always been good with that.

But if it wasn't for the crapy half-assed graphics/textures and B-Spec, it would get a higher score. It's my kinda game :D


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
dude, have you SEEN the menu? **** me sideways. It's terrible.

Ah yes, that menu that you spend... less than 5% of the time in? It's definitely not the best, but the map works fine, and so do the statistics screens etc. I had no trouble with it other than getting through the initial browser like menu on startup. Game is awesome though, IMO.
Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
Yeah, the menu system in that [great] game is terrible. I had to go online to find out how to get around it at first, lol.
And the exaggerated animation of the menu sucks, since you can't do anything until it's done "wowing" you with it's graphical menu muscle
(especially in game when all you want to do is restart an event... blah).

Game kicks ass though; just wish PC gamers got the DLC.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2008
The menu really is terrible though. I'm also playing it on the xbox (the game came with the console) and for a while it seemed to have come up with new crap from time to time and I was always worried I would accidentally buy something. Whenever I was taken to a shop or store screen I would double-check to make sure it's an in-universe store and not a "send us your precious ms-points" store. Now it's all mixed up, I think and the categories of vehicles you have to buy with game-money and the ones you have to buy with real money are side by side. It's been a while since I've checked.

I don't play often, but when I do I usually try to get through the menu with a balance of trying to get through it quickly and trying to get through it without hitting buttons I don't want to hit and then I play for an afternoon or so, never looking at a menu again.

So all in all it's not too bad and the game is cool and all, but the menu definitely deserves to be mentioned.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Super Meat Boy with bugs - 5/10
Super Meat Boy without bugs - 9/10

For a game that was only developed with a 2 person team, a job well done. First let me get into the bad - the damn bugs and/or glitches

Bugs that impact gameplay

Vsync bug - Basically what happens is when you start the game it starts in 5x speed. Fixed by applying vsync, or so you think. Perhaps through some unknown button mashing but after a level I have noticed Meat boy would be laggy on the map screen. Starting a level would instantly put me in the 5x speed bug. A restart of the game is required to fix.

Crashes - Get used to these. Alt tab is a no no, the game will crash mid level load, will crash on exit, you name it. Has gotten better since patch but still a common occurrence.

Exploding meat boy - Mainly seen in the Hell Chapter. If you jump towards a curved wall surface and a moving platform just so happens to be aligned just right, you will explode. The game seems to think you fell in the lava instead of landed on the platform.

Input lag - Every get that feeling that you know you pressed jump and it did nothing, yeah same **** different day.

Bugs that are a nuisance

Leaderboard bug - Will fail to upload your current time even though the level itself shows you improved. I would double check every time you improve a time or else it is going to be a long road trying to get that time to reupload. I have already improved one stage 2 times and it still fails to upload.

Replay not replaying - You watch your replay, but it doesn't record your time, or show meat boy moving. I have seen this once and a few times in a lets play.

The good

7 Chapters spanning 310 levels full of unlockable characters, hidden bandages, excellent boss fights, and retro warp zones that bring a tear to your eyes. All for 15 bucks, what a deal. The game is super freaking hard, but fair as long as the bugs mentioned above don't interfere. I alone am responsible for 2 people buying the game because I talked about it so much, I am sorry guys :D

Bottom line is. Excellent game considering the amount of people involved, but the bugs will cause much rage.
Jan 20, 2008
New Zealand
Greed Corp: 5/5. This is a small-scale turn-based strategy game. It includes several campaigns, has attractive graphics and pleasant music, and the game play is simple but adds up to some challenging play.

Lego Batman: 4/5. Very nice game, but has some bugs and silly tasks that make it occasionally infuriating.

Monday Night Combat: 2/5. Looks ok, and I bought it because the developers got good press here about doing a good job on the PC, but it's not my type of game. I guess I was hoping for something similar to UT3, but there's no carnage and the gameplay is too complicated for a killing game. +2 for the cheerleaders though.

Dragon Age: Awakening: 4/5. I thought this was a good sequel, but it's a shame they couldn't carry through more of the characters from the original, and not just the retarded dwarf. It's also more dialogue-heavy than I like.


I used to be a man
May 17, 2008
UT2K4: 4/5, but only due to custom content, the base game really isn't all that great.

Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
DCS: A-10C Warthog (Beta). 8/10

Wonderful flight sim. Complex, but fun. The Beta runs amazingly well on my system.
Steep learning curve. The available manuals (PDF) help, but not as much as they could.
There are a lot of Training missions that walk you through the various aircraft systems,
flight training as well as weapon deployment. You'd be smart to take them all...
several times.

Wee bit of Battle Damage:

But, all's well that ends well:

Cockpit Shot (Most of the switches are functional and mouse clickable):
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Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
GT5: 8.5/10

Been playing this when I can (in between nights before Battlestar Galactica). The game is great. It could be perfect if the graphics were all the same (premium) and not crap ass from GT3 just ported over. Also the sprites are really poorly done if you happen to slow down. But at 120mph, they look "ok" enough to pass as decent quality. I also don't like the B-Spec racing crap. It's easy enough to just click play, and walk off and do something else while the AI wins the race for you. I usually start up a B-Spec race and go get something to eat. I really like A-spec and the tuning aspect, as I've always been good with that.

But if it wasn't for the crapy half-assed graphics/textures and B-Spec, it would get a higher score. It's my kinda game :D

I'd give it a 5/10 until I get a wheel. The AI and their pre-determined route really pisses me off. You get in their way and they ram you. It especially pisses me off on courses where you get disqualified for ramming or hitting cones, yet they do all of the above and never get disqualified. Are you kidding me?

Then there's the extremely long load times and the fact that every little menu selection requires a loading or "installing" indicator. It's a hassle just to switch into a different car. It feels like half of the game is spent navigating through slow menu screens. Ugghhhh.

And yeah, what you said. Some of those ported over cars are simply inexcusable. For the mammoth budget the game had, EVERY car should be premium.


Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
StarCraft 2 - I don't have to say that much about this game, because most of you know this game, that's why, I wanna make a short statement. This game is badass like hell and every RTS fan gonna love it! I didn't play the first StarCraft myself, but I still got time to do that. Anyway, StarCraft 2 deserves a 10/10, because the singleplayer, multiplayer and everything else is just fabulous!
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Minecraft (Beta)-6/10

I'm planning on tunneling from one end of the world to the other for something to do. I can't wait for more upgrades including the promised multiplayer advancements.