The "unknown Steam error" isn't the fault of the game... it's a. Steam. error.
Also, the game IS based off of a UT2004 mod and that's why it's priced as it is. If you played the mod and then this game you'd know that it HAS been polished.
I realize the score you gave it is your own opinion, but it's not a very fair score.
Thief 2: The Metal Age 9/10
I'm barely half-way through, but it's already better then Thief Gold (not a fan of dealing with zombies), with additions like Mechanist creations. Love the huge and complex levels. If only Deus Ex had stealth on the level of this game.
Definitely curious what Thi4f is going to look like.
the most important thing you pointed out here is the fact that the game is basically over the moment you reach the Vegas Strip.Fallout: New Vegas B+
Nevada Sky + brown cloudy sky feels awesome, instead of that annoying baby blue retail sky.
So retarded. Obviously the mod makers fail at environment compared to the devs, which is funny because normally mods are supposed to improve stuff, not make it look like crap.![]()
Really? Lame, I'll host on imageshack or something.I don't see the image
I'm not referring to the metro or any other underground area of the game.Fallout 3 was just longer because it had just 40 or so metros
If NV gets the same treatment FO3 did with DLCs down the road then I'll certainly be putting plenty more hours into it. I'm still playing the game, and generally agree with most of the points you guys brought up, either pros or cons. It's certainly a mark below FO3 in terms of scope and the grander scheme of things, but in other ways it is superior. The difficulty, for instance, has certainly been improved. As much as I loved FO3, I was a walking god well before the cap with all the character combos I made (I had three total for FO3, one for each playing style) on Very Hard, whereas in NV on the same difficulty (and thanks to Hardcore mode) I reached my level cap and was very engaged by the game's difficulty the whole way through, cap or no cap.
It's impossible to ignore the expansion pack feel of New Vegas, it really is. But I bought the game knowing full well this was the case, so I don't feel cheated. I can't very well cast a final verdict on it yet, based on how future DLCs turn out. The ones for FO3, minus Anchorage, were all spectacular and (along with Borderlands) are the best expansions I've played for a game since...jeez, Half-Life?