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fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Thanks for the info guys/SirYawn.

The only games out of any of the music games released on consoles I've played are GH2 and RB2. I currently have RB2 and I have to say I've enjoyed it very little compared to GH2. My gametime with it is probably just a few hours while with GH2 it was probably days.

Important questions in regards to me getting it: Can I just use my RB2 plastic guitars/drums/mic with RB3? In fact, can I just pick up GH2 and play that with RB2 guitars? Also would buying RB1 to go along with my RB2 and 3 improve my enjoyment by a lot to at least be comparable to my enjoyment with GH2?
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Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
acronyms ahoy

Sleepyhead, I'd like to know what in particular you liked about GH2 over RB2; it would make it a lot easier for me to know if you'd like RB3 or not. If it's difficulty, then I'm not too sure you will find RB3 any better than RB2. If it's song variety, well RB3 definitely trumps RB2 (and possibly GH2), especially if you don't like metal. Note there is some overlap with GH2, except instead of covers you have the real songs.

DLC and spending money on it is a pain in the wallet, no denying that, but there is are a lot of options there for certain, more so than any other music game.

The keyboard peripheral is damn amazing with pro mode. Highly recommend looking into that if you're willing to spend a little more cash on Rock Band.

You absolutely can use your Rock Band 2 stuff with Rock Band 3, and I'm pretty sure you can play GH2 with your RB2 guitar. I use the 360 GH2 controller for RB3 and cannot remember if I tried a RB instrument on GH2. The only thing you can't use the Rock Band 2 stuff for is Pro Mode, and even then all you need for Pro Drums are a cymbal expansion.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008

Ah, thanks. I read somewhere that newer RB stuff only works with newer GH games, but GH stuff works with all RB games. Doesn't matter though as I'm leaning far towards the RB3 or nothing route.

I liked GH2 better for both reasons you listed. Well not the actual difficulty per se, but the fret-button layout for the songs. In GH2 it just feels a lot more ingenious and fun to me. Even only on level 2 difficulty in GH2 when playing it feels a lot more accomplishing when a faster or new pattern scrolls by and you hit it. In RB2 even playing on the 3rd level, it's a lot harder than the 2nd level in GH2, but not as fun. Just feels like I'm doing the same boring patterns over and over again and sometimes switching between them with the difficulty only coming from the speed and complexity of the pattern. No improvisation. One could argue that it just depends on the song, but I think it has a lot to do with the way they designed the song layouts in GH2.

As for the music itself, I'm a fan of metal, but I guess I'm picky. I can probably count the amount of songs I liked in RB2 on my two hands, while in GH2 I could go on shuffle all day. Also in RB2 a lot of the songs just felt like skanky or dirty garage band songs/punk songs. I heard they included some local band music in RB2, so that probably contributed to that. All the music in GH2 just felt classic and accessible or at least able to be appreciated by everyone.

Damn, that kinda ended up being long-winded.
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Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
Haha, why are you on a discussion board? :lol:

I think this every time Plumb Drumb makes a post. No offence, Plumb Drumb.

Important questions in regards to me getting it: Can I just use my RB2 plastic guitars/drums/mic with RB3? In fact, can I just pick up GH2 and play that with RB2 guitars? Also would buying RB1 to go along with my RB2 and 3 improve my enjoyment by a lot to at least be comparable to my enjoyment with GH2?

I think there are instrument compatibility problems with older Guitar Hero games, but pretty much any plastic instrument will work perfectly with any of the Rock Bands and the newer Guitar Heroes.

Picking up RB1 will basically just give you a greatly expanded song list, as you can export them to play in RB2 and 3 (for a small additional fee - but you can pick up RB1 for the price of a soiled prophylactic these days anyway). So the level of enjoyment it will give you depends on how many of its songs you like. Personally I like a lot of them, so I've always felt very happy about that purchase, but unfortunately a couple of tracks (such as Enter Sandman) aren't exportable. On the subject of Metallica, thankfully RB2's Battery isn't exportable either.


Fresh meat.
Nov 2, 2008
Unreal Tournament 3 - 5/10. Been a really long time since I last played this, so I figured I'd try it again. There's pretty much no one online, so that means I can only play against bots. Most of maps are just good looking, but not that fun to play. Thankfully, I have the HOLP, Map Mixer, the Crucible Weapons Pack, and the Community Bonus Packs, so maybe things won't get so boring. The SP campaign is probably my least favorite part of UT3, with its terribad story, how it was overhyped as much as it was, and the fact that it's just a bunch of regular matches. At least it has CoOp.

Tribes 2 - 6/10. Downloaded this one a while ago. I would have bought it on Amazon if I didn't find out last minute that it's free. At first I had a blast playing it, even if I couldn't kill anything. After a while, though, I realized that it's the only game I've ever seen where spawn killing and spamming are not frowned upon. It just ended up getting really damn frustrating. Dying, having to wait 15 seconds to respawn, and then dying again just as I respawn is not my idea of fun.

That said, skiing was still a ton of fun (I actually had more fun skiing around than I did killing people), and the team-play element to it is great. The part I most appreciated about this game was the weapon/class configuration, but it was tough to get a decent build going.
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Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
Darkest Hour-8/10:
This ain't your grandma's WWII shooter. And it isn't necessarily large scale-combat either. It is practically two games-Your maps are either assault style, where one team is attacking and the other is defending objectives, or Battlefield-esque. However, these are oriented towards tank combat, so you will not see many infantry lying around. Also, these large maps are LARGE. You are gonna be driving for 5 minutes on a map that is modeled very closely to the actual battles they represent in history.
Only bad stuff is really non-developer issues. The community has been split between tank and infantry servers. Since many of the tank maps have been taken over by custom mappers, many of the levels have serious balance issues. As in, the mapper gives the German team near limitless amounts of Panther and Tiger heavy tanks, so on these maps the Allies almost always loose, usually with the German team camping every corner of the map where it is impossible to flank because they are on the boundaries of the level.
Otherwise it is a very realistic shooter (not a simulator like Arma), and winning always requires superior tactics and teamwork. Spam in the incorrect fashion will get you and your teammates killed. Spam in the correct fashion (suppressing fire, nades used to flush out MG nests, etc) will devastate the enemy. WWII western front does not get any better than this.
It is a WWII multiplayer game with the intensity and and flow of a SP game...except those are real players your shooting at.

Edit: Also, one thing this game has that makes it better than almost every other 'realistic' shooter is the mounting system. In most other games, crouching does not work for cover. Either you are too high or too low, requiring you to jump or stand up to shoot, exposing your entire body. In RO/DH, if you stand behind a wall and crouch your character will automatically duck. Aim down your sights, and your character pops up, exposing only his head, arm and rifle. At the same time, playing your weapon against a ledge like this will severely reduce your recoil. Therefore the game becomes about superior positioning. IE iif your caught dead in the middle of a field you cannot quickjump, sight, and fire. Because without the mount (or prone), recoil is big.
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Jan 20, 2008
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - 9/10

I've been waiting since SOTN and SCV4 for another masterpiece-quality Castlevania and here it is, after tons of clones for the DS plus that terrible Judgement game on the Wii. I really don't care if it look any similar to GoW or whatever, as Konami did worse at ripping off Metroid.

This is probably my favourite action game since NG2 (not the Sigma crap). Best graphics I have ever seen in a while (as good as GoW3 pretty much, but I don't have a HDTV to check stuff properly) and the story is okay. It's nice looking at the references to the original Castlevania series; every time I see that cutscene where Gabriel and Zobek walk together like a lovely couple, a pretty known Castlevania duo comes into my head. Excellent music too, and I'm happy that they remixed that Waterfall theme from SCV4 (plus, the Ice Titan theme is a honorable mention).

Gameplay isn't button smashing but it's a lot of dodging and using the correct combo against certain enemies. I was surprised by the quantity of skills. Monsters sometimes kick your ass (goddamned skeletons) but if there's something annoying, that's the QTEs. Seriously these things need to be die. Turn them into automatic throws for god's sake because they are cool to look at (the way Gabriel kills Brauner is my best gaming moment of 2010) but it's just retarded that if you fall one of these you'll be just screwed up. Camera is something annoying too and so are the jumps. Overall the platforming is still good. There's a perfect balance between it and action.
This is one of the few games I played that becomes better as you progress. I loved the Abyss and the final bosses. Bosses themselves are great overall, like the Silver Warrior and the Black Knight. Titan bosses are nice too.
Artwork is excellent, Patrick Steward and Robert Carlyle did a great job, and the book menu is nice.
Nothing to add more, my GOTY of this year I guess. I'm waiting for the DLCs.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
The Graveyard D- Artsy bull****. You play an old woman and walk her forward through a graveyard. Don't try to look at any of the gravestones, the camera will say **** you and you'll have to alt-tab out and close and begin again. So you walk to a bench and turn her around, and she'll sit. Then a song about death plays. Sometimes she dies, slumping forward, sometimes she doesn't, the song ends and you control her getting up and leaving. That's the game.

Look, I know that games need to be more than supercommandos shooting up the universe, and a game about an old, crippled woman is one I'm willing to give a go, but old woman contemplates death and then dies is trite and overplayed and you need to bring something new to the table. Making it an excessively boring game isn't that new thing.

Next up is The Path, and so help me god, if it is as boring as this, I will serve up their head on a silver platter. If it isn't, I'll play Fatale. That was a joke, you see, in Fatale you play Salome...you know what? Forget it.



Fresh meat.
Nov 2, 2008
Killing Floor - 4/10. It was fun at first, but there are just so many things that drag this game down. The voice acting (dear god) is the main offender here; there are plenty of bugs (particularly where animation is concerned), and I've had trouble accessing my profile due to "an unknown Steam error". I expected that this game would be a lot more polished given how long it has been out. It still feels like a UT2004 mod, not a stand alone game. The thing where time slows down and speeds up again (IDK what it's called) was cool at first, but it ends up being more annoying that anything else. The enemy AI is pretty bad at times, too.

The class system is nice, though, and there are a lot of cool characters to choose from, but it just seems to simplistic and unpolished.
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Sep 17, 2004
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - 6/10

Re-installed it last night. I can understand why I left it, the overall feel of the game is really unpolished once you play any Call of Duty game (crappy animations, broken sounds, boring AI). They do heave a Aim down the sight features (ADS) but the thing is, that EVEN if your freaking red dot is on the enemy head it doesn't mean the bullet will go there, so it isn't even properly coded for that. All you have to do is just walk around and fire from the hips, making sure your cursor remains accurate (walking, no running). Weapons are completely no balanced, sniping sucks, and you honestly don't need to look forward to it. Terrorist hunt mode is much worse than R6V1's.

Again, another game with character customization that seems to break down really fast. I recall the game being somewhat enjoyable, but it's hard to look at it after being used to a FAR, and I can't emphasize enough, FAR better gameplay mechanic.
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Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Mafia II - 8/10

It would be higher if it wasn't for the abrupt ending. The % complete in the game statistics is way off. Apparently the end boss battle accounts for 30% of the game. :rolleyes:

Aside from length though, this is one of the most entertaining games I have played. The atmosphere is incredible. A snow covered empire bay in the 40's, followed by a spring/summer season in the 50's, complete with newer style cars and music.

Everything is so detailed. The cars, the physics, the damage model... Parts will realistically fly off of the car as you collide with things and you'll get dings/dents/scratches/smoking engines/etc... Hell, when you brake heavily and the car shifts its weight forward, you can actually see the front tires compress. You really get a feeling of momentum as these cars build up speed, and you're fully aware that death is just one head on collision away. Simply driving from A to B is a really fun experience, and that's important in a game with this much driving.

Voice acting is done to perfection, and Vito Scaletta is a great protagonist. Cut scenes are very cinematic and entertaining to watch. Great story with many interwoven characters/mob families.

Gunplay is pretty basic (cover and shoot - repeat), but the mechanics are smooth and enjoyable. The guns really pack a nice punch. Explosions are among the best I've seen in a video game, especially when you shoot up a fuel truck.

I personally think this is better than the GTA series. Though GTA is much more of a sandbox game, while Mafia II is a much more linear and story driven game.

Last thing I wanna note is that high res nude playboy spreads can be found throughout the game. One of the game statistics is how long you spend looking at the spreads. :D


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
Fallout: New Vegas B+

On the one hand, this game is excellent, having all of the glories of an open world, from exploring to that moment when you come back more powerful (screw you deathclaws!). The first thirty hours or so were great. But after that, it because too grindy. I was too powerful for most enemies and I had too much money and I didn't need to loot anymore (but couldn't help it). Upgrading weapons was nice, but shallow, the same for the ammo crafting. There is too much walking (freaking stop making me walk back and forth and back and forth. It's LESS annoying when I can fast travel, but **** the strip, with it's multiple gates and no fast travel between points) for silly reasons. Just warp me to the finish, don't make me hoof it, goddamn it.

The story is, alright I guess? It makes no sense. Essentially, as soon as you get to new vegas, the story is done and then a series of events unfold that have nothing to do with the original motivation (revenge on the people who shot you) and is just a crapshoot. There are some decent moments, but the entire plot is get to new vegas, then do a series of stupid quests, then it's done. VERY disappointing. It really, really should have included more content and a better story. When you make me pine for the story of FO3, you're doin' it wrong.

So this was just straight up complaints. Here is the thing: it's still fun. Even when I was annoyed at walking, I kept going because I wanted to get more stuff. I juggled perks to maximize the kind of character I wanted to be, I was forced to choose between weapons, I got to come back and kill deathclaws (****ing deathclaws), the companion stories are lame, but varied and they are very useful (and you find them quickly and often) and the humor is more pronounced (my favorite was the RepConn factory or headquarters (I don't remember which) entry on a computer called: Can you trust him?), but still fits and the game was less buggy than FO3 (though still pretty buggy). It's ugly and suffers from microstutter, but it feels better than before. So yeah, I have issues with this game, but it's still pretty awesome. I'm putting it away for a little bit, but I know that soon I will hear its siren song and come back to explore everything.



Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Killing Floor - 4/10. It was fun at first, but there are just so many things that drag this game down. The voice acting (dear god) is the main offender here; there are plenty of bugs (particularly where animation is concerned), and I've had trouble accessing my profile due to "an unknown Steam error". I expected that this game would be a lot more polished given how long it has been out. It still feels like a UT2004 mod, not a stand alone game. The thing where time slows down and speeds up again (IDK what it's called) was cool at first, but it ends up being more annoying that anything else. The enemy AI is pretty bad at times, too.

The class system is nice, though, and there are a lot of cool characters to choose from, but it just seems to simplistic and unpolished.

The "unknown Steam error" isn't the fault of the game... it's a. Steam. error.

Also, the game IS based off of a UT2004 mod and that's why it's priced as it is. If you played the mod and then this game you'd know that it HAS been polished.

The Zed Time that slows down the game can be annoying until you play at higher difficulty levels and you realize just how valuable it really is. Lining up 3 or 4 headshots in a row can make a difference between completing a wave or your team getting overrun.

I realize the score you gave it is your own opinion, but it's not a very fair score.