Favourite sci-fi series?

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What is you favourite sci-fi series?

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New Member
Mar 6, 2000
GotBeer? said:
I also like the way exterior space shots are handled, but after seeing Firefly again, I think BSG maybe stole the style from Joss Whedon
Yes and no

They might have chosen to use the same style - nothing wrong with that - but you also have to realize that both shows use the same visual effects company. Zoic


Gamer 4 Life
KJAX said:

"Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We decieve or we are decieved. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson."


FYI, and in case you didn't know, the quote is from Cowboy Bebop Session 11: Toys in the Attic. It is Faye's line in the ep.

Hmm, time to a sci-fi anime thread maybe? ;)

Anyway, I regrettably forgot about the X-Files. It's mythology was one of the best.
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Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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JaFO said:
Speaking of Andromeda ... what was that other show that was inspired/directed by Roddenberry ?
The one that could be described as a modern version of V.
It had something with 'Earth' in its title. And the aliens were asexual blueish purple humanoids.

It was called Earth: Final Conflict. The aliens were called the Talons (the 'a' as in fame) who come to Earth in order to apparently help the human race but some aren't convinced and work to find out what they really want.

First season was pretty good...followed Boone (no idea what his first name was) a guy working for the Talons but also working for the sceptics. They didn't show the second season on terrestrial TV here so I enver got to see it, but SFX (a magazine I get) said it went completely downhill after they killed off Boone at the end of S1 in order to bring in a new 'alien altered' super-agent. Bleh.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
I've seen 2nd and part of the 3rd season and I'd have to agree. The more resistance-like theme of the first season was the best, while the later seasons got a bit 'stupid'. It kind of suffered from the same problem as Enterprise. Initially everything is low-tech and near the end of the season even the most absurd tech became a bit too 'normal'.


Jan 27, 2002
oh, I've just realized "Space: Above and Beyond" was aired around here, but it was called "Space 2063". It was really good, but either I missed the last episodes, or the series came to a brutal end.

The last episode I remember was when they realized the "aliens" were earthlings after all and maybe they could just stop the war. What happened after that?

edit: JaFo, that's very common, just have a look at Stargate :p
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New Member
Mar 6, 2000
Freon said:
The last episode I remember was when they realized the "aliens" were earthlings after all and maybe they could just stop the war. What happened after that?
It was cancelled :(
Like Firefly, Family Guy and Futurama the show ran on FOX. Anyone notice a pattern here? ;)

Don't wait for shows to air in your country. There are other ways to watch them ;)
But there is a French DVD Rip of Firefly on the interweb. So they might have released it there
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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Freon said:
oh, I've just realized "Space: Above and Beyond" was aired around here, but it was called "Space 2063". It was really good, but either I missed the last episodes, or the series came to a brutal end.

The last episode I remember was when they realized the "aliens" were earthlings after all and maybe they could just stop the war. What happened after that?
- the corporations that sponsored the colonies had been aware of the aliens (kind of like Pearl Harbour, but 'for real' so to speak)
I think the idea was they could just dump the tanks there and 'solve' that problem quietly. It was the reason the colonists were replaced by tanks instead of the original people.

- the colonists that had been captured were about to released in the final episode and then something or something sabotaged the deal (it's been a while)

edit: JaFO, that's very common, just have a look at Stargate :p
In Stargate the new-tech is rather limited. At least as far as I've seen they've only got those zap-guns and the one staff-weapon. They're haven't been able to massproduce anything really advanced (last episode featured a disastrous attempt at mixing earth-tech with alien fighter-tech).

For Enterprise the "transporter"-system is something they should have kept as 'weird' & unreliable. It was pretty much used without thinking after a few episodes in the first season.

I really thought that the show was supposed to be about 'primitive' humans vs 'advanced' aliens. That was the one thing I found interesting. Instead it devolved into a rather standard SF-show that IMHO also lost a lot of what Star Trek was supposed to be about. Now the only things that tend to remind you of the 'primitive' nature of their technology is their doctor and their onboard sauna. They even introduced the 'classic' stun-phaser ...

What's also 'common' is that the enemies keep getting stronger each season, until either the show is cancelled or the enemies become so ridiculous that the show can't continue.

I'd say the real problem with a lot of SF-shows is that there is no way they can do a decent ending, because they pretty much open a pandora's box on the first episode.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
JaFO said:
In Stargate the new-tech is rather limited. At least as far as I've seen they've only got those zap-guns and the one staff-weapon. They're haven't been able to massproduce anything really advanced (last episode featured a disastrous attempt at mixing earth-tech with alien fighter-tech).
Urm how far have you seen the show? You are referring to the fourth season. That episode is called Tangent

Later on, human technology makes a huge jump

- they abandoned the hybrid fighter in favor if the F-302. A fully human built space fighter
- they built their own battletship. The Prometheus, which was upgraded with Asgard technology
- an even more advanced battleship was built with the Deadalus. At least one more is under contstruction
- Atlantis featured working defensive railguns that can be operated by 2-3 people


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
It was called Earth: Final Conflict. The aliens were called the Talons (the 'a' as in fame) who come to Earth in order to apparently help the human race but some aren't convinced and work to find out what they really want.

First season was pretty good...followed Boone (no idea what his first name was) a guy working for the Talons but also working for the sceptics. They didn't show the second season on terrestrial TV here so I enver got to see it, but SFX (a magazine I get) said it went completely downhill after they killed off Boone at the end of S1 in order to bring in a new 'alien altered' super-agent. Bleh.
That about says it all. I saw the first three seasons on video. S1 worked and then things went south in a serious way in S2......
SanitysEdge said:
I cant belive I forgot X-Files, that is an awesome show.
True; but maybe it needs a seperate thread dealing with conspiracy theory shows. I've been watching that Spielsburg sponsored 'Taken' which is sort of conspiracy stuff. Up to episode six (so far) it's been interesting but about that point I began to see where it was heading...........
......and that it was an alien breeding program to get some hybrid kid happening for some reason which hasn't become obvious yet. I suppose I will be watching the rest of it.
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
Taken was cool.
I'm about to go an hire another DVD's worth from Blockbuster for tonight. I'm intrigued now to find out how it ends...........

....the dolphins seemed to have a good idea judging by the end of the last ep I saw.
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Mostly Harmless
Jun 4, 2001
Asturias, España
1) Doctor Who (wtf? not on the poll?)
2) Farscape
3) Red Dwarf

Heard good things about Babylon 5, but only watched an episode or two so I haven't really given myself a chance to get back into it.
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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
X-files.. the first couple of seasons were good, but then it got kinda well... repetitive, boring...lots of blahblah...

Dr. Who.. the old show. Yeah, that was pretty good.

Sliders: First and second season I guess...

Outer limits wasn't bad either...

Don't know if you can "classify" x-files as sci-fi, though.. eh .. 0_°

Then.. I suppose.. maybe, .. maybe you can add millennium (?) as well...
Though.. that wasn't actually sci-fi, but it featured odd situations as well.. x-files type, but better imho.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Justin286 said:
What? No Alien Nation? How disappointing. :(
I kind of wondered ... is that a real tv-series or just a few movies ?
AFAIK there are two versions of Alien Nation. In one the 'human' detective is played by an old guy instead of that Mel Gibson-wannabe in the series.
Definitely an interesting if sometimes a little 'soft' show.

// 8-4-7-2
Yep, it was callled 'Tangent'. It's the current season that's being broadcast here. Altough with the way these shows get treated it's hard to say if they're being broadcast in official order. If you thought Fox was bad ... you haven't seen how they manage to foul up series over here.


Getting ready
1- Battlestar Galactica 2005 series (sci-fi channel just started with part 2 :D. And this is a serie that's not gonna be shown on (dutch) television for a couple of years. I don't know if they will show this at all.)

/me salutes internet ;)

2- X-Files (all of them)

3- Babylon 5 (i enjoyed watching it :))