Favourite sci-fi series?

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What is you favourite sci-fi series?

  • Total voters


Jun 9, 2004
Salt Lake City, UT
I'm not really a sci-fi series fan, but I'd have to say the original Star-Trek, simply because WILLIAM SHATNER IS TEH ROXXORZ. But John Luke BeCard (spelled wrong I know) was cool.


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Freon said:
Well, the first 2 or 3 seasons or Sliders were pretty good. It was more anticipation than full fledged SciFi though.

Yes, it would qualify as anticipation. My description corresponds with sliders but I don't think it started airing until the nineties. I wonder what that other series was called.


Jul 31, 2004
in the grass under oak trees
O.S.T said:
you heard it guys, keep on talking about the soaps in space without real story
"look! it's a mysterious alien and he looks like a human with [add some cheap stuff in the face]!"
yeah, totally worth watching

yeah, you said it. iv never really watched any sci fi series, one of the major reasons being that they are mostly incapable of coming up with a really good alien. notice how almost every 'alien' on tv has four appendages, a top/forward central region, clusterd with sensory organs that look and act just like ours?:rolleyes:


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

Always enjoyed all the Star Treks although Voyager and DS9 were extra special for me.

Stargates SG1 and Atlantis have always been fun.

I've been suprised to see that the revisiting of Doctor Who hasn't been totally lame although the Doctor's is abit over the top in the acting department...
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admiral spock!
Feb 15, 2004
the entire startrek franchise and the stargate sg1/atlantis seriers.. in my opinion three of the best sci-fi television shows ever on teh tv. but theres alot and i havnt seen them all so this is simply my opinion. could be many better.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
seagreenbeetle said:
yeah, you said it. iv never really watched any sci fi series, one of the major reasons being that they are mostly incapable of coming up with a really good alien. notice how almost every 'alien' on tv has four appendages, a top/forward central region, clusterd with sensory organs that look and act just like ours?:rolleyes:
(1) budgets ... no one can do real aliens, without a killer-budget altough today's CGI could help a lot if the actors on the show can act that is.

(2) you don't want real aliens, because they're too alien to understand and they wouldn't be able to interact with the normal humans.
It's pretty much the same reason why all aliens speak english (every show has a babelfish or universal translator of sorts that only fails whenever it is convenient for the script) or that every damned planet is class M.

So yes ... they're just humans with masks. They're effectively human character-types/behaviours put under a microscope. That's why all alien societies never seem to have the same depth as us humans have (only one language, culture, religion, etc.).
AFAIK the Klingons of Star Trek-fame are effectively Russians in space ...

// --
Space : above and beyond ... definitely a good series. 'Vietnam in space' is an accurate description. I hated the ending (everyone died IIRC ?).

Buck Rogers ... damn, that's an old one. I'd nearly forgotten it.
Heck ... I even remember flashes of Blake's Seven.


New Member
Mar 6, 2000
JaFO said:
Space : above and beyond ... definitely a good series. 'Vietnam in space' is an accurate description. I hated the ending (everyone died IIRC ?).
No. Only Wang died. Vansen and Damphousse were about to crashland on some planet but could have survived.
The final scene only showed West and Hawkes

And strategy-wise it's more like WWII in space. Specifically the US Pacific campaign. It has its own versions of Pearl Harbor, the Dolittle Raid and Guadalcanal for example. Also replacing the island hopping with planet hopping
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Star Patrol Orion :lol:

serious, I like Star Trek (all series) and Stargate SG-1 pretty much


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
That's total and utter smeg ... in fact it's so smegging smeg that only a total and utter gimboid would say that.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Lexx ? Is that something like that thing called 'Cleopatra 2525' ? Or is there even worse stuff out there ?
// --
Speaking of Andromeda ... what was that other show that was inspired/directed by Roddenberry ?
The one that could be described as a modern version of V.
It had something with 'Earth' in its title. And the aliens were asexual blueish purple humanoids.

At first I thought it was 'Invasion Earth', but that's a miniseries (a good SF-miniseries even though it doesn't have the traditional happy ending).

// -- edit --
I found it : Earth : Final Conflict
Too bad they stopped somewhere midseason and messed up the schedule enough times to make it impossible to watch near the end.
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Jun 12, 2000
I voted stargate - but i would NOT miss an epsiode of Battlestar whilst i would with SG1/Atlantis.

Also i did love Bab5, but it never fully convinced me... if it was better told, then yeah.

DS9 was good, after things moved. TNG was almost as good. Enterprise and Voyager were 'ok' - original series is just cheese these days. Farscape? Never got into it.

Also, Andromeda piqued my interest for a while. Oh yeah, space above and beyond had it's great moments too - namely the single episode that had the IV guy working a secret operation. The Dialogue was about 5 lines, but it managed to express his character brilliantly. Other than that, it was truely cheesey at times.
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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
First, just lemme say that this thread is about your favorite scifi series, not why you think scifi sucks. Start another thread for that please.

Second, I have a three-way tie between B5, Farscape, and BSG right now.
B5 (after the first season) was the first series to ever really make me sit my ass down and WATCH, and then rewind and watch again.
Farscape I didn't get to see for the first couple seasons, because we didn't have SciFi Channel (or Comedy Central) here for the longest time (wtf?!?! I said when we moved here. How am I supposed to watch MST3K?!?!?! --- ooh, that's not on the list!), but when I started watching it I was instantly hooked. Amazing stories and over the top characters and Claudia Black --whoohoo!
The new Battlestar Galactica has WEIGHT. Here's the human race almost wiped out and running for their lives. People die, and it's never a happy ending. I love the low-tech, no laser approach. I also like the way exterior space shots are handled, but after seeing Firefly again, I think BSG maybe stole the style from Joss Whedon.
Firefly is on the list, definitely, and I wish Joss had had more time to tell the story.
The Stargate series are also really good, but yeah, more popcorn than anything else. I always loved the interplay/jokes between O'Neil and Jackson, and just O'Neil's quips in general.
The original Star Trek and TNG for basically making all the other shows possible, but sometimes corny, heavy-handed morality stories. Also, the TNG episode where it was learned that every species in our corner of the galaxy was seeded by one race and that's why everyone looks alike and can interbreed could have really used a multi-episode arc, instead of just getting to the planet and saying "Oh, so that's it" and having it forgotten by the next week.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Yeah ... you're right. That 'single origin'-story was too short and practically ignored. Then again I think that's for the best as it would be too ridiculous. Never mind that it contradicts episodes in TOS that had the Greek gods as being aliens and such.
Then again ... TOS itself only had continuity to keep the main characters alive. In 'The Changeling' Uhura's memory is wiped out. The next episode she functioned as if nothing had happened.
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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State


Waiting for the deathblow
May 29, 2001
X-Files is my favorite. The first 3 seasons are awesome, (the other seasons were still good, but nothing close to the first 3). TNG and DS9 are great, too. Oh, and Quantum Leap! I remember watching it when I was a little kid.