RAv2 has a variable amount of damage each round does. This is to stop the I've got an AKMSU and can kill him with 2 shots, hes got an M16 and takes 3 shots to kill me so I'll always win an exchange of fire assuming we both hit with all round and no head hits are involved,thing.
You can't be sure any more. Yurch didn't go as far as some wanted though. I'd like to see any weapon have a chance of a one shot incapacitation and not have that dependant on hitting the top 15% of the model. That would bring the damage (and the players behaviour) more in-line with real life......
Still you can't plesae all the people, all the time
You can't be sure any more. Yurch didn't go as far as some wanted though. I'd like to see any weapon have a chance of a one shot incapacitation and not have that dependant on hitting the top 15% of the model. That would bring the damage (and the players behaviour) more in-line with real life......
Still you can't plesae all the people, all the time