About the jogging stamina:
Just to attempt to make this clear. When jogging with your weapon at the "hip", the stamina will drain much less as compared to jogging with the weapon in the aimed position.
Also, as for the standard, non-aimed jogging stamina. Yeah it's true, while Tiffy, Platypus Corpse, Devildog, Doc Mucus, myself, and all the rest of us at AFA, and all other military professionals can do what is refered to as a jog in INF for much longer than in game, it was decided upon by us for a very specific reason. To make it
feel real.
To have a lesser hit on stamina for jogging, alllowed for entirely too much jogging movement while firing in INF. As those of us who have lived the field life decided, this just was not realistic in the least. Remember, the popularity of RA is pretty much a mistake. It was made for us, the AFA, orginally, to make an environment in which we felt comfortable calling realistic. Just because alot of you knuckleheads

D) like it too, doesn't mean that your input means nothing, rather, you are the check to our balance.
Remember folks, be grateful you guys have the rest of AFA around, otherwise, you would have such monstrosities such as yurch's "BE Afraid" thread proves.