Wosrt screenshot thread

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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
DM-TheMaze][ v1.1




lost and found
Jan 21, 2008


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
Perhaps. I can't remember saying anything about ugly. For me it just doesn't tell much of a story.

I have to agree with Manticore, I always expect a maps SS to show me all that the map has to offer.

PS. Being sarcastic, get off your high horse, the only maps with a SS that can show you all of what you are gonna get would be nothing more than a one room map. Now those must be good, or atleast they have good Screenshots. LMFAO.

Still a bunch of A-holes here I see.


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
I'll tell you why, because maybe just maybe I can get you or others who come here to wake up and smell the coffee, and maybe just maybe realize that your comments on Worst or Best SS are counter productive and do absolutely nothing for the UT community, mappers, gamers, or the human race in general. Isn't it time to start downloading maps, trying them for more than 2 seconds, and then giving an intelligent constructive opinion on the map? I guess not. I mean I myself had uploaded a map called ChaosPit, and if you look at the one and only post by Revelation, it says something like "More screenies I have no idea what I see here" Umm well lets see buddy, why don't you download the map, load it into UT, try playing it, and then maybe you wouldn't need more screenies. LMFAO, I don't think a mapper should have to upload 20 SS of his map just so others will download and try it, actually I doubt most even care, but to make comments about a SS is just stupid and shows how lame most of you are, hell Manticore you never even made a map, yet you seems to have a lot of useless stuff to say. Well I guess you are in the right place.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
I mean I myself had uploaded a map called ChaosPit, and if you look at the one and only post by Revelation, it says something like "More screenies I have no idea what I see here"
Perhaps you need to direct your comment to Revelation then.

As for this thread it was only ever supposed to be a bit of fun then if you don't understand fun that's your problem.

As for your map I really haven't time to download it. Now I'm not going to bother.

Basically; talk to Revelation....

...then chill.


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
Well I guess I'm just a prude then, because I do not see the fun in this thread. Maybe if you actually made a map yourself and spend endless hours trying to get it to work out as you had planned, then you might understand that comments on a maps SS or it name choice or both, without even downloading the map itself, is not very constructive or helpful. I personally could careless if you download my map or not, and I can already tell you that you wouldn't like it or think it a very good map anyway, but my point was rather than make fun of a mappers for his choice of SS or name, you should download the map and try it. Please explain what is so funny about this thread, as I don't get it, I see nothing wrong with alot of the screenshots posted here, and I referenced Revelations comment because it was the typical WTF is this map response, when a simple download and try could tell you all you need to know without all the drama, but I guess you like drama, this thread proves that. IMO this is a stupid thread that is not funny at all and most likely just makes mappers want to stay as far away from Nalicity as possible.

Maybe it's time for you to chill, and grow up some. I mean how many WORST SS can there be? Think about it idiot. then take your chill pill.


Moar Pie!
Jan 21, 2008
Bern CH
Several things...

I think that making screenies of a map naturally helps to interest people. There's plenty of sucky maps out there, and funny enough, they often happen to be the ones without screenies - mappers who care about their map and think it has something to show might revel in how awesome they think it looks, and try to transport both the look and feel, and the gameplay with a screenshot. If there's no screenshot, people can't tell what your map is like at all, and their appetite won't wet. There's plenty of other maps out there, and while mappers do care for their maps you still have to interest people in it and advertise it, screenshots are one of the easiest and most effective ways of doing that.

Then, there really are sucky screenshots, and linking them and making fun of them might not be exactly considerate, but the best reaction to it is the one Firefly had (or would've had): Laugh about yourself. And as Anubis pointed out and I'm sure many agree, a map can be awesome even with a sucky screenie.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
IMO this is a stupid thread that is not funny at all and most likely just makes mappers want to stay as far away from Nalicity as possible.
If you need to get onto your little martyrdom trip about making maps then please do so. If you want to spend your endless hours that's your business; and your attitude is your problem not mine.

Just to help your extremely clouded judgement and perspective on reality; this thread was started by Bot_40; one of UT's best mappers in my opinion. And yes, even one of his maps is in this thread. He laughed about it.

If some people around here want to have a bit of a laugh that's up to them; not you.

You may be wondering now why you don't get taken seriously by some of the other mappers around here so I'll explain it for you:







At least Bot_40 made original, playable; good maps.

If you have a problem with some mapper take it up with them child. O.K. Thank you. Bye now.


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
LOL, see I can even laugh at my own maps SS, but you obviously can only read forum post and not readme's in maps, if you did you would then know that Pong was a joke, and the deck map was purposely made to only change the walls geometry and not the look. But then again why should I try to explain anything to you, I just think it is funny that anyone weather it is you or Bot 40 can think a maps SS should be able to show anything more than a glimps of a map, good or bad, that was not my point. As for the dude posting the link to my farewell from 2 years ago, get a clue dude, it wasn't me who crashed Nalicity and only had a back up from 2 years ago. I am working on a map and wanted to see if anyone had used the name I was going to choose, I found the Hypertunnel map from 2000 and it was never comment on, I didn't say OMG what a crap SS, no instead I decided to download it and try it, then I made what I thought was a constructive comment to the author. I just thought it was funny that I then saw the SS here, but still no comment on the map itself from Manticore. If you guys think it is funny to make fun of others than I pity you, that is about all I can say.

And btw Manticore, even tho you might not know it, I have made many good maps that I have seen played alot more than Deck40. Must suck to know that a suck ass mapper like me can make stuff more people want to play than your so called Pro buddies. LMFAO.

Now that's what I call funny. Peace out.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Ok. Call me gay, call me the worst Nazi since Hitler or whatever you've done in the above post.

I put you on my ignore list after your last post. Discussing this with you is just a waste of my time.

Have your rant and then get on with whatever else you're doing.......
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