Wosrt screenshot thread

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Jun 4, 2002
And btw Manticore, even tho you might not know it, I have made many good maps that I have seen played alot more than Deck40. Must suck to know that a suck ass mapper like me can make stuff more people want to play than your so called Pro buddies. LMFAO.

You basically contradict yourself here. You make a big deal out of people making fun of SS and maps, but what does that matter if you're map gets played alot...I mean isn't the important thing that your map gets played alot?!


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
No the important thing is to realize that one screenshot can not tell the whole story on any map, be it good or bad, and my point was rather than post a SS here and say wtf is this showing me? you should download the map and try it and post comments about what you liked or didn't like. Then if after that you want to post it here and make fun of it fine, to be honest I just don;t see anything funny about a Worst SS thread, to me it seems very stupid, childish, and lazy to rate a map based on its SS or name choice. As for my maps being played or not, it really don't matter, but to say a map like ChaosPit is not original, but a revamped map with deck 16's floorplan (Deck 40 by Bot 40) is original is well just totally funny IMO, how is copying someones layout original in any way? Don't get me wrong I have seen Bot 40's map and it does look very nice, but using an existing floorplan and calling it original, well lets just say someone here has brass balls and leave it at that.
Why do people always bring up Bot40's Deck remake whenever there's some toss around about Good Looking maps VS Bad Looking ones? Seriously, you guys are freakin' obsessed with that map! There are much better examples of good looking maps that rarely pop up on servers. And the entire argument is pointless anyway because anyone who knows anything about Unreal Tournament knows that most servers rotate crappy maps anyway. And that good looking maps rarely play as good as they appear. It's 2008, stop rekindling an argument from 2000.

And why do people who make a big whiny bitch fits about how they are leaving Nali City for good always find themselves coming back here again and again to tell the few people who actually still talk in these forums how lame they are? What's wrong Indy, are you really that bored? You know, trolling around and babbling about elitism at Nalicity was hot stuff back in the old days when 2K3 was but a demo on the horizon and people actually talked here. But to come back now and do it...

And on that note, this thread was always a stupid diversion. I think even one of my crappy maps made an appearance on here at one point. Do I care? No. It was to poke fun at myself for 3 minutes one day when I was bored. But that was years ago and Like lots of people I kind of drifted from here when the wheels started slowing. But I can understand if a few pp stick around for old times sake. You act like people actually come to these forums, read this thread, and say "omg I'm gonna stop mapping forever!"

In short, stop trolling a derelict thread in a derelict forum of a site whose gears are rusting. It's embarrassing to see.
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Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
You are right Prophet, and I am sorry, I was not trolling, I just felt like I was the reason the dudes SS even ended up here, since I was the guy who found the map and commented on it, then after bringing it to life on the map site, the SS ended up here to be made fun of. It just pissed me off to see that the people around here are still acting like kids and not showing much respect to those who spend their time to try and make new and different maps for other to try for free. That's basically it, Sorry to seem like a Troll but a little respect for a persons effort weather good or bad would be nice.

IMO the admins should have locked this thread years ago, but I'm sure you already know that. Peace out.
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Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008




At least Bot_40 made original, playable; good maps.

If you have a problem with some mapper take it up with them child. O.K. Thank you. Bye now.
Well,this Deck16 version looks really interesting.:)


Sep 17, 2004
IMO the admins should have locked this thread years ago, but I'm sure you already know that. Peace out.

It never caused flaming after 30 pages (Before the forum crash) so it's just a minor opinion here. It probably never ended like this because most of the level designers never end up reading the boards. The forums are almost dead, minding about a thread getting locked here is like minding the US navy killing ducks.

Now post some more crappy screenshots...

DeathoX 8

Beta Toaster
Jan 20, 2008
No the important thing is to realize that one screenshot can not tell the whole story on any map, be it good or bad, and my point was rather than post a SS here and say wtf is this showing me? you should download the map and try it and post comments about what you liked or didn't like. Then if after that you want to post it here and make fun of it fine, to be honest I just don;t see anything funny about a Worst SS thread, to me it seems very stupid, childish, and lazy to rate a map based on its SS or name choice.

Let's see... NaliCity, right before the crash, had about 9950 maps. Now, suppose being a random UT player searching for new maps... you find a NaliCity link somewhere, enter on the site and look for some good maps. Now tell me, would you start downloading every single map on the site (I know, they weren't all for UT GOTY, but still the old UT's maps were around 5000...) or look around for maps that seems particularily good? I can safely suppose that you would do the second, and you would look mainly at the screenshot. There are comments and reviews too, but comments can't always be trusted and there isn't a review for every level available.
Power to you if you have the time and the patience to check out every single map uploaded to the site, but most of the players don't just take every map they find around: they take only the ones that look interesting. And until NC will have a little window with a little UT where to preview the map's gameplay (gosh, hopefully not too soon) people will keep using screenshots to judge a map.
The point of this thread is not, as you think, flaming and ridiculizing other people's work, but to provide a number of examples of how a screenshots shouldn't be done. I am the first to say that the gameplay is by far the most important thing in a map, but people will keep judging maps from screenshots simply because they don't have time to waste downloading every map to check out if they've got good or bad gameplay. Thus the screenshot is a part of mapping which can heavily influence the popularity of the final product.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Why do people always bring up Bot40's Deck remake whenever there's some toss around about Good Looking maps VS Bad Looking ones?
Actually Mr. P I was talking about really early map of Bot's that's in this thread somewhere ( or at least it used to be). Since the Great Crash it may have disappeared . He laughed about it.

I think there is always a lot of obsession about Deck(s) though.

Just to relive old times:

CTF-ExtremePain (By Bot_40)


In my opinion Deck(s) don't need to be seen or discussed at all.
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Spectacularly Lucky
Mar 6, 2000
In Luxury
Please stick to the topic "Wosrt Screenshot Thread".
Hmm.. shouldn't that be "Worst"???
I think the point here is most nOObs judge a book by the cover, ie. screenshots of maps, ergo bad SS does nothing to make someone go download the map. Poor advertising doesn't sell a product, even if it's free.
Now get back to razing screenshots.


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
I usually read the authors description to decide if a map seems worth checking out. My Momma always said "Don't judge a book by it's cover" but I will agree a horrible SS usually means a horrible map, but sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough.