World of Warcrafters?

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is ironing his panties!
No, all of that is confirmed from blue posts on the official forums.

No it's not but mmo-champ is usually careful what it posts.

I'd resubscribe for a month or two for playable worgen though. If it's true I bet 85-90 will be patched in after the expansion so they can stunt our raiding progress along with levelling. Which could be interesting.


ginger synther hipster
May 9, 2004
That expansion looks pretty bad imo. Recycled models for new races? Level cap only 85? Heh

They really plan on keeping that game alive it seems.


is ironing his panties!
That expansion looks pretty bad imo. Recycled models for new races? Level cap only 85? Heh

They really plan on keeping that game alive it seems.

Rebuilding the entirity of Azeroth to breath life back into two otherwise unused continents? yeah total waste of time... nto something people have been crying out for or anything....

From waht i've seen so far the expansion looks like a far more interesting and intelligent direction to go than TBC was.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Rebuilding the entirity of Azeroth to breath life back into two otherwise unused continents? yeah total waste of time... nto something people have been crying out for or anything....

This isnt what people wanted. They want a Pre BC server. Meaning a server of Original WOW from day 1. Not an expansion that revamps the original content ruining all the original Azeroth zones.

But I guess re doing Azeroth zones is better then adding a new eye sore continent. But from the Trailer I think they also added a new place in the middle where the Whirl pool is.

The new class combinations are just a wtf though. I dont get it. Tauren Paladins? How? I mean really why? Were they high when deciding that?
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BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
No, only Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom are getting new zones, there is a small island for the goblins starting zone. But all of that blank space you currently see on the maps in-game, will be basically filled in.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
Also, new character progression was announced today at blizzcon, called Path of the Titans, but nothing else is known about it. It is probably alternative advancement similar to Everquest. Blizzard has said in the past that they want to do something like this, before Wrath came out.

Guild Levelling System. 1-20. Talent trees for guilds. Points earned through raids, daily quests etc will be able to be invested in skills like a mass-rez, reduced cost of repair bills, less durability damage, etc.

New class/race combos.
* Human Hunter
* Orc Mage
* Night Elf Mage
* Blood Elf Warrior
* Dwarf Shaman
* Dwarf Mage
* Undead Hunter
* Tauren Paladin
* Tauren Priest
* Gnome Priest
* Troll Druid

All of that was confirmed, so **** off those who don't believe me because I dont have a link. I don't need one and i'm not gonna provide one even if I did. I know this stuff way better then you do. Thanks, tia.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
New class/race combos.
* Human Hunter
* Orc Mage
* Night Elf Mage
* Blood Elf Warrior
* Dwarf Shaman
* Dwarf Mage
* Undead Hunter
* Tauren Paladin
* Tauren Priest
* Gnome Priest
* Troll Druid

The new stuff except for the new race/class combos would draw me in, but dwarf shaman? Tauren paladin?? Undead hunter?! wtf!

Honestly, this is a joke! I can't wait for the next expansion when they just unlock all the classes for all the races, undead paladin! Troll Paladin! Human shaman! Gnome druid!


Feb 3, 2003
The Tauren paladin thing is weird, I'll admit, but I have hope that it will lead to more lore about the damn Tauren because they are horribly ignored.

This expansion looks awesome, I am looking forward to that.


Just a flesh wound!
Jul 19, 2001
Los Angeles, California
I watched the opening ceremony. The gentlemen that opened it was a complete douche. He reminded me of someone off of monthly winner. But oh well, gotta have an entertaining MC I guess.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
New class/race combos.
* Human Hunter
* Orc Mage
* Night Elf Mage
* Blood Elf Warrior
* Dwarf Shaman
* Dwarf Mage
* Undead Hunter
* Tauren Paladin
* Tauren Priest
* Gnome Priest
* Troll Druid

I must admit Blizzard has a good sense of humor. :lol:


is ironing his panties!
This isnt what people wanted...
Depends on the people you talk too i find...

No, only Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom are getting new zones, there is a small island for the goblins starting zone. But all of that blank space you currently see on the maps in-game, will be basically filled in.

No Shadow is right. All the old zones are being updated, all the blank spaces on the continents are being filled in and a few new zones are being added in for good measure. The Sunken city of Vasj'ir will sit on top of the maelstrom more or less and Deepholme will be a massive subteranean zone to do with the Earth elemental plane and will involve Netharian and the Goblin starting area will be a new zone too i guess, rather than a "fill in".

The class race combos make a lot of sense though I though.i don't know why there's so much of a problem with them. The undead faction leader is a hunter of sorts, The Wildhammer clan of Dwarves have always been Shamans and the Frostbourne tow hich the dwarves share their roots also, Trolls are permanently turning into beasts and.. well Tauren Paladins are a bit odd but there was a quest patched in a while back where the initial stepping stones of some tauren turning towards "the light" or whatever was explained... so meh!*shrug*

All of that was confirmed, so **** off those who don't believe me because I dont have a link. I don't need one and i'm not gonna provide one even if I did. I know this stuff way better then you do. Thanks, tia.
I think what people didn't believe was when you said Blizzard confirmed it... which they hadn't when you said it.
How old are you?
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Not much...
Apr 5, 2002
¯\(˚_o)/¯ I DUNNO?
Looking forward to it for the most part. I Still dont get why people would moan about the class combinations, especially dwarven shamans? Did anyone even pay attention during uldaman, HoS, or HoL?