World of Warcrafters?

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is ironing his panties!
The link you've provided shows exactly what Tool said.
...We sure do, but we have good reasons for not supporting race changes, at this point in time...
...That said, it's not in the cards right now. Maybe someday we'll reverse our opinion on this, but it's likely to be a while...
We can happily go back to what i said previously about Blizz never always saying they'd never, etc.

Jacks:SmirkingRevenge said:
It wasn't a hate plane.

If you recall, I said that I was just pushing people's buttons. Since I played the game for a pretty good amount of time myself, I like to give people crap who still play because I know what it's like. When I applaud someone who quit, it's usually to see how others react, some people get offended, it's all in good fun.
Why the long description? Why not just say your a troll?

The question is though, did you stop playing the game because you didn't like it anymore or because your friends left. Neither is a bad reason but regardless neither is justification to "attack" or provoke people who still find the thing entertaining.

To help put this in perspective. I myself quit the game just over two months ago now... maybe three. You will not see me however having a panic attack over every patch that I think is even furthering the cause of "everything i hate about the game" as if everything Blizzard chjanged since the moment i foundf the game most enjoyable is some sort of bitter and personal betrayal like... some. Nor will you see me randomly bashing people as you do just because others haven't happened upon the grand epiphany that i've deluded myself into thinking i had.

Games are games, you don't attack people that still play tetris, so get over it.

... I guess i've fed the troll now. :S


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Blizzard needs to stop listening to the ****ing community on what to do with the game and RUN the ****ing game.

This is the method of the "NEW" World Of WarCraft Developers. Most of the people that created all the great PRE TBC content are gone doing something else.

So this is how they are trying to continue WOW. By listening to the community. Cause the old devs arent there to hold the new guys hands.


Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
This is the method of the "NEW" World Of WarCraft Developers. Most of the people that created all the great PRE TBC content are gone doing something else.

So this is how they are trying to continue WOW. By listening to the community. Cause the old devs arent there to hold the new guys hands.

In that case I am going to suggust that we have space ships and droids. Think they will put it in? :D


is ironing his panties!
This is the method of the "NEW" World Of WarCraft Developers. Most of the people that created all the great PRE TBC content are gone doing something else.

So this is how they are trying to continue WOW. By listening to the community. Cause the old devs arent there to hold the new guys hands.

... and where did you hear this? I'm not saying it's not true but it is said about everything on the internet, more or less, when one generation gets superceded by a newer one.

It's just one of those things that people who want to seem like they know "trade secrets" say on forums...

A lot of their unpopular changes make a lot of sense as far as i can tell. It's easier to come up with conspiracy theories as to why a game seems to be no fun anymore but it's really not a crime to just stop liking it, you don't need excuses and you don't need to rally people on the internet to join your cause so you feel more popular in your decisions...


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
In that case I am going to suggust that we have space ships and droids. Think they will put it in? :D

They added motorcycles into the game... So your idea isn't to far off BBA. But we also need to let Hunters use Laser guns.

... and where did you hear this?

If you have both Instruction manuals to Pre TBC and TBC simply look at the back where it gives all the information about Dev team and producers etc. You'll see a lot of the people have changed from the Original manual.

It's easier to come up with conspiracy theories as to why a game seems to be no fun anymore

Not a conspiracy it's true that a lot of new people are designing WOW.

you don't need excuses and you don't need to rally people on the internet to join your cause so you feel more popular in your decisions...

It's not that. I'm just saying what it is.


is ironing his panties!
It's not that. I'm just saying what it is.

No your not, your guessing what it is, you are applying blame to things haphazardly.

Fact is the game is constantly updated, thus constantly changing ,the fact that it can't appeal to someone forever is destiny, the chance that it would appeal to you for as long as it did was luck.
You can blame one patch, one expansion or a single change in developers, etc if you like but regardless of any of that, if none of the changes happened that you despise sooo much, you would've stopped playing way earlier than you did because you got bored of being level 60 and having nothing to do but rerun the same old raids assuming you made it into a hardcore raiding outfit.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Sorry shadow_dragon I was never tired of being level 60 or playing the 60 content. And if you look through the forums theres threads created each day requesting a pre TBC server and they all hit pages 7+.

It seems your just one of those people who didn't like original WOW. BTW I'm not guessing because I already stated I "know" the most of the original devs have moved on. Me guessing would be saying all this crap without any proof to back me up.

the chance that it would appeal to you for as long as it did was luck.
How was it luck? I got lucky that TBC blew hardcore?
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is ironing his panties!
Sorry shadow_dragon I was never tired of being level 60 or playing the 60 content. And if you look through the forums theres threads created each day requesting a pre TBC server and they all hit pages 7+.

It seems your just one of those people who didn't like original WOW. BTW I'm not guessing because I already stated I "know" the most of the original devs have moved on. Me guessing would be saying all this crap without any proof to back me up.

How was it luck? I got lucky that TBC blew hardcore?

You got lucky that a game that constantly changes stayed interesting as long as it did for you... it was rather self explanatory... but to make it clear, imagine you like a game called "Flip the coin" but you only like the game when the coin lands "heads up", imagine then if when you play it it consistently lands "heads up" for ages, this would be considered lucky, now the coin has landed "tails up"... sorry about that.

Level 60 was fine but do you think you could play as a level 60 for 4 years? That was my question not "Did you enjoy level 60 when you were level 60?" which would be a stupid question.

And yes i do know of those threads that reach 7+ pages every day... shame the "new devs" don't listen to what the players want in their game...oh wait that's the precise problem you were preaching about a moment ago... shucks!
It's easy to drill up a lynch mob on a public forum anyway, the true demand for classic wow servers is far less than for the demand for new content, you probably don't even remember what states all the classes were in in true pre-TBC. Overpowered Shaman power for the win eh? Who cares about the alliance... I hadn't realised you were one of the die hard "classic wow" nostalgics though.

You ARE still guessing though, not that devs are changing but that that is the cause of your problems, fact is the game was destined to strike a chord you didn't like at soem point and not for one reason or another but for many collaborative reasons, one of them being you. I think i made that clear enough in my last post but meh, you still seem like your trying to gather a lynch mob around some minor-conspiratorial ideas, who cares if devs changed or you could pay to change faction? If you stopped enjoying it just stop playing it.

i did like original wow, I was playing for just over 4 years before i quit, i don't believe in this crowd that "didn't like original wow" if they played it and still are playing it now to be quite honest, another suggestion of a conspiracy it seems that a group exists to "thwart" you, heh heh... However i was as dubious about TBC as everyone else was before and when it was released... this asumption you make about me not liking wow though is more guessing btw.

Ignoring all that nonsense though my question is this, TBC came out over 2 years ago now, if you've hated the game since then what's keeping you posting about it in 2009? And apparently regularly checking the games forums? Level 60 wasn't that good.
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Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Are your telling me because I don't play WOW anymore I don't have the right to talk about it? What kind of question is that.

And if you feel 60 wasn't great why the heck were you playing for so long. Your taking my opinion and acting like I'm trying to offend you with it.
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Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
... Meh! If your not going to read what i say at all and just talk to yourself i'll leave you to it...

I know what your trying to say. Your basically telling me to stop posting my WOW opinions on these boards. I heard you loud and clear.

I'll stop just to make you happy shadow_dragon.
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is ironing his panties!
I know what your trying to say. Your basically telling me to stop posting my WOW opinions on these boards. I heard you loud and clear.

No i'm not. I think it's quite clear you have no idea what i'm trying to say at all... heh heh

I'm not discussing it with you anymore but i will continue to deflect your ridiculous accusations.
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I never had to farm to make money.

at the most, I would spend about 30 mins after a raid each night (when the server population was low) flying (or riding, back in the way) around to all of the best mining spots and grab up a bunch of rare ore and throw it up on the AH.

couple stacks = 225-275 gold in the morning. making money is so easy and some people really don't know how to do it without making it feel like a chore.

Which server was this? I need to transfer there with my miner and get cracking 'cause apparently no one there mines, and everyone is overburdened with gold and retarded! :rolleyes:

All in all I find making gold nearly impossible since I wasn't in the game early enough to monopolize any key materials on the AH to get a good foothold towards monopolizing other key materials later. Both servers I've played on prove my theory here since it's always the same small handful of names selling pretty much everything of importance in all of the tradeskills. The fact that these greed machines use the same single "bank alt" to sell the goods they farm on multiple level 80 toons is great since it made following the gold much easier.

They're all easy to make deals with though, same approach with all of 'em. Butter up their ego a little, get huge discount/extra mats/gear etc.

As for changes made to the game, I cannot wait for the BattleGrounds changes.
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