World of Warcrafters?

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ginger synther hipster
May 9, 2004
Gave up WOW this week, reformatted computer and simply could not be bothered installing the game and leveling anymore. I was grinding three chars at 80 and just got bored (prot pally, disc preist, combat rogue). The thing that bored me the most was the other people, and the amount of time it can take to travel even on the fastest routes was just getting nuts.

I was in a guild full of very nice fun happy players, but it was too nancy. If you swore the female GM came down on you like a ton of bricks and you would get scolded by officers via pm, these same officers would flirt with the GM hardcore and pretty much eat out of the palm of her hand, which is how they got there in the first place.

So I tried a raid guild.

This was like being in a dysfunctional family. Everyone was at eachothers throats and had a constant L2P attitude, that if you werent sure about something or didnt have your facts perfect at all times when discussing a class or pvp or some crap you were a total scrub.

I decided I would rather keep my $40 every 2 months and spend it on something real.

sounds like the wow experience i had only with BC and my friend wanted to conquer every new server that existed. Face it though, everybody in wow yells l2p at each other all the time.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Strikes me that these changes are there to balance the game for casuals, since they're apparently never going to play some of the newer raid dungeons. Gotta give them something to be excited about.

But they already added so much for those casuals. Also lowering the 40% Mount to level 30 should be more then enough, even though it should of stayed at 40.

And getting to level 40 doesnt take nearly as long because of experience increase plus the recruit a friend thingy Blizz added in.

So they're going to far with this upcoming Mount tweak.
But they already added so much for those casuals. Also lowering the 40% Mount to level 30 should be more then enough, even though it should of stayed at 40.

And getting to level 40 doesnt take nearly as long because of experience increase plus the recruit a friend thingy Blizz added in.

So they're going to far with this upcoming Mount tweak.

The fact that my Paladin's Horse runs faster than his Wyvern flies is absolutely retarded. And what kind of young hero doesn't have at least a basic horse to travel around on, righting the wrong in his / her countryside, and surrounding areas?

I don't plan on leveling any more characters, but honestly I think the mount changes are long overdue.

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
And what kind of young hero doesn't have at least a basic horse to travel around on, righting the wrong in his / her countryside, and surrounding areas?



Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
Traveling is the worst part of WoW. There is nothing fun about walking a mile on a road in the middle of a desert with no enemies to get to your next location. I for one am glad they're lowering the requirements for mounts. There's nothing "hardcore" about grinding endlessly for enough money to move around faster. That's just stupid.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
It's also going to make the Azeroth zones even more empty. Also it will hurt low level world pvp. Allowing pussies to just hop on their mount and run.


brown bread?
Sep 4, 2001
Great Britain.
The changes to travel sound absolutely stupid to me. Getting your mount at 40 was a big achievement, as was getting an epic mount (pre BG rewards, I spent 900g on my black horse). Now it's just a bit of a farce. I have been itching to play the game again for some time but it sounds like it'll be a speedrun up to level 60 and beyond.


Feb 3, 2003
Traveling is the worst part of WoW. There is nothing fun about walking a mile on a road in the middle of a desert with no enemies to get to your next location. I for one am glad they're lowering the requirements for mounts. There's nothing "hardcore" about grinding endlessly for enough money to move around faster. That's just stupid.

The thing is, at this point, by the time you reach the level to acquire X type of mount, you have enough money for it already. Even for epic flying, because by the time you hit 70 you are in Northrend and can't fly anyway until level 77. Seriously, even 5k gold is chump change these days.

I think the new changes are interesting. I don't give a flying fig about 2v2 arena (or any arena for that matter), and a new battleground sounds good to me.

Anyway, regarding omg raiding guild drama, that **** is just stupid. I guess I'm kind of spoiled being in a guild as large as Goon Squad that has multiple groups running all sorts of raids at different times (although summertime is pretty much terrible for raiding anyway because all the college age people have totally different schedules). I'm taking a break from raiding anyway, unless I can find time to slip into someone else's raids, but I've got a busy schedule somehow anyway. Honestly, the game is fun if you don't make it into a job where you have to get mad purps. Finding people who share your attitude is the key to enjoying the game, as it is largely a social experience.


is ironing his panties!
The changes to travel sound absolutely stupid to me. Getting your mount at 40 was a big achievement, as was getting an epic mount (pre BG rewards, I spent 900g on my black horse). Now it's just a bit of a farce. I have been itching to play the game again for some time but it sounds like it'll be a speedrun up to level 60 and beyond.

It'll be a speedrun to 60 and beyond one way or the other, why look a gift horse in the mouth(semi-literally) you got your golds worth out of your black horse at the time anyway.

I saw the changes and felt some of my pre bc nostalgia get scolded a bit. Seriously though, it makes no difference. At that level your just hitting the long walk parts of the game, it'll give the ground mounts a bit more screen time too.
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Feb 3, 2003
I hate the argument that "oh this used to be really hard to do" in MMOs. Of course it was because that was the content at the time. Now, it's just a cockblock to getting to the real content at 80. Who the hell wants to level a fresh character all over again knowing how long it will take to get around, etc? I think it's only a good thing.


is ironing his panties!
Incidentally I still have yet to accumulate 5000g in this game (I got my epic as a loan from a friend).

I believe i got it in a month of casual play back in burning crusade. I reckon i could make enough to buy mount training from nothing all the way up to cold weather flying in the same time now... It took two months of casual dailies to get my travellers tundra mammoth i believe.

Just takes having a very simple plan and a bit of patience really, it need not intefere with normal gameplay either.


Feb 3, 2003
Seriously, you can get like 300g a day just by doing all 25 dailies, with the Argent Tournament and Sons of Hodir being pretty close together this is easy as heck. And if you run heroics or do a Naxx 25 run or so, it's a fair bit of money without repair costs if you have a good group. Sell everything. Get a gathering profession (herbalism is probably top dollar right now). My priest is sitting at over 5k right now without even trying and I blew all my money a while back on stupid crap.

Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
One of my coworkers was given a 300 month subscription. If you know someone who works for Blizzard, they get a few they can give out.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Incidentally I still have yet to accumulate 5000g in this game

lol, really?

at the time I quit, several months before Lich King, I had nearly 40,000g across my alliance toons. I never understood why some people had such a hard time making money in that game. it's not like I did anything extreme or spent hours grinding some profession or gold hunting.

even before the daily quests existed, way back in the day of the 60 cap, I probably had around 20k in gold that I made mostly from selling my blacksmith skills, raw ore/bars I could mine, and playing the auction house.

when I say playing the AH, I mean buying raw mats when they're low or individually and selling them high or in stacks. EASY MONEY. it was so easy. I would try and explain this stuff to people but I dunno.
I still ended up buying mounts and riding skill for friends and it would take them forever to pay me back. meanwhile I had every one of every kind of mount that a Human could ride including some of the same in multiple colors.



Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
It's hard to make money because making money requires farming. Which is boring. Making money in WOW = boring grind just like everything else.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
I never had to farm to make money.

at the most, I would spend about 30 mins after a raid each night (when the server population was low) flying (or riding, back in the way) around to all of the best mining spots and grab up a bunch of rare ore and throw it up on the AH.

couple stacks = 225-275 gold in the morning. making money is so easy and some people really don't know how to do it without making it feel like a chore.


Has Balls Of Steel
Oct 20, 2004
Well your right about that. Mining is the best Proff you can pick up if your seeking to just make as much gold as you can. Always has been since the beginning. But Mining is still farming.


Feb 3, 2003
Mining is no longer the best profession for making money since everyone and their mother is a jewelcrafter/miner now. Herbs seem to sell pretty well, though. For some reason.

Also, who cares about faction switch? How is that "R.I.P. WoW" worthy?