World of Tanks

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
As far as I know, you just can't have them from same e-mail.....err....and that's impossible I think. I'm pretty sure I checked and didn't read anything like that.

EDIT: says,"players are allowed only one account registered per server." But this doesn't seem to be expanded upon anywhere.

Well, apparently, it's legal but against the ToS according to the forums. They should really expand this rule and say,"even though it's possible to have an account for each e-mail, then this is actually also against the ToS". Whatever.....I'll keep this in mind for the future and have edited my posts in this forum.;)
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
8.4 update in...

....just over 12 hours, I believe. Less than 5 hours to play Serene Coast and Dragon Ridge a few last times for a while. I still think it blows that they are taking two maps away without replacing them right away.:( Of course, we're spoiled with the UT series maps.;)

EDIT: ...and it really sucks that we don't get an extra garage space with all those added tanks:(
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
T18 and 105 derp

Just had my best battle a couple nights ago in my T18 (8 destroyed tanks); i got the top gun and a couple other awards as well.

I really wish they would quit nerfing and buffing tanks though. Let's just learn to play with what we have. Why do they keep listening to the whining little b*tches? For example, I have an M4 and a Pz4 and love the 105 derp on each one (not to mention my Hetzer with the 105). People keep complaining that the 105 should be taken away from these tanks because it's OP. I don't think so and it's what makes these tanks special for me. If they took it away, then they would be just like any other tank. At this point, I couldn't sell either as I just loaded them up with equipment this weekend. I'm on my way to finally getting a KV-1 as well; are they going to nerf that one before i get there also?

Anyway, I won't get a chance to experience the 100% and 50% extra pts/XP or whatever on any tank because I'm trying to get enough exchange gold to get one more piece of equipment on the last tank that I know I'm keeping for sure. Still, the game is fun and after I do the premium day later this week, I'll try and get back to UT series reviews.:)


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
8.6 update blows!

Well, a lot of pissed off WOTs players have expressed their distaste for this new update that happened a few days ago. While I don't like a lot of things in the update, I'm still playing but I think this update could spell the beginning of the end for this game. Mostly the update nerfed the SPGs and scouts, but also nerfed some ammo for the derp and howi guns. Here's a link to the thread:

EDIT: as a side note, I will probably be back very soon after the USA holiday weekend!:)
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Strategic Military Services
Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Moscow, Russia
Well, a lot of pissed off WOTs players have expressed their distaste for this new update that happened a few days ago.
Yep, same here. Threats to leave the game, to sell all SPA. However I'm playing mostly SPG at the moment (specifically Su-100Y) so I don't see much difference. SPAs now are few, but if there are, you can be sure that these will hit the target. I did notice I get ricochets a bit more than before 8.6 though.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
What are SPAs? Anyway, I've calmed down since the release and most of my tanks are still fine. My cousins have SPGs and they're keeping their StPzII and T57. One of them was going to sell his SU-26, but decided not to do it. I'm pretty much keeping all my tanks and am still working toward the Tiger in the VK3601H, but will still keep the VK3601H when I buy the Tiger.:)

Also, one of my cousins is really excited about finally being able to buy equipment at 1/2 price for his KV-1 this weekend....probably tonight!


Strategic Military Services
Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Moscow, Russia
What are SPAs?
I'm not sure what are the names in English version of the game, but in Russian StpzII and Su-26 are basically called by term, for which the most correct translation would be SPA. Tank destroyers like Su-100Y/Su-122/ISU-152 or T95 called by term for which the most correct translation would be SPG.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
WoTs on another computer?

1. Anyone have any idea why the game runs great in WinXP 32-bit but sh*tty in Win7 64-bit with same MB/CPU/RAM? The Win7 internet has a better speedtest also, which is bizarre.

2. Also, which video card is better (GTX-280 or HD 5450)? (this is the easy question);)

I've posted this at 3 other forums with details, but I thought I'd see if anyone knows right off the bat. I'll add them later if needed. Also, this is not a test, I'm having trouble with another computer at another location running this crazy, addictive game.:)


What are YOU looking at?
Apr 8, 2003
I'm running the game on Win7 64 and it runs fine, then again I have a pretty beefy vid card. Got every thing on high and always getting between 55 and 60 frames and the ping never goes above 60. Dunno where the servers are at.

As for your vid card Q, I wouldn't know. I personally have never been disappointed by my Nvidia cards.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
I'm guessing my old nvidia card on WinXP might be faster than my 5450 card on Win7 but I could be wrong.

EDIT: I was right, according to this >>

My WinXP GTX 280 card gets 1,209 Passmark score and ranks #115
The Win7 HD 5450 (non-mobility) card gets only 234 Passmark score and ranks only #385

Guess I'll try lowering the graphics this weekend and see what happens; either that or get an HD 7770 card and I'm not sure I want to do that right now.
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
strangest thing

Tried to boot up my brother's computer today and it kept restarting after bringing up MB logo screen.....finally I went into the bios and all settings were default (obviously bios lost settings somehow) out MB manual and set them to what I thought were right for his system (slightly diff than mine) and the ram was rated at 400 but now running at 533....wrong (5:8 ratio if i remember correctly).:(

So, went back in and made a few more adjustments and RAM back to 1:1 and running at 333 (8GB of it...4 sticks) and timings show up as even better in CPU-Z and World Of Tanks seems to run fine now with low settings!:)

Ran the "can my computer run WOTs" program and both my computer (did mine a couple days ago) and this one pass and both fall at around same spot just to the right of recommended.....both have video card as not meeting optimal settings also I believe. Looks like I'll be playing WOTs on this computer at my Mom's house (and not her 9-year old computer anymore which has WOTs set at minimal settings).:)