If it were up to me, these are the things...
...I would change about the game World of Tanks (probably for 8.4 upgrade, since 8.3 is practically finished):
1. Have it the choice of the player at the time of logging in or before each battle before the tank is chosen whether or not to play with "non-paying" players or everyone. So, the advantage of
paying players is sort of taken out of the equation if someone wants it to be. Maybe there would probably be some rule where you would need to play with everyone at least 25% of the time or something like that.
2. No more
draws, especially at the end of matches where both teams cap with 5-10 seconds. Only one team wins and that's that. If both teams cap at the exact moment, then most points on the top of the screen of most tanks destroyed, more points, or whatever....it will be decided. I've heard all the arguments to keep draws in the game and they're crap; besides, there are no draws in Unreal Tournament.

Unfortunately, this will never happen because most of the community wants to keep draws.
3. Explain in the FAQs how
convert experience can be used to research stuff in the next tank once it is researched without buying gold (I haven't seen this explained anywhere, even in the forums).
4. Make it so you can't hurt your teammates (
teamkills) and that would get rid of most of the a$$holes on your team. This includes all the bumping into one another at the beginning of a match (which brings me to 5)
5. Make the
start points a little farther apart, to try and avoid some of the stupid bumping at the beginning of a match.
6. All
faster tanks start at the front in certain maps, to make it easier to run across the expanse and back up the other side and around the bends, etc. (i.e. - Province).
7. No more
starting the capture over and going down a little just because you get hit in the circle. The other team has to destroy all of the tanks in the circle for it to start over or go down a little.
Warnings when purchasing the bigger engine and heavier radio signal thing, etc. when you haven't purchased the better treads first. This happened to me today with the AMX 40 french tank. It's my own fault as you should always buy from the bottom up, but I was trying to use convert experience points.
9. Make some of the
extra items that don't require gold to purchase
function automatically or at least make it a choice one way or the other. I thought the small repair kit kicked in automatically, but you have to divert your attention away from the battle to hit at least two keys in a row to get it to work.
10. Mess with the game algorithm to
stop getting defeats most of the time. It just seems my team gets defeated an inordinant amount of times more than logically should be possibly if it is trully random. In other words, I don't believe it is random and something should be done to change it.