Why the low UT3 adoption?

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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Here we go again ...

don't you guys (and girls?) ever get tired of figuring out why people decided to play other games instead (or in addition to) UT3 ?

UT3 failed because the existing players couldn't handle the changes made.

You want to see what a real beta looks like ?
Try playing Armed Assault 2 ... if you can get it up and running at all that is.
UT3 never ever suffered from bugs as gigantic and sanity-destroying as that one.
All it failed to do was to please a bunch of elitist wannabe pro-gamers that decided that anything that didn't let them become #1 within seconds of playing had to be bad.

Bishop F Gantry

New Member
Aug 18, 2004
Here we go again ...

don't you guys (and girls?) ever get tired of figuring out why people decided to play other games instead (or in addition to) UT3 ?

UT3 failed because the existing players couldn't handle the changes made.

You want to see what a real beta looks like ?
Try playing Armed Assault 2 ... if you can get it up and running at all that is.
UT3 never ever suffered from bugs as gigantic and sanity-destroying as that one.
All it failed to do was to please a bunch of elitist wannabe pro-gamers that decided that anything that didn't let them become #1 within seconds of playing had to be bad.

No its quite an entertaining endevour tp share thoughts on ut3.

And why is it the existing players fault, if Epic cant produce a recognizable product that the consumer can relate to and in worst case scenario alienates the existing playerbase?

Havent played armed, but what would thes bugs in Armed that makes sloggin trough ut3 feel like a picnic?

elitist pro gamer is a fairly small minority in itself and ut3 has recived flak from pretty much any direction whter it be single, multi, modding, storyline, new and old to Unreal players.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
UT3 at launch sucked and that's why nobody plays it online today. There. That's the end.


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
This is what killed UT3 for UT2004 players. By far the jump height was the most important, others like no dodge-jump weren't a big deal. It's not about losing their competitiveness, what nobody liked was losing the sense of freedom.

In UT3 you can still dodge-jump with the jump boots.

There is also the hover board which makes it easier to get around. It's better than running 5 miles to get where you are going.

Try playing Team Fortress where you only have single jump, no dodge, no vehicles, goofy weapons and character classes. (I can't see how 100x people are playing that pos than UT3... UT3 has 10x the graphics and more realistic character rendering and net code...)


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
countzero1984 said:
In UT3 you can still dodge-jump with the jump boots.

There is also the hover board which makes it easier to get around. It's better than running 5 miles to get where you are going.
Try playing Team Fortress where you only have single jump, no dodge, no vehicles, goofy weapons and character classes.
I have the game but I didn't bother :)
(I can't see how 100x people are playing that pos than UT3... UT3 has 10x the graphics and more realistic character rendering and net code...)
Exactly. UT3 has better graphics, more advanced engine, characters, more content, more game types, vehicles, it's faster, better, badass, futuristic, creative. Everybody says how great it is, how rewarding it is to have the old game with updated graphics, how it washes their car and it's a cure for cancer. They love and praise it, they do this and everything else they can remember, ...

... except playing it.

It's a mistery isn't it?

Bishop F Gantry

New Member
Aug 18, 2004
In UT3 you can still dodge-jump with the jump boots.

There is also the hover board which makes it easier to get around. It's better than running 5 miles to get where you are going.

Try playing Team Fortress where you only have single jump, no dodge, no vehicles, goofy weapons and character classes. (I can't see how 100x people are playing that pos than UT3... UT3 has 10x the graphics and more realistic character rendering and net code...)

Scout has double jump and can get tripple jump, demoman and soldier can nade/rock jump and engi can build teleporters.

While tf2 dosent have vehciles it dosent really need them due to most maps being relativly small and people can quikly get into the action.

tf2 is supposed to be campy and cartoony and filled with humor while ut3 manages to be just corny, graphics isnt everything but it helps but as tf2 shows content and fun gameplay beats graphics alone anyday.

And UT3's netcode cant hold a candle to TF2's netcode.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
UT3 just sees certain actions as more important than others. Additionally, they don't like to do client side network validation so they do very little of it (but UT has always had a small amount of it).

TF2 also has many of the same problems as UT3 does in it's netcode. Rockets in particular are ridiculously inaccurate (depending on your ping) and often either hit in wrong place or kill people they aren't even close to. There simply isn't a "good" way of dealing with projectiles over a network, but you can fake instant hit fire pretty well.

So anyways I think it's comparing apples and oranges to even try to compare the netcode. Yes, UT3s netcode could be way better, but considering all the events it has to deal with it does a pretty good job.


New Member
Mar 25, 2006
In UT3 you can still dodge-jump with the jump boots.
Right. It only works when you have a powerup though.

There is also the hover board which makes it easier to get around. It's better than running 5 miles to get where you are going.
You can't really participate in combat while on a hover board. The ideal game for my taste would not require any vehicles/hoverboards/translocators.

Try playing Team Fortress where you only have single jump, no dodge, no vehicles, goofy weapons and character classes. (I can't see how 100x people are playing that pos than UT3... UT3 has 10x the graphics and more realistic character rendering and net code...)
I hate Team Fortress because of the class system. It seemed cool when I first started playing. However, I feel forced into playing a certain style every time I join because the team needs a class of a particular type to succeed. I just like to get into a game a shoot some people. I don't want to worry about completely changing my play style like that.

Exactly. UT3 has better graphics, more advanced engine, characters, more content, more game types, vehicles, it's faster, better, badass, futuristic, creative.
I really don't care about any of those things. In fact, I prefer games that don't have vehicles/turrets. I like person vs person FPS combat.

Scout has double jump and can get tripple jump, demoman and soldier can nade/rock jump and engi can build teleporters.
Those are all nice, but dividing abilities among classes is not what I prefer. It's a matter of taste I suppose.

While tf2 dosent have vehciles it dosent really need them due to most maps being relativly small and people can quikly get into the action.
That's the one thing I do like about TF2; no vehicles and small maps.

As you can tell, I don't like either TF2 or UT3. In fact, there is currently no MP FPS that I enjoy playing. Maybe I'm just getting old. :lol:


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
JaFO said:
All it failed to do was to please a bunch of elitist wannabe pro-gamers that decided that anything that didn't let them become #1 within seconds of playing had to be bad.
lol. yeah 10% are elitist pr0s. The remaining 90% are just regular players that will take a look at UT3 when they stop having fun with UT2004.

tbh, I guess I had enough. I don't care about graphics, realism, vehicles, online, pros or n00bs. If I feel like playing, I'll just load UnrealTournament.exe and play with bots.


Jan 20, 2008
In UT3 you can still dodge-jump with the jump boots.
Isn't it more like dodge-jump-whoa-why-the-hell-am-I-flying and drains your jump boots?

I hate Team Fortress because of the class system. It seemed cool when I first started playing. However, I feel forced into playing a certain style every time I join because the team needs a class of a particular type to succeed. I just like to get into a game a shoot some people. I don't want to worry about completely changing my play style like that.
Try out Unreal II XMP or UTXMP then ;)


Jun 29, 2009
You can't really participate in combat while on a hover board. The ideal game for my taste would not require any vehicles/hoverboards/translocators.

I really don't care about any of those things. In fact, I prefer games that don't have vehicles/turrets. I like person vs person FPS combat.

Hoverboard/Trans: but they bring you where you want to be faster. right into the action. i prefer the board a hundred times over walking (or rahter dodgejumping) for hours till i reach a node.

And for the other statement: you only have vehicles in vctf and warfare. nobody forces you to play those gametypes. you can always stick with duel/dm/tdm/bta/ctf/greed

Unknown Target

New Member
Jan 22, 2008
Noo, UT3's movement is not how it should play. It should play like UT, a single-jump should be the same, so should the dodge-distance. It isn't. UT3 is more restrictive than UT, it's not in between UT and UT2004, it's a wierd combination of CS with dodges. In fact IMHO UT99 happens to be the one in between, regarding look and feel.

If you don't consider air control for a moment, you don't have the horizontal freedom, but even less vertical. None. Yes I get it, the game is in your face, with less mobility you stay there and fight instead of pulling back, a guy less skilled than yourself is now a sitting duck instead of a rabbit hard to hit unless you have hitscan, you can zig-zag quicker and run circles around.

But wtf, are you guys here so "polarized" and biased that you can't see that there are lots of scenarios in between? A few things lost from UT2004 could have been compensated by others for the gamers. They are fairly disappointed with jump height, it's not even gravity, floaty vs grounded. They don't mind to fall quickly or the arc, they would just like to reach higher. That the hammer jump was usable, that it's risk/reward was worthwhile. Not "flying across the map", but not carrying a truckload either. And much more that I don't miss or can't figure out atm.

What's more, people tend to look at it as a bundle. You may consider that UT2004 players like cartoonish AND dodge jump AND uber-floaty AND shield gun AND hitscan ... But every single player doesn't need all of them. Or are fine with a few changes, mid-terms, compromises. But nooo, it had to go to the other extreme and now you have an ugly UT3 with tiresome postprocessing and effects, it plays like you are carrying your mother in law on your shoulder and you have a vibrator as weapon #1.

UT3 went too far away from what most consider enjoyable. That's unplayable, the transition was impossible, as it was for you when UT2003 was released. Unfortunately you built your own distorted and stereotyped view of what an UT2004 player likes or not. You then basically contributed to push them out of Epic's forum and UT, kept them out blocking any attempt to enhance the game, and now you don't play it either! But above all, what pissed me off when the game was released, was seeing some guys that felt the annoyance or "pain" of having an inadequate game since 2003, posting stuff on Epic's forum that showed how they were having some sort of sadistic pleasure and feel revenged that others were going through the same or were leaving UT for good!

Personally, I love UT3's movement the most of all the games. And the weapon balance.

But I'm just stating what happened.


BeyondUnreal Newsie
Aug 20, 2001
...Behind You...
In UT3 you can still dodge-jump with the jump boots.

There is also the hover board which makes it easier to get around. It's better than running 5 miles to get where you are going.

Try playing Team Fortress where you only have single jump, no dodge, no vehicles, goofy weapons and character classes. (I can't see how 100x people are playing that pos than UT3... UT3 has 10x the graphics and more realistic character rendering and net code...)

Since when has graphics mattered? Yes UT3 looks good but the gameplay lacked at launch and way quickly covered up with the Orange Box which offered TF2.

TF2 is all about goofy weapons and character classes, hell most games I've played recently have different classes to them, even America's Army 3. It also doesn't need things like dodge jumps, double jump etc. It most of my TF2 games I play what I want and after a while you get used to playing as a team.

As Brizz said UT3 sucked at the start and people listen to other people who listen to them, etc so no one picked it up or played it because they've heard bad things about it. Yes now with the packs and patches it's getting there but why they didn't do what they've done now before it game out we'll never know.

TBH you've probably made a really bad choice putting UT3 against TF2 :)


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Unknown Target said:
Personally, I love UT3's movement the most of all the games. And the weapon balance.

But I'm just stating what happened.
Sorry, I'm a tad frustrated that UT is on some sort of life support


New Member
Feb 8, 2008
Comparing UT to Windows:
UT2004 = WinXP SP3, UT3 = Vista initial release.

Felt more like 'upgrading' from XP sp3 to Win95 with areo glass bolted on for me. At least Vista offered more features along with the bugs and poor peformance.
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Jan 23, 2008
UT3 just sees certain actions as more important than others. Additionally, they don't like to do client side network validation so they do very little of it (but UT has always had a small amount of it).

TF2 also has many of the same problems as UT3 does in it's netcode. Rockets in particular are ridiculously inaccurate (depending on your ping) and often either hit in wrong place or kill people they aren't even close to. There simply isn't a "good" way of dealing with projectiles over a network, but you can fake instant hit fire pretty well.

So anyways I think it's comparing apples and oranges to even try to compare the netcode. Yes, UT3s netcode could be way better, but considering all the events it has to deal with it does a pretty good job.

Projectiles in Source have always been accurate, its the hitscan in source that's inaccurate.