Why the low UT3 adoption?

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Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
UT3 adoption is so low because it is basically the same game with new content, and better graphics. People moved to different games with different play styles. If UT3 was more of a class based game with different game mechanics it might have had a higher adoption. Then again, it wouldn't have been an UT game.


Target pratice for others....
Jan 14, 2002
Somewhere in this world
I think the way custom content is handled in UT3 is just plain stupid.
As a SP only player, I can say this is what turns me off UT3 the most. I can handle the gimp menu (when it remembers my settings), and I don't find the change in player movements that bad (never favored the style of UT2KX) but what I can't stand is the stupid file system. I know there are custom programs for these stuff and I can understand the move to use User/Document folders, but they should really have stick with .umod files.


Jan 20, 2008
Indeed, and the latter looks a lot, lot worse. In fact, that's one of the reasons why UT3 never sticked: the graphics are not much of an improvement from UT2004, yet the performance is horrible.

I think UT2004 wasn't much of an improvement in anything.


Jan 20, 2008
Yes, if you note that Unreal II was released earlier.

U2 is U2. UT2k4 is UT-related.
Plus, aside engine/graphical features that I always define pointless (as a player), I don't see UT2k4 being an improvement of U2. More like, a completely different game.


Old fart on top the mountain.....
YOu know I have to disagree. I think each one has its own unique sense of style, it's the person's taste that decides the outcome of a game's popularity and UT3 isn't hurting too much nowdays. UT2004 is still by far one the most popular on teh polls but UT3 is still a great game overall. Look at the cool features the engine itself shows us what spiffiness that can be had by the modding communities out there. Am I wrong?


Jan 20, 2008
I was talking about any improvement to the UE2 engine between U2 and UT2k4.

EDIT: Improvements regarding graphics, physics and stuff like that. Stuff that a random player does not really notice.
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Kidneythieves and Poets of The Fall Fan
Jan 20, 2008
Blackpool, England, UK
For me personally, I've got bored of the UT series in general. There's nothing too much wrong with UT3, as it's got some nice gameplay in it, but for now, I've got bored of that kind of style. I still play it occasionally, just very rare now.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
My main problem with UT3 is the terrible netcode.

I haven't been playing the game much and I've spent more time with Quack3 CPM and L4D. Going from those games two games back to UT3 and forget it....... UT3 feels like total ****. A 28 ping in UT3 feels like a 200 ping in any other recent game, how can this be? The netcode in ut3 is totally worthless and whoever coded it needs to be punched repeatedly in the face with a fist full of glass.

Unknown Target

New Member
Jan 22, 2008
I wanna second the file system thing. The fact that you have to download a map to join a server, and then CAN'T PLAY THAT MAP IN SINGLE PLAYER LATER is ****ing RETARDED. What is this, 1999?


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
from my point of this thread

the people who plays in the clan i was in when UT3 was released..they all said
i cant wait til UT3 is released.
BUT when it came they all installed and said,,omfg look at the graphics,,its so beautiful woooooooooowwwww..and then,,

but but but but????:eek:.....................were is the longjumps?? and were is the doubledodge??:eek:
Ok,,,they took this away,im uninstalling right now.only 2 guys from the whole clan played it and gave it another fare chance for more then 3 weeks,but after that they also uninstalled and throwed away the discs.
i dont play the game either anymore,,cuz i want the same movements from UT 2k4.......so if they would have kept the same things that were in 2k4 and also had theese lovely graphic,,,,,the game would have been faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more popular...but the other hand this is just what i guess.
cheers to u all who stil plays it;)


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Bishop gantry said:
If you ask me Epic is done with PC gaming atleast any serious atempt, theyve seen the dollar signs on the console market with a fresh franchise GoW, unlike Unreal wich has had a couple of questionable releases under its belt and slight alienated fan base.
TehLlama said:
This worries me a bit. Unreal Tournament started on PC and Epic used to be only a PC developer (I'm pretty sure). I'm sort of broadening the topic a bit here, but what are your opinions on the "PC gaming is dying/dead" statement? I'd like to believe it's not, but I'm looking for some evidence.
Why the low UT3 adoption? It's clear from reading your posts: because Epic couldnt tell UT fans apart from the serious "PC gamers". Stereotype or not.

* UT fans are still playing UT, often because they don't have an high-end PC and don't care about graphics that PeeCee geymurz love.
* UT2004 players that are also PC gamers but don't like today's FPS crap, were steamrolled, banned or voted with their feet.
* The console gamers are laid back but got a serious game that is not relaxing or fun.
* The offline guys got a silly storyline littered with el-Macho one liner dialogs.
* Often, new guys don't love hardcore gaming and aren't FPS nerds just because they play on a PC.
* The remaining "PC gamers" just seem to hate consoles more than they like UT, complained about the consolized UI and are even against cross-platform that could revive the scene.

Unknown Target

New Member
Jan 22, 2008
To be fair, Epic shot themselves in the foot way back when 2k3/2k4 was released. By bringing out a really successful shooter (UT), then bringing out it's sequel with a completely different play style (2k4), everyone who didn't get UT but heard about it the first time around jumped on 2k4. Then when everyone played 2k4 and saw that as the UT series and how it should play, they all got disappointing with UT3's movement.


Epic should stop being epileptic with the movement and gameplay systems and stick with ONE SYSTEM throughout ALL THE UT GAMES.


Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
My main problem with UT3 is the terrible netcode.

I haven't been playing the game much and I've spent more time with Quack3 CPM and L4D. Going from those games two games back to UT3 and forget it....... UT3 feels like total ****. A 28 ping in UT3 feels like a 200 ping in any other recent game, how can this be? The netcode in ut3 is totally worthless and whoever coded it needs to be punched repeatedly in the face with a fist full of glass.

This is also what wrote the epitaph for UT3 for me as well, Netcoding is totally unsatisfactory, like you said. Such a pity, as the core elements for the best UT game of the series were there, but the finishing touches weren't. :(

Therefore UT3 wound up being along the same lines as a Snickers candy bar that had dog doo-doo in the center of it instead of caramel & peanuts.
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European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Unknown Target said:
Then when everyone played 2k4 and saw that as the UT series and how it should play, they all got disappointing with UT3's movement.
Noo, UT3's movement is not how it should play. It should play like UT, a single-jump should be the same, so should the dodge-distance. It isn't. UT3 is more restrictive than UT, it's not in between UT and UT2004, it's a wierd combination of CS with dodges. In fact IMHO UT99 happens to be the one in between, regarding look and feel.

If you don't consider air control for a moment, you don't have the horizontal freedom, but even less vertical. None. Yes I get it, the game is in your face, with less mobility you stay there and fight instead of pulling back, a guy less skilled than yourself is now a sitting duck instead of a rabbit hard to hit unless you have hitscan, you can zig-zag quicker and run circles around.

But wtf, are you guys here so "polarized" and biased that you can't see that there are lots of scenarios in between? A few things lost from UT2004 could have been compensated by others for the gamers. They are fairly disappointed with jump height, it's not even gravity, floaty vs grounded. They don't mind to fall quickly or the arc, they would just like to reach higher. That the hammer jump was usable, that it's risk/reward was worthwhile. Not "flying across the map", but not carrying a truckload either. And much more that I don't miss or can't figure out atm.

What's more, people tend to look at it as a bundle. You may consider that UT2004 players like cartoonish AND dodge jump AND uber-floaty AND shield gun AND hitscan ... But every single player doesn't need all of them. Or are fine with a few changes, mid-terms, compromises. But nooo, it had to go to the other extreme and now you have an ugly UT3 with tiresome postprocessing and effects, it plays like you are carrying your mother in law on your shoulder and you have a vibrator as weapon #1.

UT3 went too far away from what most consider enjoyable. That's unplayable, the transition was impossible, as it was for you when UT2003 was released. Unfortunately you built your own distorted and stereotyped view of what an UT2004 player likes or not. You then basically contributed to push them out of Epic's forum and UT, kept them out blocking any attempt to enhance the game, and now you don't play it either! But above all, what pissed me off when the game was released, was seeing some guys that felt the annoyance or "pain" of having an inadequate game since 2003, posting stuff on Epic's forum that showed how they were having some sort of sadistic pleasure and feel revenged that others were going through the same or were leaving UT for good!
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