Well, what's worse? Not being able to play the game, or having minor problems with the gameplay? I think the online portion of the game just simply being broken in several aspects was the worst aspect of the game's launch and everything following it until 2.0 came out. How can you recommend a game to friends that isn't even functioning properly? 1.3 came out almost 12 months later and only then did custom content and the dedicated Linux server work properly, and I can only assume that the GameSpy integration contributed to this much more than its fair share.
Whats worse than beeing unable to play the game for a few houers? or that nobody wants to play it anyway..
You can dismiss peoples conplaints about UT3 as "minor problems with the gameplay" all you want, but i ask you, what, if not the low player counts, finally gave UT3 the Coup de grâce? without all thouse players, you've got nothing.
No, but, frankly, the damage was already done long before Epic released ANY patches. I'm not saying that GameSpy was the only problem the game had, but most of the things people have complained about with UT3 had more to do with personal preference over design decisions than the fact that things were actually horribly broken. Like the orb, for example. People complained that it broke gameplay, however that is a person preference of design. The orb wasn't broken itself.
Sorry, but personal prefrence matters, the reality is that Epic, having been rather inconsistant with both the features and feel of UT's in the past, had gained a very varied following of fans who wanted different things from the game, that damage was allready done and there was no going back from there, and that is a reality Epic would have needed to deal with if UT3 was to have any chance, the UT community was just not big enough to exclude more players.
Instead they did the exact opposite, UT3 is streamlined up the wazoo compared to past versions, and as it dropped many options, it even further limited it's appeal, driving a wedge into an allready small community (and going multi-platform, that wedge was only made wider), leaving only a small core of players, like yourself, who was happy with it (excluding it's initial online problems), whilst the rest of us where given no incentive to play it.
In many ways, UT3 is a feature downgrade from past UT's, and this community just coulden't afford that, hell, UT3 practically took all the offliners out back and put a load of 00.Buck through their braincase, it cheesed off countless ONS fans by changing their game and not listening to the feedback they had, it left the CTF community with barely a leg to stand on (there where.. 6 maps at release?), it removed options like brightskins and FF amounts, gave people practically no way to personalize the game like they could in the past, and i could go on listing the many ways UT3 set about limiting it's appeal and excluding parts of it's fanbase like this, all packed in a monotonous GoW'ish look that starkly contrasts the colourfull and varied look of it's siblings, and taking a huge departure from the backstory that had served them so well, replacing it instead with one that was seen as a bad joke.
You can call thease changes "design choices" if you want to, personally, i call it "franchiside", and the real kick in the pants is not that they made some changes, it's that they left so many of their fans with no way to tweak it more to their liking, like past UT's allowed.
I really don't know the answer to that. What are some of the big problem the game had? All I can think of are online specific issues like the master servers being down or dedicated servers not working or the server list not functioning or not having a linux dedicated server for over a month or not having ANY online custom content support at launch, all things that can probably be traced back tot he Gamespy integration.
You can read above for many of them, but the simple fact is, after allmost a decade of UT, people just wheren't going to view UT3 as a stand-alone thing or something brand new or anything of the sort, they where going to compare it to UT's of the past, and UT3 just doesen't stack up well, it has fewer options, less variety to choose from, it's story sucked, mod support was totally broken and is still not quite good today, and just to add insult to injury, it was buggy and badly unpolished (do female players still make male grunts?).
That's just not how you make a sequal, that's how you kill a franchise.
Obviously other things needed polishing, but I think most people knew that those things would be polished eventually. The online portion of the game being utterly broken for over a year was simply inexcusable for an online multiplayer game.
Agreed, the broken online portion was inexcusable, but the polish you mentioned still hasen't happened, for instance, it has taken Mapmixer3 to give the Offliners all the tools they need to finally enjoy this game offline like they used to, Epic did bugger all and had no intention of doing anything, Offliners have Trix to thank for this not Epic.
UT3 has undoubtedly seen it's last patch, so where's that polish going to come from? who's going to fix the Manta jump exploit? who's going to solve the OpenAL crashes? etc etc..
Many of us saw this this comming a mile away, hence we gave up.
Personally, I think people just had things to vent about when other things weren't working. I really don't have a perfect memory of all the other crappy threads that have taken place on here, but, again, I think the main thing is that people wanted a game that was "their game". Unlike when UT came out, people didn't want to deal with Epic's game design, they wanted Epic to accept their game design and it pissed them off that it wasn't that way.
I've really tried to understand a lot of people's complaints about the game, but, personally, I don't find most complaints about how the game was designed as "valid". I disagree with some design decisions they made, but those aren't what ultimately led me to stop playing the game altogether.
You can view peoples gripes as "invalid" all you want, but the proof is in the pudding, Epic designed a game that only attracted a stable, world-wide community of no more than ~500 players past it's initial honeymoon period, a game that even you don't feel like playing anymore because you've got nobody to play with. So tell me, how exactly where thease complaints "invalid" if they stopped people from wanting to play? and was UT3 really made better by ignoring them, thus ensuring they infact did not play?
No players, no game, it's that simple, and with this small a community of players, you just can't say "you will play it our way and like it!", that path leads straight to failure, and so it has.
Epic absolutely should have listened to the "invalid" complaints, if they had, then maybe we'd be discussing our favorite UT3 mods and servers right now (as a lot more people might be playing the game), instead of disecting where it all went terribly wrong, but as it was, the game suffocated because there where never enough players to breathe life into it, and there's no two ways to spin it, the players wheren't there because they didn't want to play, and the few who did died of boredom because they had no playmates.
We've had this argument before, and back then you said the same thing, our arguments where invalid, thease where just design choices, and Epic shoulden't have to accomodate us, and UT3 would be just fine when the Titan Pack was released as it would bring all the players back. And i told you that if they didn't, the low player counts would only breed even lower player counts, that the Titan Pack would do no such thing, and that the game would die if it didn't get more players.. well what can i tell you Brizz, I WIN!
But it's a pretty damn hollow victory, i'll tell you that.
Well, I think when the game has over 1,000 players, the servers go out and when they come back on the count never goes above 300 that is probably good cause and effect. Maybe they were already looking for a reason to quit... but how long would they have waited if they could have even played the game? The majority of people gave up on the game before 2.0 even came out.
Correlation does not imply causation, when GS crapped out it was only for shorter periods of time, and it was hardly a dayli occurence, if people really wanted to play UT3, they still would have when it went back up, as indeed did that small core of die hard UT3 players, instead they left, and from that i can only summise UT3 just wasen't dear enough to them to deal with any problems.
UT3 was playable Online from day one, what it lacked was stuff like Server Admin features and a Linux server client, and the initial version of the server browser was annoying, sure, thease are things that make Online play easier and more pleasent, but it's not like the game could not be played at all, hell, i'd say Modern Warfare 2 is getting by right now with even less than UT3 had at it's launch, but that doesen't seem to stop people playing that game (i don't see the attraction, but there you have it).
Thease players where never going to stick around, if a minor hickup in hosthing services was all it took to scatter them, and they coulden't wait for a single patch, they where on their way out anyway.