This comment idea is not new and has come up several times in the past.
The problem is these comments need to be replicated to the clients which again is not a problem.
Problem is the character limitation.
1024 is the maximum limit stretched across a maximum of 255 maps which if things were to be devided evenly would be 4 characters per map or however the admin wants the 1024 characters devided.
The problem comes in with the error checking.
Proper error checking takes up quite a bit of code and if left out and left up to the admin and he makes it 1025 characters or more, it will disconnect the client and ofcourse its all UT2Vote's fault hence the reason I stayed away.
The other problem is these comments nead to be directly related to the map and in the same order (normally alphabetical) and you cannot have a map without comments even if its only one character.
Let me expalin.
There are 255 maps.
The first map (0) DM-Alpha has a comment and the last map (255) DM-Zebra has a comment.
The maps inbetween (1 to 254) cannot be blank so they need at least one character (normally '0').
These 0's will make up 253 characters that just go to waste leaving the Admin with771 characters now.
Hence the only quick and dirty way of error checking is to take the first 1024 characters at just remove any after that.
It can be done but it has its limitations
Also any additional maps like the AltMapPrefix maps cannot have comments.
I'll add a comment section on the next beta and you can try it out and see if it can work.