The younger generation gets their competitive kicks with Halo. So, yes, they have.
That's precisely why a strictly UT game will never be popular again. Why play a game with such a massively high barrier to entry when you can play a simplified game like Halo?
Because passing over the barrier to entry allows you to play a game that feels like you're playing a cybersport? That aspect of the game would definitely need to be marketed and also be viral. My way of helping people get over the barrier is to sell them on a single player Unreal sequel first which could come out first as a highly-publicized stand-alone game or could be a part of the UT99-2 game.
Both the UT and UC series have enjoyed reasonably good sales numbers, so none of them are really financial failures. By the numbers, Epic probably has lots of reason to continue developing the UT series.
Do you think Epic made a profit of of UT3? Did they even break even on it? (I have no idea, I'm just asking, but if I had to guess I would say no.)
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