This is an awfully long post with serious undertones of console envy from someone who is a hardcore PC gamer.
There are plenty of good PC titles where i live.
Check out Borderlands sometime, (L4D 1 & 2) or perhaps Torchlight. - or maybe the C & C universe.
Console envy? if i wanted to, i could go pick up all 3 current gen Consoles first thing tomorrow morning, and a barrel full of games for them, i'm not a kid living on dole from my parents, i'm pushing 30 and i have money in the bank, so no, i am not envious, if i was i'd just go buy one, end of storry.
I just don't care for Consoles, or the majority of their games, i find them limiting, i can't play one without thinking "they could have done more with this had they designed it for the PC", and that's a huge bring-down for me, i feel thease platforms have too many limitations, and that the games suffer for it.
In the past i just didn't pay Consoles any attention, there was no need to, and i'm not some rabid "Console hater" who has some strange urge to go out of his way to rag on others choice of gaming platform, what's the point in that?
But sadly, since "multi-platform" is all the rage right now, i find myself getting dragged into thease debates, as now, i am seeing the same limitations i don't like about Console games become the norm in the
vast majority of games that gets released for the PC, even long standing PC franchises that i used to love are going that way, and i find i just don't enjoy them anymore because of it, sure they are still playable, but i can never shake that nagging voice in the back of my head that says "you know this used to be better, you know it used to have lean/an inventory system/more commands, and you know the mouse support could be better than this, that the menu's could be better, that the game could feature more options, have bigger textures, larger levels, that it could have had mod support", and that just ruins it for me.
Yes i am a fickle bastard, i'll gladly admitt it, i like my games a certain way and what the hell is wrong with that? the games i play should be fun for me, else, what's the point of gaming?
There used to be a lot of games out there for a guy like me, but they have grinded to a halt now, games like "Borderlands" just don't cut the mustard for me, leaving only the rare releases like L4D and Call of Pripyat that i can look forward to, and they are becoming ever rarer, more so as more and more franchises jump on the "multi-platform" bandwagon, gone are the franchises like Rainbow6 and Opperation Flashpoint, they have changed shape and style, into something i don't really care for.
The other thing that really cracks me up is these people who claim they are die-hard PC gamers but haven't upgraded their hardware in several years, UT3 isn't what its meant to be on dated hardware.. 'nuff said.
Uhu, and what exactly would make us upgrade?
When i build this rig, it was an absolute monster, back then it was top of the line, and i'm supriced to say it's still capable of playing anything i have installed on it at max settings, including new releases like L4D2, and i was even getting good frames in UT3 at full graphics settings (but with some strange RAM relates crashes), and with most games thease days beeing designed multi-platform, it eats all thouse games alive, they where designed around less beefy hardware anyway (it's only when bad optimization, see GTA4, comes up that i would have a problem with thouse, but then, i never did care for GTA4 and stayed well clear of that mess).
There have been very few games that could have made me upgrade thease past few years, Crysis might have been the one, but it's not my kind of game, UT3 i though would be the one, but as anyone on this forum can probably attest to, i don't really like UT3, Stalker CS could have been it, but it just wasen't as fun as SoC, so for the moment, i'm left with games that all run just fine at full settings on my current rig, and nothing on the horizon that makes me want to upgrade.
The PC was not hurt by the Wipeout and Pandemonium ports 10 years ago
Nope, but back then such Console ports where not the only game in town, the PC had lots of exclusive tiles, today, allmost everything that hits the market is muti-platform, which means, why buy a costly gaming rig when you could just buy an Xbox360 or a PS3? for the average gamer out there, that huge casual market, that's what it comes down to.
So no, the sitiation is hardly the same, and it's no wonder the PC is loosing out, the Consoles are sold at a loss to make them very attractive price wise, they market the hell out of them, and allmost all games made today are released on the Consoles, but who's championing the PC? where are all it's exclusive titles? who's doing any marketing for that platform?
It is a very different situation now than it was a decade ago.