Weird Poll: Do you cheat in INF online?

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Do you cheat in INF online?

  • Yes - All the way

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Yes - But mostly wallhacking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - But mostly using radar or similar

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Yes - But mostly minor tweaks

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • No - But I am considering it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - and I never will

    Votes: 54 84.4%

  • Total voters


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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CFA said:
yea like people are really gonna admit they are cheating. :rolleyes:

as of my opinion, i do think some of these "good" people are using something.people doing 500 meter shots with a iron sighted weapon is total bull****, especially when they hit the first few times they shoot.good shooting? i think not.unless some of these people have 21 inch moniters or play this game on their big screen tv, theres just no way.
I have a 21 inch monitor.

And with the M16a4, it's really really easy.


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
I want a 21 inch monitor! Actually I want anything with 1600x1200 resolution, 32 bit colour depth and < 12ms response time. Unfortunately, that monitor doesn't exist yet. When it does (approx 1 - 2 years), it will be mine!


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
They do, but currently they're stupidly expensive mostly because of low demand (99% of people are content with 1280x1024 TFTs). Please tell me what maps have a clear line of sight for 500m+. They don't exist AFAIK. RtK is around 300m (IIRC), EP is 250m. Moving targets take training, but aren't too difficult (I always have the net stats up so I can check my ping for just such an occasion).

UN, it's not always that simple. Even my Athlon XP 2800+/Radeon 9700 struggles on some maps with VolumetricLighting switched on. It's those two words again: engine limitations.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
CFA said:
as of my opinion, i do think some of these "good" people are using something.people doing 500 meter shots with a iron sighted weapon is total bull****, especially when they hit the first few times they shoot.good shooting? i think not.unless some of these people have 21 inch moniters or play this game on their big screen tv, theres just no way.

:rolleyes: i used to be able to do it with my m9, it is not that hard when you are in practice
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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In onlinegaming there will never be 100% even chances. Even if all the settings are hardcoded (I suggest to buy a console if that's what your looking for)...

What's the reason to improve your ping, get broadband...etc? Having an advantage - or less disadvantage to the others.

Same goes for gaming-mousepad, good mouse, mouse-bugie etc. If you want even conditions the only way is to get people on LAN event with unique machines ... some 'Pro events' do it like this...


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
@ Crowze - I dunno what a Athlon 2800/Radeon 9700 can do, but my PIII 800mhz with 256MB of ram with GeForce 2 GTS does just fine at 1024x768 with everything on (no FSAA and only 2x Aniso). Then again, it's Intel & Nvidia vs your AMD & ATI :p Seriously though, maybe your drivers are old or .ini settings are broken. You shouldn't get under 20 FPS on a normal map. What map causes you to lag?

Also: Can you point me to a website that has a monitor with the specs I posted? I want one! Samsung, LG, Dell, BenQ, ViewSonic, NEC, Apple, none of those guys have one! Who does?
Last edited:


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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UN17 said:
Seriously though, maybe your drivers are old or .ini settings are broken. You shouldn't get under 20 FPS on a normal map. What map causes you to lag?
No. I've played INF over the span of ~3 video cards, 3 processors, and 2 OS's, with the full range of tweaks for everything. Performance over the years just seems to get worse with the more complex maps.

UT. Fucking. Sucks.

If you don't have problems, consider yourself very lucky. I get better performance in most games that have just come out.


Jul 17, 2004
Dont have no time for cheating, mostly because i don't see what the !&*@#()!@#&*(!@ it can be fun for.

i mean... really, what fun can you get when you use them? that just klls all the challenge and stuff

okay, well, i understand that sometimes, when you constantly get wooped, it can get someon in a "i wanna kill everything" mode, but still.... well....



Custom User Title
Dec 3, 2002
CFA - as for prone, I consider proned people dead as soon as they hit their prone button. Even with 400 ping, it's really easy to deal with a proned target (especially with 50+ 40mm :p).


All Hail to the Hypnotoad!
Nov 22, 2004
If i was going to buy a new monitor in the moment, it would be the Dell UltraSharp 2405FPW. In every test and user test i read about it was rated quite good. And it has a very nice price for a 24-inch panel.

I do not cheat and certainly never will!
Coronas are on, too.

I don't think there are many cheaters in Inf. Some people just got no life and play the game all day long. ;) It's no wonder they are good.


The Cult Of Personalities
Apr 23, 2004
that would explain the crazy shots monitor is only 15 inches :p

i thought RtK was much farther than 500 meters.ill have to check that out


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Keep in mind that in INF, you have a 90 degree field of view, something akin to a 28mm camera lens. A real life equivalent of focal length would be about 55mm, give or take.


NT apprentice
Jul 4, 2004
Mountains of Calafornia
How the hell can you use hacks in INF? I've never in my life seen a 3rd party program being used as an unfair advantage in infiltration. Who would care to spend time making hacks in infiltration just to own people. Not only that, It's pointless because people don't care how much you own in inf. If their really was a 3rd party hacker out there, the person should be already banned. The community is too small, everyone knows each other, It is not like CS where you hack, get kicked and join another server and become a new person and hack again. That UTDC thing was only put in servers to make losers feel that they are not being cheated, even though I hear it doesn't work.
Now if inf moved to HL2 I expect all kinds of hacks.

If your a reading this and you are a hacker, get out of here and go place some CS.


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
CRT's emit too much radiation, won't fit on my desk and make my eyes water and give me migranes from the flickering image. They outperform LCD's by a long mile, but the CRT technology is over a half century old and deserves to be laid to rest. OLEDs, LCDs are the future!


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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On my old video card there were times when things went wonky and I could see through walls online. This was a problem with UT. I do remmber at the time I was looking into it there was a way to set my video card to do it at will. No idea how sinceI didn;t really care about that but I know it was possible.

Luckly I never had to reboot to fix the problem just reset the resolution. Thank god my currwent card doesn't do that.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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{GD}SolidSnake said:
How the hell can you use hacks in INF?

Is it a trend of GD to have disbelief that there are aimbots for INF? NTKB had the same theory, and his last post was "OMG THERE REALLY ARE AIMBOTS".

{GD}SolidSnake said:
Who would care to spend time making hacks in infiltration just to own people.

INF is based off UT. UT has plenty of hacks.

{GD}SolidSnake said:
If their really was a 3rd party hacker out there, the person should be already banned. The community is too small, everyone knows each other, It is not like CS where you hack, get kicked and join another server and become a new person and hack again.

They just have to wait 2.3 years.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Derelan said:
Is it a trend of GD to have disbelief that there are aimbots for INF? NTKB had the same theory, and his last post was "OMG THERE REALLY ARE AIMBOTS".

Actually... no. The only persons I have EVER heared saying there are no hooks for INF where NT, and now solidsnake.

So it's hardly a trend (hell! i'm in GD and I started this thread... there must be a reason for that :lol: )

But I do find your comment odd Solid... I wonder how you can even think that such things do not exit, when they exit for every other game ever made...


Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
Naive? He's NT's Apprentice after all :) They probably thought everyone was honest and turned around corners spraying because they were "that good" and not because of wallhacks or 3rd party radar. Sometimes people pull some insane stuff I can't believe they're "that good" too. I take demorecs and most of the time, I find out that they're not "that good", just lucky. A lot.